A Book with a Deep Evaluation of the Trump Administration Activities

?In 2022, my book titled "The Main Successes and Failures of the Trump Administration's Foreign and Domestic Policies" was published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing. The book, made up of 12 chapters, evaluated how the Trump administration implemented its domestic and foreign policies, and its impact on the US and abroad. Each of these chapters includes several actions that could be taken to seek fair, balanced, and long-term solutions to the various problems affecting international peace, security, and economic trade caused for the Trump administration. The book also identifies the main achievements and failures of implementing the main domestic and foreign policies and their most important consequences for the US, allies, friends, and adversaries.

????Now that Mr. Donald Trump is threatening to return to politics and run as a possible candidate for the Republican Party in the 2024 presidential elections, despite all the political and legal problems he faces due to his disastrous administration, it could be very convenient to take into account the main problems caused by its policies, the political, economic and military tensions it maintained with a group of allies, friends, or adversaries, its main failures and the possible solutions to the problems that are still affecting the world.

????Chapter 1 provides the reader with an overview of the type of foreign policy that has characterized the US since the adoption of its Constitution in 1787. All US presidents adopt two types of foreign policy: isolationism or interventionism and bilateralism or multilateralism. During his term in office, former President Trump's foreign policy tilted toward a bilateral approach to resolving world issues. Its main goal was to impose the US interests above all in all world affairs, and this approach is the appropriate one to achieve its goals. Chapter 1 also includes a detailed analysis of the US economic situation before and after World War II, the Korean and Cold War, the Reaganomics period, and a summary of the main elements of former President Trump's political agenda.

????Chapter 2 includes an analysis of the implementation of former President Trump's economic policies and how they impacted the overall US economy, the level of the Gross Domestic Product in the country, and the development of the US manufacturing sector. Chapter 2 also discusses the level of unemployment in the US, particularly the level registered during the coronavirus pandemic, which affected the US and the entire world in 2020. In the specific case of the US, the coronavirus pandemic hit the economy very hard. Fortunately, the unemployment level began to recede in 2021, and by the late summer of 2021, the national unemployment rate was 5,2%, inching closer to the 2019 unemployment rate of 3,5%, which was the lowest since 2019.

????Beyond question, the coronavirus pandemic also had a negative impact on the level of inflation in the US economy in 2020. In that year, before the coronavirus pandemic, the inflation level was expected to be between 1,6% and 2%. It averaged 1,2% in 2020. It is expected to reach 1,8% in 2021, according to the most recent forecast released at the Federal Open Market Committee meeting held on June 19, 2019. However, the average rose to 4,7% in 2021. The slowdown registered in the level of inflation in 2019 and 2020 is a side effect of the US's trade war with other countries, particularly against China, a key component of former President Trump's economic policies.

?????Chapter 3 provides the reader with all the necessary information regarding the evolution since 1956 of the DPRK nuclear weapon program and describes its main components. One of the most important sections of Chapter 3 discusses the future direction of the DPRK's nuclear weapons program and the main measures that should be adopted, which could help find a lasting and fair diplomatic solution to the conflict in the Korean Peninsula.

????Chapter 4 provides the reader with the latest information related to the main components of the nuclear program in Iran, the relevant elements of the JCPOA, and the unique characteristics of the verification system applied by the IAEA under this agreement. Chapter 4 will also provide the reader with a comprehensive analysis of the JCPOA. It includes relevant information that could help the reader conclude whether the Iran agreement accomplished its intended goal of preventing Iran from developing a nuclear weapon. Based on the information included in this chapter, the reader will have the opportunity to conclude whether the Iran agreement is the correct instrument to impede Iran from producing a nuclear weapon in a short period or not. The reader will also determine if the international community has alternatives other than the JCPOA to reach the same objective.

????Chapter 4 describes the conditions for the US return to the Iranian agreement and the position adopted by Iran and other state parties of the JCPOA on this issue. Two relevant issues included in Chapter 4 are the consequences of the US unilateral withdrawal from the JCPOA to the Middle East peace and security process and the re-imposing of unilateral sanctions against Iran adopted by the US. Chapter 4 also includes a group of proposals on possible actions that could be adopted to keep the JCPOA alive, bearing in mind the interests of all parties involved.

????In 2019, the US economy experienced a slowdown caused partially by the US trade wars with other countries, particularly against China, a key component of former President Trump's economic policies. Chapter 5 provides the reader with the latest information about the possible consequences to the world economy resulting from the US trade wars against China, Mexico, Canada, and the European Union, among others. Chapter 5 also includes a group of actions that could be implemented to stop the current US trade wars against the countries mentioned above, as well as against several other countries as well.

????As a result of former President Trump's isolationist position in foreign policy, he withdrew the US from several international agreements and several international organizations. Chapter 6 summarizes the US main arguments used to justify withdrawing from several multilateral agreements and international organizations, as well as from bilateral agreements on arms control with Russia. Chapter 6 also identifies how these actions impacted the international community in search of acceptable solutions to the world's different problems.

????Chapter 7 discusses the Trump administration's position on energy policy in the following three types of energy sources: conventional energy, particularly coal and oil for electricity generation and heating, renewable energy, and nuclear power. Despite former President Trump's measures to increase the role of coal in the US energy mix in the coming years, the coal era is officially over in the US. For this reason, the participation of coal in the US energy mix is expected to decline in the coming years. Chapter 7 also includes the latest information regarding the so-called "Cold Energy War" between the US and China to control critical minerals and materials in the world market, such as lithium, cobalt, graphite, and rare earth elements, among others. These rare minerals and materials are used mainly to construct different types of energy facilities.

????Chapter 8 identifies the main components of the Trump administration's immigration policy and their consequences for the US economy and the political relationships with other countries. Two elements of former President Trump's immigration policy are singled out in this chapter. One of the policies was constructing a wall on the border with Mexico. The second policy was the increased visas and green card requirements, which future immigrants had to satisfy before they were allowed to enter the country legally, and establishing an immigration quota in some countries. This policy was designated to reduce the entry of new immigrants to live and work in the US by limiting the number of immigrants allowed to enter from certain countries.

????Chapter 9 discusses the latest information surrounding the US nuclear weapons program, its modernization, and the Trump administration's non-proliferation policy. Chapter 9 also contains information about the US nuclear weapons arsenal and identifies the pros and cons related to the possession of nuclear weapons. One of the issues discussed in this chapter is the modernization of the US nuclear forces in a clear violation of the country's commitments and obligations as a state party to the NPT.

????At the same time that the US promoted international sanctions against any country that tried to produce a nuclear weapon, even if such country was under no obligation not to do so, former President Trump promoted the modernization of all US nuclear forces. The Trump administration also considered the possibility of producing low-yield nuclear weapons that can be used in regional or local conflicts. This chapter also discusses the possible resumption of nuclear tests in a clear violation of its obligations as a PTBT state party and signatory of the CTBT.

????Chapter 9 also includes information about how the US administration tried to implement its own traditional nuclear non-proliferation policy by keeping new states from producing nuclear weapons while the US kept modernizing its own nuclear arsenal. Undoubtedly, the modernization of the US nuclear arsenal might become a key element to the beginning of a new and dangerous nuclear arms race that will involve at least two other countries: Russia and China. The possibility of producing a low-yield nuclear weapon that could be used in a regional or local conflict involving US armed forces was also a very dangerous move by the Trump administration. This move could provoke a response from Russia, China, and other countries as well. Chapter 9 also provides the reader with a brief analysis of the Trump administration and the 2018 Nuclear Posture Review. This chapter also includes a section that identifies a group of measures that should be adopted to ensure the elimination of all nuclear weapons in possession of all nuclear weapons states.

????Chapter 10 includes a summary of former President Trump's impeachment process and subsequent outcome, including a brief analysis of former President Trump's followers' assault on the US Congress.

????Chapter 11 summarizes former President Trump's domestic and foreign policies' main successes and failures and their consequences to the US, allies, friends, and adversaries.

????Chapter 12 summarizes the main issues discussed in the different chapters of the book.


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