"Bonnets, Bandoliers & Ballot Papers" - a new women's history digital resource from the National Museum of Ireland
Donna Gilligan
Curator, Museum Archaeologist, Material Culture Historian, & Heritage Educator
I'm delighted to have played a part in the production of "Bonnets, Bandoliers & Ballot Papers" - an important new National Museum of Ireland digital history resource about the women's stories told by the surviving material culture of the national collections. Scéal Heritage Consultancy provided professional research services for the compilation of the resource, and on-camera contributions discussing women's history and the use of print media during the period of the fight for women's right to a national vote.
The resource's virtual tour explores key artefacts from the Museum’s collection which tell the story of women's lives and experiences at the beginning of the 20th Century. The resource is designed for Post-Primary students of History, Politics and Society and CSPE, but can also be enjoyed by all ages. The virtual tour can be viewed on the Museum's website (www.museum.ie), or on Youtube at: https://youtu.be/GXGjZV2S_X8 .