A book review… “EMPATH by Judy Dyer”
This is going to be a first for me.
This is the first book I will review and post publicly. I don’t know if there is a standard process when reviewing a book so I’ll just write it based on how I think I should write it. I don’t think I am a hardcore book-worm but I do love books. I am not a big fan of reading novels and short-story books. I struggled finishing “The Alchemist” and other novels that we have here at home. Maybe novels are not for me (for now at least).
I do really like books that will give me information that I can use for my everyday life. I love books about self-help and those general knowledge books (e.g encyclopedia, atlas). I have a library of kindle and ebooks about all sorts of self-help, psychology, and other books that I feel like speaks for me. And a stash of hard-cover and paper back books about self-help here at home. Why? you might ask. I am doing my best to save myself. I have stories I can not discuss. Stories that is s surreal that when you hear it, you probably wouldn’t believe me. I once told myself, I can not just let this drown me. I can’t not just let his kill me. I have to do something. I need to understand why I think this way. Why do I feel like the weight of the world is on my shoulder? Why I feel like when people close to me are sad, I automatically feel sorry and sad for them? I need to know why “strange” people are drawn towards me. Why do some people would proactively tell me their deepest darkest secret when I’m having conversations with them most especially when I am not ready to hear it. I want to understand this energy that goes in and out of my body.
Then, along came a book and it opened a whole new world for me.
“EMPATH– A complete guide for developing your gift and finding your sense of self” by Judy Dyer
I got this from Amazon.com for $17.96 for paperback and kindle is $7.95. I have a paperback copy because I’m old and I’m old-fashioned. I still like paperback and hardcover books.
The cover for me is somewhat plain and simple. I wish the colors were more vivid to make it more appealing to the younger generation. I wish they made the background a different color or maybe a different font. I just feel like if you want to sell this book to young-adults, the cover has to pop out, it has to speak to them. When I was in my early 20’s. I like buying books, and to be honest, I buy whichever cover is appealing to me. If I’d be walking around the book store hoping to buy a book, I don’t think I would notice this one. The only reason I found and bought this book in amazon is because I specifically searched for books about empathy. Don’t get me wrong, I love this book and I am glad I found the book, I was just not a fan of the cover. But I love its contents.
When you read the first chapter, it pretty much described what is an empath and how would you know if you are an empath. It helps you understand the definition of this gift that you never knew you have. The second and third chapter will guide you on how to embrace your gift and how to better understand what’s going through your mind. Fourth chapter will introduce you to spiritual hyper-sensitivity. What does this mean? It talks about balance between your physical well-being and psychological well-being. It also has tips on how you can regain calmness amidst the storm that is clouding your mind. Chapter 5 and 6 discusses the downside of being an empath. The pitfalls of being an empath and what can help you keep a healthy mind. 7th chapter discusses empaths at work and how to deal with negativity in your work place. Chapters 8 and 9 discusses how to better manage this gift you never knew you have. It tells you how to better embrace this gift and how you can share your knowledge to other people most especially the younger ones who doesn’t know or doesn’t understand yet what kind of gift they have. It teaches you how to help them grasp the reality of this gift and what can you do to teach them.
In my opinion, this book is small and is concise but is very powerful self-help book. A lot of people doesn’t understand what kind of gift they have but after reading this book, you would realize how powerful your mind is and how powerful it can become. We really haven’t discovered everything that our minds can do. It is a very powerful tool. We have to learn how to properly use it. Misusing it can destroy lives. We have to be very cautious.
We always have to remember…
We become what we think and what we think becomes what we are.