Book Publishing Basics
As a Book Coach, sometimes giving critique to someone who is new in this industry is both difficult as well as inspirational. Some authors don't receive the criticism with the intent of attempting to inspire. Some authors feel that any and all review of their work in any non-positive response is a direct attack or rejection. This is simply not the case.
As a result, authors buy into the old, "you get something for nothing" approach as they hurriedly upload to (print and online) vanity presses in hopes that their story will be the 1 in 1000's who ascend to the top so that they will be crowned best author. The truth is you do NOT get something for nothing.
Publishing takes work, tears, sweat, and if you're not in it to win it no amount of stubbornness is going to make your work sell. We've been in this business for 15+ years and can tell you that there is no short cut to success. Authors who slow down and make it right, have the most success. We offer a course for new authors that is inexpensive and outlines the entire process at: Udemy.
First publishing process is what we call “SELF PUBLISHED” which is where the author has found a way to upload their work when they have edited it themselves (or often not edited at all) and uploaded Vanity Presses. Often these books are substandard, they lack any credibility and sit on virtual shelves not selling. (Sadly, any credible source in the publishing world views self publishing as a vanity press and thereby dismisses the credentials or credibility of the work.)
Second publishing process is what we call “INDIE PUBLISHING” or “HYBRID PUBLISHING” both the same. Many big 5 houses are charging new authors (who are not celebrities and or public professionals with a following) up to $5,000 to print their books. They edit, they format, cover design and all of it for the author and they obtain most of the rights so the author receives very little royalties if any. Again, they’re banking on the numbers. The “INDIE” aspect of this model is that the author writes, edits by a separate professional editor, purchases illustrations or cover design, uses a professional tool to format and then uploads a credible finished industry standard product. I am a huge advocate for which is a company here in Texas that by minimal membership helps the Indie Author get established in their grass roots community. I believe this model works if you have a LOT of time to manage your social media, and promote through speaking and other personal engagements such as establishing and setting out on your own book signings. I have actually met Indie Authors who have sold a lot of books. (In the industry when authors admit they published by this format, credibility must be earned. It is not a given.)
The third real option is TRADITIONAL PUBLICATION. What this means is that the author does not carry the burden of up front costs for product finalization. The publishing house pays for the ISBN, LOCC numbers, Proof Edits, (not to be confused with copy or developmental edits) Cover Design, Creation, and Incorporates all that into a finished product for the Author. In today’s world that is what is called an “Advance” for new authors. Once that advance cost is repaid by the purchasing public a negotiated royalty pay out is contractually obligated for the publisher and author. A term is applied and conditions are set in writing as a partnership between author and publisher. The publisher will offer an author today minimal marketing such as Press Releases, social media advice etc. This venue is the most successful pathway to author success as most often books are allowed into booksellers where Indie and Self publishing books are not. (When traditionally published credibility is key to how the industry perceives the work.)
EASTON-BOOKS LLC was established to coach authors through the process of creation to publication. Serving as a Traditional Small Press, no credible author who wants to improve their work will be turned away. Through classroom instruction, online webinars, education and continuous support we mentor thousands of authors to achieve their goals.
Author of this article Rebecca Nietert, is a Publisher, National Speaker, Book Coach, Author and Marketing guru. You can find more information through Visit to learn more about her.