Book: Au Rainforest Seeds (2020) - A Guide to Collecting, Processing and Propagation. Only 33 spp. with storable seeds :

Regarding this book:

Dunphy, Mark, Steve McAlpin, Paul Nelson, Michelle Chapman; photographs: Hugh Nicholson (2020)

Australian Rainforest Seeds - A Guide to Collecting, Processing and Propagation.


*Actually expressly covers NE NSW and SE. Qld species not evenly covering Au wide rainforest species seeds, for example missing most species from NE Qld.

Experiences from NE NSW of species with seeds which this book says can stay viable in long term storage in NE. NSW conditions, eg. 6—12—24—36 months, etc.:

Regarding all of the rest of this book’s 300 species, it says to grow seedlings and store them as seedlings in a nutrient poor seed raising potting mix to keep them slow growing and small, until needed then fertilise them and water them more: (At this ## many months storage in NE NSW experiences):

  1. Acacia disparrima (12+)
  2. Acacia melanoxylon (12+)
  3. Acronychia imperforata (12+)
  4. Acronychia littoralis (6+)
  5. Alphitonia excelsa (12+)
  6. Alphitonia petriei (12+)
  7. Araucaria cunninghamii (12+)
  8. Banksia integrifolia (6+)
  9. Brachychiton acerifolius (24+)
  10. Brachychiton bidwillii (24+)
  11. Brachychiton discolor (12+)
  12. Castanospermum australe (in dry container for 24+)
  13. Commersonia bartramia (24+)
  14. Doryanthes palmeri (dry seeds in the refrigerator for 12+)
  15. Flindersia australis (dry seeds in a glass jar in the refrigerator for 24+)
  16. Flindersia bennettiana (dry seeds in a glass jar in the refrigerator for 12+)
  17. Grevillea robusta (dry seeds for 6+ but loses viability)
  18. Hymenosporum flavum (dry seeds in a sealed container in the refrigerator for 24+)
  19. Karrabina benthamiana (dry seeds in a sealed container in the refrigerator for 12+)
  20. Lomandra hystrix (seeds can be dry stored in a sealed container for 12+)
  21. Lomandra longifolia (seeds can be dry stored in a sealed container for 12+)
  22. Lomandra spicata (seeds can be dry stored in a sealed container for 12+)
  23. Lophostemon confertus (seeds can be dry stored in a jar for 36+)
  24. Macaranga tanarius (seeds can be dry stored for 12+)
  25. Pipturus argenteus (dried seeds can be jar stored in the refrigerator for 12+)
  26. Planchonella australis (dried seeds will store in the refrigerator for 12+)
  27. Polyscias elegans (seeds can be dry stored for 12+)
  28. Polyscias murrayi (seeds can be dry stored for 12+)
  29. Rhodosphaera rhodanthema (seeds can be stored in an open container for 12+)
  30. Siphonodon australis (seeds can be dry stored for 12+)
  31. Stenocarpus sinuatus (seeds can be stored dry for up to 6.)
  32. Toona ciliata (seeds can be dry stored for 24+)
  33. Tristaniopsis laurina (seeds can be dry stored at room temperature for 24+)

Out of the 300 spp. in this book, only 33 spp. can stay viable in long term storage in NE. NSW conditions, eg. 6—12—24—36 months, etc. .

Again the rest, 267 spp. should get sown and germinated into seedlings and stored as seedlings en masse in seedling trays containing low nutrient seed raising potting mix to keep them slow growing and small until needed,

then fertilise them up, water them up and pot them up to grow them up individually in separate pots readying them for planting.


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