Book Reading: There is no substitute to it!!
Anil Kumar Rai
Operations | Business Development | P&L| Manufacturing Growth | R&R | Circular Economy | Strategy | HBS | XLRI | Ex-JABIL | Ex-CTDI | Ex-Vantiva | Author | Motivational Speaker
#WoWLife #Book #Reading 7th March 2020
Book Reading is an essential and basic requirement for everyone who wants to live a relevant, peaceful, happy and healthy life. Why?
Each book is written with a unique purpose in mind. Author puts his own experience as well as moderate to extensive level of research on that topic before coming up with a book title and pages inside. This ensures that user will be getting some unique value out of it which may not be available elsewhere easily.
Many of us want to read books but don’t take the next steps of buying it (there is less likely that you will read a book which came to you free of cost). Some people buy it and flip through first/ last few pages and then keep it safely for reading later (did you read it later?). There is a reason why book reading is not working for you. I will give you some tips for making it effectively work.
Tips for selecting right book-
- Book Title
Title of the book is very important as it represents the central theme/ objective for this book. Choose a title that suits your immediate curiosity or learning requirements. Right title will be really motivating and wrong choice can push you far away. Choose wisely and read extensively.
- Content of the Book
Don’t be judgemental quickly. I advise that you read the book thoroughly (specially if you are reading your first book/ new reader). You bought the book because you liked the title and there must be an unique value inside for you. Read on and search for the same. You will surely get it. In case of doubt, write to author and put your query. Author would very happy to help you.
- Size of the book
Size of the book is extremely important for a new reader. Choose a book of small size (approx. 100 pages) or a medium size (up to 200 pages) rather than those big bulky books. This is specially true for new readers. You need to get into habit of reading full book and sometimes reading it full few times to find that unique message. Size matters.
- Language of the book
It is extremely important that you choose the book in your mother tongue for an immersive experience. Don’t try to show off that you are reading an English Language book. If you can’t understand the content, you can’t get the complete message that pushes your interest away. Alternatively an interesting topic in Non native language can help you learn that new language quickly (keep a dictionary handy with you and check the meaning of each difficult word instantly as you read through it).
- Ownership of the book
It’s important that you buy a book. It’s more important if you are the new learner that you pay a price, take/ feel ownership of the book to really be enjoying the fruits of it. Gifted books may lie somewhere in the cupboard and of no use.
- Physical copy Vs E-Reading
We have many options to read a book, it could be physical copy or an e-copy. You have have options to listen a book too (audibles). However there is no alternate to physical copy of a book (my revelation). It provides a great amount of ownership and motivation to the individual and specially true for a new reader.
What is in it for me (WIIFM) is always a question in our mind for doing something new or even for continuity of any activity. Here are some of the advantages of Reading a book-
Advantages of Reading books-
- Silent companion
Books listen to you. Books just be with you and don’t create nuisance. They offer ideas that you can accept or reject without getting hurt. You can read at your pace without any undue pressure (some people fast while some read very slow). Keep a right book with you to experience the difference.
- Learning something new
Every book will give you something new and valuable irrespective of the subject or the author. Author does good amount research and soul search before putting the words on paper. Worst outcome of Reading a book is to learn, what not to write. Go ahead, get a book and start new learning journey today.
- Exercise of Visual & Kinesthetic Senses
You may be aware that we learn and work through the inputs from our five basic senses (Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, Olfactory & Gustatory) where Visual & Auditory play a vital role. Books tickle your visual sense which gets into your long memory cells. Reading a physical copy of book also provides the Kinesthetic input and that compliments very well with visual. Book reading is a sensible (sense + able) exercise.
- Energising Brain chemicals
Our brain cells are energised and feel very happy when they are challenged. They release more of melatonin (melatonin is good for sleep) that create boredom doing any routine work (now you know the reason why you feel boring during the routine work that you do).
- Raising your motivation levels
Every book provides a new information, new concept, new insight that tickles your brain cells to release adrenaline which arouses your energy and motivation level. It creates a new excitement and paved way to read and know more & more.
- You too can be a best selling Author
The right selection of books and few more tips can make you a best selling author as well (yes, that’s right). Being book author helps in many ways. This works as your business card and makes you unique in the crowd. You can sell more, you can earn more, you can enjoy more, you can grow more and you create a legacy for ever (inspire your kids, family, friends, colleagues etc even after your final departure from this Mother Earth.
I feel proud to share that I became an author following above process. I wrote a book in English although my native language is Hindi and studied in Hindi medium.
My book is available online - Wellness Acclimatization
5 年Nice tips for new generation