A book published by LID Publishing that encouraged me to campaign for mental health.
The first book launch that I attended after joining LID was in the Autumn of 2018, for “Positive Male Mind” written by Dr Shaun Davis and Andrew Kinder.
(Left to right: Shaun Davis, Alec Egan, Andrew Kinder)
I arrived at LID as an informed media professional with wide experience in business publishing. Or so I thought. What I saw and heard that evening shocked me and made me ask myself: What can I do to help? As Shaun and Andrew talked about the book, they presented some striking data: 3 in 4 suicides were male, 1 in 4 adults in the UK either had experienced a mental health issue or knew somebody who had. There was a sense of genuine care, warmth and deep concern coming off the stage that evening.
I made a pledge with myself that whenever possible I would normalise conversations about mental health, whether that be in an one-on-one setting or at a dinner table. As a media professional I saw that as a way for me to start making a difference. And for that, I had a great reference point: Shaun and Andrew’s book. Within a week of starting my new behavior, I realised that I was not alone in having a deficit of knowledge on the subject matter. I was genuinely surprised about how little we knew about mental health.
What also made me pay attention to what Shaun and Andrew had to say was the fact that two large business brands were behind the book project: The Royal Mail Group and Optima Health. It seemed a clear stamp of approval to me.
About six months after the book event, I spoke to my local postman who said that he had read the book. It was then that I realised “Positive Male Mind” was creating an impact on society, making the subject of mental health a reality for people.
As I researched mental health in more depth, I revisited two moments in my own life, during which I was lucky enough to have a guiding, authoritative voice next to me who helped me to think through my problems. I realised not everyone is so lucky to have that kind of guidance and help.
When it comes to the line between being mentally fit and unfit, we often don’t realise how fine and fragile it is. This especially relates to men.
I would like to encourage everyone to take a step forward and start learning about mental health. The chances are that if you have not yet come across it in your own life, you most certainly will later. And, you will want to be prepared, at least to some degree. Knowledge is power.
Thank you, Shaun and Andrew, for making so many people aware of the issues of mental health. Being aware of the issues is the first step to learning more and making conscious choices in your working and family lives.
Dr Shaun Davis is Global Director of Compliance & Sustainability (Safety, Health, Wellbeing, Corporate Security and Regulatory Compliance) at Royal Mail.
Andrew Kinder is Head of Mental Health Services at Optima Health.
"Positive Male Mind" written by Dr Shaun Davis and Andrew Kinder was published by LID Publishing and is available at https://lidpublishing.com/book/positive-male-mind/
"Positive Mental Health" written by Dr Shaun Davis and Andrew Kinder was published by LID Publishing and is available at https://lidpublishing.com/book/positive-mental-health-2/
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