Book Proposal !  Implementing  ideologies to sustain the basis for global peace without disgracing the faith of any humankind

Book Proposal ! Implementing ideologies to sustain the basis for global peace without disgracing the faith of any humankind








????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Guest Editor

Mr. Brian Daniel Harvey, M.Phill


Representing the basic agenda of Earth-Loving Friendly Organization PEACE COUNCIL, RELIGION & ETHIC COUNCIL and SOLIDARITY COUNCIL in one notion to sustain the basis for global peace and harmony.


1.?????Fiction – written in verses account ! To redefine human conscience as we do need to overcome the perils of Radicalization, Racism, Inequity and Corruption that leading the entire human race to an unnatural end.

2.?????Literary innovation; specially designed for academic hubs, to convey the basis for enlightenment by means of entertainment and revelation to sustain the basis for global peace.

(There can be no sustainable development without peace and no peace without sustainable developments)


I Primary:?All people dedicated -

To promote a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to success of UN-SDGs.

To separate the basis of spiritualism and materialism in the short and “go-between” form of literature that defines the spectrum of religious definitions in a single notion, building trust between all cultures, norms and mores.

To serve a common subject to empower the United Nations as a body to aid in formulating a straightforward and direct relationship with the public at the grass roots level through academia hubs, to ensure the safety and morality of our future generation.

II Secondary:? Specially designed as a strong and accessible tool for all people to understand the complex of spiritualism and materialism, that defines the spectrum of religious definitions in a single notion within scientific insight following the history of human being on Earth, to bridge up the gaps between all cultures, norms and mores, without disgracing the faith of any humankind and which can take a worthy place with it as an educational approach to it.


???????????????"A sign of a good leader is not how many followers you have, but how many leaders you create" = Mahatma Gandhi

Presently, it is impossible for an individual organization, Member states and stake holders of United Nation or the institutions developing the religious, political, professional and scientific insights to sustain the basis for global peace and harmony straightaway. Thus we have designed this project to unite the world within an ideology to equalize scientific insights and the definitions of all faiths in one notion according to the need of this contemporary world. Although it appears impossible, in actual fact it is possible through the “go-between” of literature.

There is no doubt that the greatest aspect of literature is that it enthralls our mind and spirit from childhood to the end of our lives. It is a major part of our intellectual heritage, as important as our scientific and professional insight, it influences our inherited system of thoughts and throws into relief our genetic nature. Always literature had been the treasure house of wisdom that guides human conscience towards final home whatever our faith directs us.

Presently conscience of our young generation between 10 to 29 ages is especially vulnerable, being used in all form of violence and is the biggest global challenge that needs a “unanimous conclusion” for the betterment of our future generation. More than that, the gap and difference between our religious teachings are providing the safe ground for the business of racism and fanaticism that exacerbate the basis of war and terrorism according to their own political stances and positions. Thus, the basis of war and terrorism are yet invincible for the world leadership and all the leading religious teachings struggling with the ensign of peace and cultural diversity. Thereafter in these circumstances the world’s money and gun power are not potential enough to combat the thoughts of racism, radicalization and terrorism that conceal their sins behind religious narcissism.


These are authentic facts that cannot be ignored at any cost. In this regard, the world community needs an innovation of intellectual power (literature) to redefine the conscience of our young generation that enthralled in mazes of faith (religious teachings), terrestrial glamour and the lethal aspects of frustration, while developing their professional skills. Presently the novels and literature of great authors from all around the world that recommended for “unabridged school edition” mostly navigates the perception of our new generation to an elusive world, mostly not to advance the cultural solidarity as we do need to build a “fairer world”. No doubt, it represents the great ideologies that related to past and present situation, but without a proper solution that we do need to sustain the basis for peace and solidarity in actual fact. Mostly designed for entertainment or for moral advancement within a limit and also helps the students to develop their communication skills. Here what we propose is an extension of that idea by developing the graces of literature for both entertainment and enlightenment, because today the achievements of professional, political and scientific insight are resurrecting beyond the process of Nature and the graces of humanity and spirituality are descending to a dangerous abyss, and creating the basis for racism, radicalization, intolerance and other humanitarian crisis as obstacles on path to build trust among all cultures, norms and mores, that we do need to advance the cultural diversity to contribute for the success of all sustainable development goals.



§?To expand the definition of “UN-SDG 4.7”?as the basic potential that the world needs to achieve the “UN-SDG 16.a” for the success of all UN-SDGS agenda 2030.


§?To separate the basis of spiritualism and materialism in the short and “go-between” form of literature that defines the spectrum of religious definitions in a single notion, that would redefine the basis for “Moral Education” in a simple way.


§?To reveal the true facts of the crisis of our faiths that empowers various forms of racism and radicalization that create the basis of intolerance and violence, failing the power and the sources of humanity and peace.


§?To prove that all the definitions of all leading world’s religions are based on their contemporary needs, to help human being to evolve under Natural process on basis of humanity, peace and solidarity, not to obtain the narcissus and terrestrial bliss among the rot of massacre.




§?To delineate a new method for the world leadership to approach the world community to transcend inherited and organized thought and faith for the perpetuation of peace and solidarity.


§?To serve a common subject for academia, to enrich the United Nations as a body to aid in formulating a straightforward and direct relationship with the public at the ground level through academic sources.


§?To innovate “new intellectual information” as fiction written in a conversational style in verse form, since at present it is lethal to write in favor or against the institutionalized faiths of readerships divided by several religious and political strictures.

§?To promote the sacred aspects of literature that would emerge with increased potential to combat the evil ideologies that creating basis for humanitarian crisis worldwide. In fact, our money and gun power are not potential enough to combat the thoughts of terrorism, racism and radicalization that conceals their sins behind religious narcissism that enthralled in mazes of terrestrial and political issues.



§?To clarify the roots of faith and the facts of the intricacies of materialism disgracing all believers and atheists alike. Till now, we are only destroying the embodiments of racism, radicalization and terrorism, ignoring its brutal ideology still invincible before the entire world.






Many complicated questions confront the world’s leadership and all leading religious instructors who thirst for a unanimous conclusion for global security in the current predicament of nuclear proliferation within the context of the moral crisis in political ethics and the rise of racism and radicalization.


Presently at the forefront,?the global community is baffled by the means to prevent the global warming and to overcome the perils?of pandemics as COVID 19. on other hand it is developing lethal weapons for mass destruction that would destroy this planet more than our imagination. Furthermore the clashes between ”One World Order” and “New World Order”, climate change, radicalization and terrorism are still invincible or mostly?ignored by the leadership enthralled by their own well-being. Within these circumstances, it is impossible for any institution, organization or government to reach a unanimous conclusion which might sustain the basis for global peace and solidarity.

Before leaping to the solution, let us look forward to some more systemic obstacles on our path to?make this safe for all .

(1) Is our world leadership united and coherent enough to overcome the perils of climate change and?combat the sources of terrorism and war given the rise of scientific insight that continue to design?and manufacture lethal weapons for mass killing (that is, nuclear weapons)?

(No, without global unison beyond the inherited system of thought to implement this Manifesto, it is?impossible to make this planet safe. And we are well aware of the nature of human violent society; its power had always used created common good for its own safety and prosperity. So to overcome this peril we will to look forward for a new basic ideology to unite the global community as proposed)

(2) Do United Nations bureaucracies have enough potential to lead the global community on the path toward peace and propel those in positions of leadership to overcome complicated political issues, humanitarian crises, and religious conflicts?

(The UN bureaucracies are embroiled in the mazes of the premeditated policies that were designed at the time when UN was created. Now it’s the time to strengthen the United Nations as a body to aid in formulating direct relationship with the public at the ground level.)

(3) Are we safe neglecting these global issues that force us to an unnatural end?

(For the safety of all people and this planet, immediately the world intellectual communities will have to pay devout attention to delineate a new method of ELFO, thinking for the world leadership and approach the world community to transcend inherited faith through advancing the culture of peace (following the proposed manifesto) for the success of UN-SDGs by time. In fact, there can be no sustainable without peace and no peace without sustainable development.)

(4) Do we have sufficient and appropriate ideas and resources to combat those masterminds that have converted humankind into "lethal bombs" hostage?

(We should prevent the rise of radicalization and confrontation that converting humankind into lethal bombs hostages. This can be achieved by the development and mass enlightenment of the world population into that fundamental scientific vision based on the 55 Golden words of ELFO, which has been developed even as the "Anti-Nuclear Manifesto".)


Now the world’s greatest leaderships are rapidly developing much expensive lethal weapons that would destroy this planet more than our imaginations. It means, due to lack of trust to the global leadership and its infinity inner confrontation we are nowhere near the ethics to implement any Non-Violence Manifesto that would secure the present and future generation. There is no doubt; presently UN is existing for its Member States, just as a platform for beautiful speeches and empty promises of peace unfulfilled for 75 years. Thus, here our biggest challenge is to unite the people divided by several political and religious ideologies and to build trust among all cultures, norms and mores without disgracing the belief of any community.

In fact, it’s impossible for any traditional religious or political insight to redefine the human conscience for unity accord to the need of our contemporary world. This project is specially designed to expand the teaching of nonviolence representing the 55 GOLDEN words in one notion. As a scientific fundamental public consciousness for the unity of modern humanity in this era of nuclear self-destruction, while representing the root cause of the problems that creating the basis for violence right up from the history of the origin of humankind on this planet.




1.??????The reader will learn how to?obtain the graces of their faith for his or her spiritual bliss and combat the evil ideologies that creating the basis for racism, terrorism and war.


2.??????This creation is an experiment with English literature, creating a shortcut through storytelling to save the time of its readership with new rhythms that enlighten their mind and spirit with scientific insight to encourage their systems of belief and faith.


3.??????This book is designed to help its readership to explore its own inherited thoughts for the spiritual bliss that has determined and defined any world religion.


4.??????The reader can identify the lethal aspects of those perceptions that create the basis for war and terrorism by disgracing the spirituality of his or her own religions to conceal their sins between religious separations for their own beneficence.


5.??????This book appears as fiction to entertain the reader to enlighten him or her from all leading religious definitions in one simple concept.


6.??????Simplification of the definitions of all faiths in a single idea encourages and inspires the readership to perpetuate peace and social diversity by revealing the true facts of religious conflicts throughout the world.





No body of work exists in this vein and in this regard. What we propose is an extension of an ideology to unite the human conscience beyond their inherited system of faiths and political thoughts, without disgracing the belief of any humankind, through academia under UN observation.


Our contribution seeks to convey the basis for enlightenment by means of entertainment and revelation. This work constitutes an experiment with English literature to condense the time for its readership with effective explanation and essential exploration within few words. My governing principle brings science and faith together for the unification of all mankind beyond not only religious boundaries, borders, and differences; but also political views to illuminate the scientific foundations of effective living and to illustrate how positive mindsets and virtues enhance the lives of individuals and, ultimately, the well-being of society.

?Our intention is not only to unify the existence of mankind separated by religious schisms and competitions, but also to promote all the definitions of our faith in a single idea, notion, and concept beyond our inherited systems of thought to promote a dialogue with science that eliminates spirituality. This creation is designed, honestly, for the unification of our existence on the foundations of peace--not for competition, argument, or controversy.


In approaching a spiritual, religious, and historical subject, this book takes a literary form for all theists and atheists. It intends to join science and faith together in one idea to secure the safety and morality of future generations.


Our existence is torn and divided by religious borders and boundaries, whereby a situation is created that shrouds insecurity under the shadow of nuclear weapons and the worst effects of global warming. Spirituality promises the basic potential to evolve and innovate in the guise of philanthropy, which has descended to a dangerous point in a thralldom of scientific achievements. Thus, without highlighting the attributes of mankind in a single notion, it is impossible for science to follow the definitions of faith to provide for our safety.


Creation defines all our religious definitions to fill the intangible gaps between science and theology through a conversation between the existence of God and an embodiment of nature, which appears with “new spiritual information” and reveals the facts of the relation between science (mind) and faith (spirit) throughout the existence of mankind to save us from an unnatural end.




This book is specially designed for all those in global positions of leadership (be they ministers, philosophers, scientists, theologians, and atheists alike) to bring science and faith together in the short and “go-between” form of literature--thereby serving an academic purpose through not only constructing juvenile character development, but also securing the morality and safety of future generations. Only through the potential of literature can we unify the graces of all faiths in one idea in a modern age marred with materialism, sectarian intolerance, and the danger of destructive technology unguided by spiritual wisdom.?


The very fact of our existence appears as dialogues amongst a fictitious God and the embodiments of nature, following both scientific and theological insight according to the history of mankind on this planet. As a "new spiritual information"?to?serve?a?philanthropic catalyst relating to the wider issue of human purpose and ultimate reality, this creation is designed to?define the belief of humanity enthralled in jigsaw puzzles of their own inherited system of thought and genetic nature.




Laura Bailey

Archivist, Bookseller, Historian, Poet, Writer

Robert Sheppard

Author, Poet, Novelist--Author of Spiritus Mundi Novel

Raymond P. Keen

Psychologist (ret.), Published Poet, Author of Love Poems for Cannibals

Michael Curran

Editor at Curran Editing


Senior Teacher of English at Ministry of Education of Tunisia

Paul Kemp

Independent Marketing Director at Youngevity Essential Life Sciences


Bonnie (Gibbs) Roberts

Publisher, Editor, Publicist at Mule on a Ferris Wheel, paperback chapbook poetry collections

Stuart Aken

Author, Great Driffield, E Riding of Yorkshire, United Kingdom, Writing and Editing

Nea Simone

New York Times Bestseller –Entrepreneur, Greater Los Angeles Area, Writing and Editing


§?Format: not specified

§?Word Count: 12,000

§?Page Count: 100






Self-educated independent research scholar (Ethnology &spirituality)

Acting Chief Councilor of the PEACE COUNCIL at- ELFO -

GHA Ambassador of Peace from Harmony/Nonviolence "

Peace Ambassador at Worldwide Peace Organization (

Honors & Awards


Honor date, Sep 2021, issuer =

Founder of "PEACE in EDUCATION" a global initiative to prevent NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION and uproot the basis for radicalization, racism, TERRORISM and war for the success of UN-SDGs by time ! -

His creation reveals the true facts of all the world’s leading religious teachings within scientific insight, following the history of humankind, without disgracing the belief of any humankind and to perpetuate the basis for peace according to the need of this contemporary world. It is specially designed for academia, to fill the intangible gaps between social development and economic development following the basic ideology of the UN – SDG 4.7 as an essential need to achieve the SDG 16.a for the success of SDGs by time..

?He believes that the greatest aspect of literature is that it enthralls our mind and spirit from childhood to the end of our lives. It is a major part of our intellectual heritage, as important as our scientific and professional heritage; it influences our system of thought and throws into relief our genetic nature. It is the treasure house of human wisdom that guides our life toward whatever final home our political or religious belief directs us.





FATHER: A fictitious character created according to our religious depictions of God based on all religious teachings following the science and history of humanity. This character embodies and defines God and the relation to religion and mankind according to the requirements of the contemporary world. He illustrates both science and theology within the context of conversations with nature. The father epitomizes the essence of God following all the leading religious notions in unison. All definitions of God and the sacred incarnations are based on present needs, yet not those confronting the abyss of massacre as evidenced in our current levels of scientific progress. Religion is a subject to be followed on the foundation of humanity, not to become bastardized for terrestrial or political beneficence.


NATURE: This character embodies supernatural power, which appears as a true emblem of motherhood. The symptoms of fatherhood appear as our genetic nature, which always changes its aspect in the enslavement or bondage of desires. However, the existence of any creature is a fruition of the pain and graces of a mother. Whenever we have tried to cross the limit of this natural process, we have created the basis for annihilation. This character lays bare the truth of nature, with the facts that human beings have always ignored their own beneficence and fame, following the breadth and scope of scientific achievements. Today, humanity is rapidly destroying the graces of nature that are essential for our existence on earth. This character appears as the Goddess that represents the fame of motherhood, not based on any mythological theory.


AGILIA: A negative character representing all the worse aspects of our evil deeds that force us to an unnatural end. This character enthralls our mind and spirit in mazes of opulence and thereafter sophisticates the verve of our complacence by disgracing the basis of our belief systems. This character represents all the weak points of mankind that disgrace its foundations. Directly from the origin of human beings, this character had enthralled the mind and the spirit of humanity to evolve beyond the natural process, for the bliss that appears as the basis of sorrow. It is not a mythological character: we can feel its potentials captivating the emotions of humanity anywhere in world.


ANGEL: This character is the emblem of divinity, always representing the potential of truth and belief. It appears everywhere among us, suffering the pain of our evil deeds. Presently, this character is still struggling to save the very essence of humanity, yet ignored by human beings rushing toward an unnatural end.




CHAPTER ONE: The introduction and representation of all the leading characters are based on the concepts of cosmology, faiths, and ethnology. The characters are based on our existence on this planet, approaching mind and spirit to evolve naturally. However, the negative character of Agilia enthralls our mind and spirit in labyrinthine desire for opulence, thus revealing the facts of divinity.


Both the sacred and evil aspects of our existence embodies our thoughts and behavior. Here, their identification is separated. Differences exist about the origin of human beings on earth; theological definitions diverge; and scientific insight rejects all. For the unification of the origin of this planet, our thoughts bringing both science and faith together in a single notion are unified.


CHAPTER TWO: The inevitable effects of sacred and evil deeds are revealed, directly from the origin of our planet, following the theory of the Big Bang. The entire process of nature is based on both the effects of day and night.


CHAPTER THREE: The assumption reinvigorating the embodiment of supernatural power in the guise of nature is rapt in the beautification of this planet with diligence and excellence of peace. Evident is the hypothesis of our prehistoric era, separating the embodiment of good and evil during the natural process of mankind known as evolution.


CHAPTER FOUR: The facts of the origin of human beings on this planet are explored here. According to all our religious points of view, many definitions exist about the origin of human beings, which obviously separate our belief systems. Therefore, to define the basis of all our religions, scientific theories of evolution are explored.


CHAPTER FIVE: The commencement of civilization in the “outskirts” is investigated, separated by the genetic nature of humanity and its natural process. It was the time of the rise of spirituality embodying both the minds and the spirits of human beings, after which the evolution of mind emerged as a science. This separated the basis of spirituality and the genetic nature of the evolution of mankind based on fear and passions for the use of religion as a science. Thus, to save the potential of our revelations, incarnations were essential for humankind in dubiety among the rise of science beyond religious assumptions.


CHAPTER SIX: Conflicts between science and spiritualism have created the basis for massacre, burdened by the desires of mortal humankind seeking opulence and excellence of immortality. Instead of following the attributes from incarnations, within separate belief systems humanity began to use it for their own beneficence. This was the period of the incarnations of Jainism and Buddhism that reinvigorated the potential of revelation based on peace and humanity to approach science for the sake of philanthropy among civilizations in dubiety.


CHAPTER SEVEN: Contemporary incidents are illustrated as mentioned in the sixth chapter. Before the birth of Lord Jesus Christ in the Mid-East, the rise of the mind ruled over spirituality with the intention to emerge as an emblem of God based on terror among the generations suffering in the mazes of religious definitions. Lord Jesus has been incarnated as the sacred luster of spiritualism for the redemption of creatures suffering in puzzles of evil. The sanctification of the majority facing poverty enriched the mind creating Gods. Lord Jesus suffered pain on the cross to save the fame of divinity and reinvigorate the revelations that lead us to a path of peace.


CHAPTER EIGHT: After the death of Lord Jesus Christ, current generations in the Mid-East were frustrated in the thralldom of gods as an emblem of opulence. These generations were evoked by “new sacred spiritual information" that emerged from the potency of forgiveness and humanity to control the spiritual damages creating the basis for massacres. The mindsets of humankind--with the potential of science and premeditated religious theories--have ruled over our current civilization, creating the basis for the Middle Eastern religious conflicts (still disrupting the entire world).


Actually, the religious arguments between "old sacred definitions" and "new sacred information” have been based on the needs of a given period, providing chances for science to eliminate spirituality, which have confused and frustrated that generation. The incarnation of the "last messenger" was to reinvigorate the potential of revelation among mankind with belief disgraced after the fall of spirituality in the minefields of the mind (science), rising as thralls of Agilia. Still, the genetic nature appears more effective than science and faith, creating the basis for annihilation. Though we have gained some "spiritual information" from such realms as Sikhism, the existence of human beings (separated by religious borders and boundaries) are searching for a path to peace under the shadow of nuclear weapons. Is this possible?


CHAPTER NINE: We always used whatever we created for good or evil. In the final analysis, a message for all literate communities, leading religious instructors, atheists, and leaderships in the ministry approaches both science and religion as essential needs of this current period. Are we safe under the shadow of nuclear weapons after ignoring the graces from the worlds of literature that especially designed to bring the definitions of all faiths, within scientific insight, following the history of humankind on Earth?


Here, the fact appears in the dialogues between the father and the embodiment of nature that elucidates the end of our existence on this planet.


At last all information about the ”United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Agenda 2030” can be included to raise awareness about its need making the SDGs a household word.?Thank You.


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