Book Insights-"Talk Like TED-The 9 Public speaking secrets of World's Top Mind" Authored by Carmine Gallo

Book Insights-"Talk Like TED-The 9 Public speaking secrets of World's Top Mind" Authored by Carmine Gallo

Each Ted talk usually have three part- Emotion; touch the heart, Novel; Teach something new and Memorable; present content in way will never forget.


  • Unleash The Master Within By Passion And Persuasion- When we’re surrounded by people who share a collective passion around a common purpose, anything is possible. Identifying our passion is one step, but we must share it, express it and talk about what motivate us with people around us. And most important link with others who share our passion.?
  • Mastering the Art of Storytelling: Connecting on a Deeper Level- Tell stories to reach people’s heart and minds. Storytelling is ultimate tool for persuasion, brands as well individuals, who tell stories- emotional and genuine stories- connect with their customers and audience in far deeper and more meaningful way than do their competitors. If Ideas are the currency of the twenty first century than stories facilitate the exchanges of the currency. Stories illustrate, illuminate and inspire.?
  • Have A Conversation; Don’t Fake Until You Make It, Fake It Till You Become It- Rather than delivering a massage, all TED speaker has conversion with their audience not directly but indirectly with “authenticity in words”. Authenticity doesn’t happen naturally; An authentic presentation requires hours of work-digging deeper into our soul than we ever have choosing the right words.

  • Teaching Something New: The Power of Novelty- Revealing information that’s completely new to your audience, packaged differently or offer a fresh and novel way to solve an old problem. Its human biological nature that people feel good once they find something new or excited, even old information or knowledge presented in a new package. As mention by Seth Godin “Most of marketing campaign failed because they are delivering either old or new information in the same boring way”.
  • Delivering Jaw-Dropping Moments: Making a Lasting Impact- Bill gates delivered his TED talk in 2009 on Health issue at undeveloped and poor countries and millions death due to malaria. He took one jar filled with few mosquitoes and said, “Not only poor people should experience this” and open jar filled with mosquitoes. This was Jaw-Dropping moment of Gates speak and it act became storm on internet.? Gates speak 18 minutes and this mosquito shtick took up less than 5 percent of his total speaking time, yet people remembered most. This is called “Emotionally Charged Event” persist longer in our memories and are recalled with greater accuracy than neutral memories.
  • Lightening the Atmosphere: The Value of Humor- Over the past century a sense of humor has become a highly prized personality characteristic. Humor lowers defenses and make audience more receptive. It also makes speakers more likable and people are more willing to do business with support someone they like.
  • 18- Minute Presentation Rule- “Cognitive Backlog” too much information, prevents the successful transmission of ideas. Talking too long and audience will find ways to distract themselves from content, because our brain cells need twice as much energy as other cells in our body and long talks and too much information drain energy completely. Long, convoluted and meandering presentations are dull; a sure-fire way to lose audience. The 18-minute rule isn’t simple a food exercise to learn discipline. Remember, constrained presentations require more creativity. In other words, what isn’t there make what is there even stronger!
  • Paint A Mental Picture With Multisensory Experience- Deliver presentations with components that touch more than one of the sense: sight, Sound, touch, taste and smell.? Studies show addition a picture retention of information increase upto 65 percentage. Adding sensory component in presentation win heart of audience.
  • Stay In Your Lane- Be authentic, open and transparent. If you are trying to be something or someone you’re not, you’ll fail to gain the trust of your audience. An impressive speaker believes what he or she is saying. And if a speaker speaks with conviction and have passionate about subject, her audience will be far more forgiving of mistake because they’ll have faith that speaker is telling truth. Don’t copy someone, speak what you really believe. Pearls of wisdom-
  • People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. Don’t think just about what you want people to know, think about how you want them to feel.
  • The power in people is so much stronger than the people in power.
  • Successful people identify their life’s core purpose and relentlessly follow that purpose to become the best representation of themselves that they can become.
  • You time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.
  • Great communicators reach your head and touch your heart. Most people who deliver a presentation forget the “heart” part.
  • Authentic happiness can only come from the long-term cultivation of wisdom, altruism and compassion, and from the complete eradication of mental toxins such as hatred, grasping and ignorance.
  • Don’t fake it till you make it, fake it until you become it.
  • Our body change our mind, our mind can change our behaviour, and our behaviour can change our outcome.

Good job Toastmaster Amit! Well said...


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