The Book of Daniel & Corporate America...(Part 1?)
Can you guess what the first chapter of Daniel taught me about Corporate America?
The reality is that many believers can struggle in Corporate America where often time the priority is on achievement, productivity, and self-actualization. As I was reading the 1st chapter of Daniel, I reflected on how Daniel's journey to Babylon can mirror our journey as believers entering Corporate America and can provide practical and actionable wisdom on how to navigate the system as a believer.
The Book of Daniel begins by telling the story of Daniel's transition from Jerusalem to Babylon. Daniel and the Israelites were entering into a new culture and system that determined life and "success." As an Israelite of nobility and/or royal lineage, Daniel was selected for a 3 year specialized training program of sorts with the goal of being apart of the King's Service. [Daniel 1:1-7] So think like the prestigious internship/rotational program of the biblical times ??
While I encourage you to read the full chapter yourself (it is a very quick read - 5 mins or less), here is some of the practical wisdom I gained that we can apply to our lives in corporate:
"But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine,..." - Daniel 1:8
At the start of the 3 years, Daniel made up his mind to keep his convictions. If I can speculate for a moment, I can imagine this was not an easy decision. I am sure the food looked and smelled good. It was probably more enticing and better than the corporate catering that we get excited for. However, Daniel was aware of his greater purpose as a representative of God, made up his mind to not follow the crowd but to set boundaries that honored God and protected his self. This may look like blocking off 30 minutes of your calendar to pray or not opening your laptop before your quiet time with God.
2. Don't Be Afraid to ASK
"...and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way." - Daniel 1:8
I am definitely guilty of psyching myself out of not asking leaders for what I need or want simply because of fear and thinking they will say no before asking. But Daniel in all boldness asked a CHIEF official to make an exception that was likely never granted before. And when He wasn't met immediately with a "Yes, of Course" Daniel got creative and asked him to a pilot his idea. Many times I have found that Leaders and Coworkers want to support but need insight on what support would look like for you. Ask for what your need and be willing to think through creative ways to get that need met!
3. Go to God for advice on Leaders and your Learning:
"Now God had caused the official to show favor and compassion to Daniel," -Daniel 1:9
"To these four young men God gave knowledge and understanding of all kinds of literature and learning." - Daniel. 1:17.
This biblical story demonstrates God's power to change hearts and minds, both ours and others. It was God working on the heart of the chief official that softened his heart to make an exception. It was God who gave Daniel, and his 3 friends the ability to learn and understand more than everyone else. In corporate america culture, it is easy to fall into the mindset that it is our intelligence and networks that unlock opportunities and achievement. While we definitely play a role it is God who is orchestrating it all.
I challenge you to reflect on these questions:
Let's pray about it:?
God, we thank you for all that you are and all that you call us to be. Help us to be the light in our companies and to be great ambassadors for your kingdom wherever we are! Father we ask for the wisdom to set boundaries that will honor you. Give us the boldness we need to ask for the support or approval needed to maintain those boundaries. Lord help us to rely on your wisdom and guidance as we navigate interactions with our coworkers, leaders, and clients. Father we will look to you for knowledge and understanding on our work. We will give you the glory in all that we do and achieve. Jesus’ name we pray! AMEN
Key Takeaways:
Remember, Just like Daniel, even though you may be in a new culture or structure that does not mean?
I think often times we allow fear to tell us that being different will hinder our success, but we can look at Daniel’s story as encouragement. In the end Daniel’s decisions to honor God set him apart in the best ways. [Daniel 1:18-20]
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Let me know if this was helpful or if there are any other elements of wisdom you took away from the book of Daniel that you will apply to your career! I learned a lot from Daniel Chapter 2 as well… should I do a part 2?