Book Report: Web Diva Wisdom
It was inspired by a cookbook. While that sounds like the surprise ending of one of the greatest episodes of The Twilight Zone ever- "It's a cook book!" the biggest lesson comes on the last page.
Many times I read books to find that one quote that makes it all worthwhile. 'Dear Husband" as he is known on this site could justify buying a cookbook if there is is one recipe that ends up in the repertoire.
It could make you refer back to that book to see if there is something comparable. I haven't seen as much of Lisa Stambaugh on this site. She always had interesting posts on varied topics.
Finding out she wrote a book- it wasn't mentioned in her headline. Thomas Jefferson downplayed his Presidency as "One thing I did in my life". Jimmy Carter did more in the forty-four years after his Presidency than in his four years in The Oval Office.
He turned one hundred this month and voted early. None of which has to do with Web Diva Wisdom. I never liked the books "For Dummies". Except in the Border's Books era when I asked the employees "Do you have Ventriloquism For Dummies?
Think about it. I have not seriously thought about starting a website. The book is written in five parts. Depending on where you are in your journey, it is suggested which Parts are most applicable.
For a book written a while back, the information still applies. Nothing ages worse than technology. Had she said "Bring traffic to your Vine account"- who besides me recalls Vine? It was a thing for six seconds.
This book is comprehensive. It is a valuable resource if you want to start a website, update the one you have or find a new client to work on it. You may not hire the first ones that responds. Lisa mentioned someone did not want to work with her because she had "A bad aura."
She lives in Northern California. It was probably best to throw that one back. It is important to keep your site updated. I stay at a resort years ago. It was a nice experience. They send emails every so often.
For years they suggested I follow them on Google Plus. Really? No one could figure that out and the site fell away. It's the answer to a trivia question at this point.
The true power of LinkedIn is meeting others and finding out they have a history before what was posted. This book is available on which is where I purchased it. It will be referred to on many occasions.
Most books are fine to check out of the library. You read them once and that is enough. The ones that are referred back to repeatedly- those belong on your shelf.