A Book reminds me about my old bad habits
I just read a book written by Amy Morin , “ 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do“, and I would like to share with you how beautiful this book is and how that some of the bad habits in it , I had it in my life, but lucky I have changed long back, and I quit most of those 13 habits. I said most , one is left.
This books remind me that I have made the right changes in my life at the right time; and here are most of the 13 habits that I have get red of before reading this book :
- Waste Time Feeling Sorry for Themselves:
Indeed, I had a business which went for bankruptcy in 2006, I have lost all my saving and at the same time I had a bank loan which I had to pay. I was so broke to the extend that I had to beg one of my friend to lend me for 70 USD so I can survive until the end of the month , and he refused claiming that he had no money.
But, hell no, I never felt bad, I never complain to no body, in fact, I apply Amy’s advises in two things : one that I never felt sorry; and I never look back and not think about the past ( Chap no 10)
I carry out the journey. I had such mental strength from my childhood. My bad used to tell me to never look back and never feel sorry. He told me, just to make sure that I don’t do the same mistake again. This was also covered in the wonderful book by Amy ( Chap # 8).
- Waste Energy on Things They Can't Control.
This bad habit is covered in chapter no 4. I had such a bad habit until only recently, In fact, I start my own therapy, I don’t recommend to do own therapy though, but why I did for my self? Because , I have being practicing not to try to be control freak for more than 4 years ; just recently it starts working and with the help of a mentor; therefore, please approach a specialist to avoid wasting time , if you are a freak control.
This book came at the right, although it was printed few years ago, but, I have just noticed and read it, it help me to reflect more in my journey of change of losing the control of things I don’t control anyhow.
- Fear Taking Calculated Risks.
Exactly, Amy again in here , is on the spot. I had failed in my first business since I didn’t calculate any risk. In fact, I did no planning at all. I don’t pay attention before I start about the fixed cost and if I had enough cash with me to survive even for few months. But, I learned the hard way. And, I am still taking risk of opening new business, but with a calculated risk, and I just proudly open tailoring business few months ago ( Asalah Libas ) .
- Resent Other People's Success.
Lucky enough I had such a good habit for wishing the good things to people since I am child. I was raised to love the good for all. My mother, she was and still a strong believe that we should focus on what we have got and thanks God, and feel gratuity for others. And, Indeed, it helps me a lot, it lets me focus on improving myself. Here, why when people asking me from where I got the time to do all of those achievements at the same time, those accomplishments came, after the grace of God, from the fact that I free my mind to myself and beloved ones.
- Fear Alone Time.
Trust me, that is not me, I put at least 30 minutes a day to reflect on myself. That doesn’t mean that I never do mistakes, but there are not the same mistakes , which I have amazed that Amy again mentioned this related aspect of doing the same mistake in her book in chap no 8 .
- Expect Immediate Results.
Personally, I think to have patient is the main key to be mentally strong. As Amy mentioned in her book, everybody has a level of mental strength and we need to develop and improve it. And, I need to develop this for sure, since I lack a good level of patient. All the feedback that I always seek to get from others , which means that I also cover the tips in chap no 12 from the book, I have realized that I don’t have enough patience. Therefore, for 2020, I need to get rid of such bad habit.
Special thanks to #corona for two things: first , I starts to develop patient since I have more time to reflect with myself and other people’s feedback. In addition, I am reading more books which how I came across this wonderful book.
Thanks Amy, and I advise all to buy the book , specially the online version to save our environment; plus it is cheaper.
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Health information techician at Ministry of Health Oman
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