A Book, A Name, A Chicken Soup...

A Book, A Name, A Chicken Soup...

In this context of seclusion, many things have come to my mind. Things that help me to keep my balance, to bring to mind what brings hope. And not only in the context of faith, which is not dissociated from the daily dynamics, and is indispensable not only in times of crisis but from day-to-day life abruptly interrupted, from things that go unnoticed, from the details of life. As you read this article I want to challenge you to reflect on those moments that were once forgotten, but that can help to shed a little light in the dense darkness that surrounds us.

A book that marked our lives that there is no need to struggle to remember the smoothly turned pages, the expression of the passion caused by the descriptive lines that follow, that we voraciously devour word-for-word hoping that each new paragraph will unravel the plot. Between classic and modern, contemporary and postmodern, texts that transport us to another dimension with the magic of transcending and making us feel part, hoping for the positive outcome of the plot that we gradually assimilate, of fantasy and/or real facts that imply us.

A name from the many we hear from cordial introductions that without us realizing it sounds different, from someone who comes to love, from the budding friendship, from someone present in the different nuances of life, from a walk that doesn't have to be solo but shared with names that are no longer just names, with even bigger adjectives. To those with whom we share our history, we build and deconstruct if necessary to revitalize. In my memories a friend who in the ever-present smiled hid his sadness stunted from continuing to be, to exist.

A chicken soup that reminds me of love, care, devotion, roots. Much more than a simple degustation and supply the empty stomach, that mothers with love prepare for their weakened kids, care that goes beyond boundaries and limitations an almost supernatural devotion in guaranteeing the extension of life, of a "Madre-Nuestra" of every day, which is present digitized in our souls, printed with love that is eternal. And from the soup to roots, from our origins, from what is a typical dish represents a local, regional, cultural, maternal and emotional identity.

Memories that are worth remembering, which in this moment of closure minimizes some of the pain of the separation, which can also be minimized with possible virtual encounters that shorten distances, while for others its a just memorable moments that have eternalized. A book, a name and a soup help to remember that even in our darkest hours of life there is still much more to be savored…


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