Book Acknowledgments: Who’s in Your Village? … Who Are You Going to Thank?
Dr Judith Briles
Publishing Consultant & Book Marketing Expert-Author Advocate-Speaker-known as The Book Shepherd-Founder of Authors' Hall of Fame-Podcast Host-Author of 47 books & Publishing How-to Books
Who’s in Your Book Creation Village? … Who Are You Going to Thank?
Everyone … That’s Who!
One of the last items on the book publishing “to do” list is to create the Acknowledgment Page … the Thank Yous to the team that assisted you in creating your baby. These are the people who got you here … don’t ignore them. Think in the narrative … let your readers know what your team did to get your book birthed. And check your spelling. If you are writing for an American audience, Acknowledgment is spelled without the “e” after the “g” … if an English or Canadian/British use the “e”.
Let’s start with the obvious:Let’s start with the obvious:
An Acknowledgment Page is not a Dedication Page—those are usually short, minimal words and don’t include an entire village. Acknowledgments are different.
Many authors start with their family and friends, and forget the designers, consultants, printers and anyone who was a massive encourage in getting their book done. Don’t.
Family: Parents, kids, siblings, aunts, uncles. Family. They are a tremendous part—from giving you “time away” to create and finish your book—to do errands for you so you can stay focused—assisting with research—bringing food—even the pets can get into the picture.
Friends: Part of the cheerleading team, Friends are as critical as Family members. Friends assist in doing reality checks—sometimes Family members may be too nice—Mom is less likely to say that what she is reading is garbage. Friends are a bit more blunt.
Editors: ID the ones that helped you make your words sing—you may have more than one. Let your readers know what she or he did—editors are often invisible in the process, and or so critical to your book’s success.
Assistants and Researchers: Did you have interns doing work or anyone that tracked down info or items for you? Did you use the library? Was a librarian helpful? Who else? Interviewees: Sometimes they are ID’d in your book; others, the name and place are changed. You may do a “blanket” thank you or you can ID—space and circumstance will dictate which way you go.? But, do acknowledge that they were part of your book.
Interviewees: Sometimes they are ID’d in your book; others, the name and place are changed. You may do a “blanket” thank you or you can ID—space and circumstance will dictate which way you go.? But, do acknowledge that they were part of your book.
Graphic and Interior Designers: Here’s to those who create what’s between the covers. Their work is critical for visual sellability of your book, not to mention creating a book that can compete with anyone … a book that does not look “self” published.
Cover Designer: Sometimes the Interior and Cover Designer is one in the same; sometimes not. The cover is all about getting the buyer’s attention—“pick me up”—then creating the back cover that really stands as the key marketing piece.
Illustrators/Photographers: If you have photos or any type of art work, make sure you thank them. It’s more common than not—photos and other art arrive in not top quality and low resolution. Your Illustrator and Photographers become your ally in fixing them up!
Mentors: ?Who are your role models, heroes and mentors who took you under their wing? Kudos to them for teaching you the ropes before you got tied up in them. Big thanks go here.
Readers: It’s common to have friends and professionals read your book—bravo to them…and thank them.
Endorsers: If you were able to get them—fabulous. Now thank them again.
Book Publishing and Writing Coaches: If you used Book Shepherd, Book Coach, Writing Coach or Publishing Coach, say so and tell what they did and how they worked with you.
Publisher: If you used a publisher, make sure you ID all the players that you interfaced with on the publisher’s team and what they did.
Foreword or Introduction Writers: Some books have a Foreword and/or Introduction (and please, spell it Foreword … not Forward). Sometimes they are written by the Author, many times by someone with a “name.” Thank them—their name just may be why your book is bought or picked up.
Who Else?: Do you have a writing group that you relied on? What about a co-author … all this belongs here.? Even the UPS, FedEx, mail person just might have earned a kudo or two.
Yes, it does take a village to create a book. Many book buyers read the Acknowledgment page to see who was on your team. I know that I do. Who knows … you just might find the “publishing pro” that you’ve been looking for to assist you in your next book. Share the good news.
Last thoughts … where to place it? My recommendation is in the back matter.
Dr. Judith Briles?is a book publishing expert and coach. Often, she must roll up her writing sleeves and become a Book Doctor, juicing up storylines and author words. She empowers authors and works directly with authors who want to be seriously successful and has been writing about and conducting workshops on publishing since the ’80s. Judith is the author of 45 books and 56 book awards including Author YOU: Creating and Building Your Author and Book Platforms,?Snappy Sassy Salty: Success for Authors and Writers, and?How to Create a Million Dollar Speech. Her personal memoir?When God Says NO-Revealing the YES When Adversity and Loss Are Present is a #1 bestseller on Amazon and her historical fiction debut The Secret Journey and The Secret Hamlet. Collectively, her books have earned over 50 book awards. Judith speaks throughout the year at publishing conferences.?
Throughout the year, she holds?Judith Briles Book Unplugged?in-person and online experiences: Publishing, Speaking, Marketing,?and?Social Media.?All are two-day?intensives?limited to a small group of authors who want to be seriously successful. Join Judith live for the “AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing” podcast on the Toginet Radio Network?HERE . The AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Marketing podcast is ranked in the TOP 10 podcasts for book marketing by Mashable and Feedspot.
Follow?@AuthorUYOUBooks ?and?@MyBookShepherd ?on Twitter and do a “Like” at?AuthorYOU,?and join the Facebook group?Book Publishing with The Book Shepherd. If you want to create a book that has no regrets,?contact her.
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