This Book Is Different

This Book Is Different

I read a list a couple of weeks ago that said that Americans ranked mass shootings (or as I like to call them "rampage attacks") as number three on the things they feared the most. I learned this after I wrote this book so I am not being opportunistic (or maybe subconsciously I am, but who cares as long as someone is saved by my writing.) I have to say, I was stunned. I mean really? Statistically speaking you won't be killed in one of these attacks, you probably won't know anyone who will be killed in the attack, and I am hoping that none of you will commit one of these atrocities. My publisher called me up and said, "you need to do a book about mass shootings". I thought, "great, there's an uplifting subject—I'll write another book that won't sell." But as I did the research I was hooked, and after nearly two and a half years, I wrote Stop. Don't Shoot: Preparing for and Surviving Mass Shootings and Rampage Attacks

Something most people don't know about me is that I never wanted to be an author. As a child, I didn't dream about writing the Great American Novel. Writing for me was always a dodge—something that came effortlessly to me and a great side hustle. These days I find myself in a rare niché: someone who writes about the things that polite society doesn't want to talk about. I can knock out a book in about two months and I honestly don't understand why other people can't. Are my books any good? Worth the read? They say so, but I estimate that most of my books that get bought get unread.

I get good reviews—except for a British Columbian human equivalent of a paper bag filled with bacon grease, egg shells, and human feces who wrote a bad review because I write at most at an eighth-grade reading level. (Note: as an ex-newspaper reporter I was told to write as simply as possible. If I sound bitter, it's because one LinkedIn contact asked me to send him 15 free books for his 100-member book club. I did and it cost me over $100 ($1,000 Canadian) in postage; it could be a coincidence but it was a con that I won't fall for again.

Most of the books I have written have been about subjects about which I knew a great deal but this book is different. It took me over two years to research it, for starters. And yes I still use my smart-mouth, foul-mouth, jerk style to write it (I explain why in the book). My daughter (a talented professional editor) kept saying "you can't say that" or "it's inappropriate to joke about that!" I would read the passage to my publisher and she would say, "leave it in". Both my publisher and my wife said essentially the same thing: "she is an editor, not a coauthor". I would never co-author a book, although I did share a by-line once with a colleague and it went very well.

So what makes this book different? Well for starters I have two of the smartest and most worldly experts whom I interviewed several times—do you have any idea how hard it is to have a high-ranking law enforcement official go "on the record"? Well, it's harder than a diamond, but I did it. I was fascinated that both agreed that most of what "experts" were telling people was not only hogwash but dangerous as well.

I also wanted a book that would start a conversation—whether that be in a corporate or academic classroom or just between readers. It won't be in a professional session at the ASSE or the NSC because they have effectively blacklisted me from speaking (though they deny this). They like their books nice and sanitized—somber academic texts that support their agendas. Personally, I am tired of that crowd anyway, that may sound like sour grapes but the reality is if you speak at a conference you travel on your own dime, receive no speaking fee, and you are lucky if you get a "gee thanks for spending a couple of grand so people can stand in judgment over you."

So I made this book sort of a hybrid. It's written in a simple conversational style, but I have also written chapter summaries and "thought starters" to facilitate conversations about some very important things. I want this book to stimulate critical thinking not to entertain. I want the unvarnished truth to get under people's skin and gnaw at their subconsciousness like maggots so that maybe, just maybe, we can reduce or even prevent these things from happening.

I hope you will read this book, but even more, I hope you will talk about it with...everyone. Friends, neighbors, coworkers, your company—everyone except the ASSP and the NSC. This isn't a topic we need to talk about, it's a topic we need to scream about. We need to keep screaming about it until we're forced to take action. We cannot let this become just another news article or broadcast.

About The Author:

Phil La Duke is a popular speaker & writer with more than 2,500 works in print. He has contributed to Authority, Buzzfeed, Entrepreneur, Monster, Thrive Global, and many more magazines and is published on all inhabited continents. He is the author of three books and a contributor to one more. His first book is a visceral, no-holds-barred look at worker safety, I Know My Shoes Are Untied! Mind Your Own Business. An Iconoclast’s View of Workers’ Safety. His second book Lone Gunman: Rewriting the Handbook On Workplace Violence Prevention which deals with workplace violence, particularly directed at women, is listed as #16 on Pretty Progressive magazine’s list of 49 books that powerful women study in detail. His third book, Blood In My Pockets Is Blood On Your Hands is a step-by-step guide to getting worker safety right, His latest book Stop. Don’t Shoot! deals with identifying and preventing Mass Shootings, and now is now available on Amazon. If you are from overseas be patient, it takes a little longer to get it into production there and Barnes and Noble will be a bit of a wait as well. The third edition of Lone Gunman: Rewriting the Handbook On Workplace Violence Prevention will follow soon after and Loving An Addict: Collateral Damage Of the Opioid Epidemic is due to be released in 2023. La Duke also contributed a chapter to 1% Safer, a not-for-profit book, written by the “top game-changers and global thought leaders.”

Expertfile lists Phil La Duke as a top 25 thought leader in multiple areas. In addition to his writing, Phil sits on eight Biomedical Research Oversight Boards and is a highly sought-after speaker. La Duke is currently employed as a COVID Compliance and Production Safety Consultant for the film and television industry.

Follow Phil on Twitter @philladuke, and on Facebook at, his author’s page on Amazon,, or read his weekly blog that he updates with the regularity of a turtle with too much rice in its diet.


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