A Bonkers Brainstorm...
By : Rochelle Felson
The Pleiades, also known as the Seven Sisters and Messier 45 – I look in the sky most nights and try and find what I call “My Bee Cluster” (I don’t know why that name came to me… It just did ok)
The Pleiades were minor goddesses in Greek Mythology - Seven Sisters, Daughters of the Titan Atlas and the Oceanid Pleione - Maia, Electra, Taygeta, Celaeno, Alcyone, Asterope, and Merope.
I have always been fascinated by the stars!
Now, between my Mum & Dad, and their brothers & sisters, between them they had 7 girls (now women) …you see where I am going with this…?
Yep, you guessed it, everytime I look upon these stars - The Pleiades - I think of us girls, and I would say in my head “…what will I be, will I be pretty, will I be rich, here’s what she said to me…” (Shout-out to my dear sweet Nan who used to sing this to us as kids, and she still sings Doris Day even now!)
Oh my goodness, I am starting to ramble on like my Mother! (love you Mama!) OK, ok I will get to the point!
Being lucky enough to work in a FIVE STAR Hotel - St. George Hotel Spa & Beach Resort (now a 4* Hotel, it was a 5* Hotel when I worked there) here I gained my Executive Secretarial skills – the old fashioned way may I add – which included too many cupboards of files, printing copious amounts of heavy contracts for signing and faxing on accordingly, floppy disk back up, and burning CD’s for our Sales & Marketing Department was soooo futuristic!
I then got offered a dream opportunity to work on a FIVE STAR Yacht – Ocean Flyer Paphos Sea Cruises... now who would say no to that???
After meeting Pop Stars for many a years in the Bars & Clubs in Cyprus, I decided that it was time for me to move back into the office, and do what I do best… organise!
Joining this FIVE STAR Finance Firm, Holborn Assets LLC, (Shout-out TrustPilot) I believe this has been the best decision I have made yet.
Am I chasing stars? Accidentally, it looks this way, yes!
Am I blowing my own trumpet? – “Hey Louis, Louis, Hey Louis Armstrong, you like the sound of my trumpet?”
Having the opportunity to work for Holborn Assets, has expanded my administrative, organisational, and communicative skills no end. I have even acquired a new love of learning about Finance.
Check out our website for yourself www.holbornassets.com
Whether you believe your future is “Written in the Stars” (Shout-out Tinie Tempah & Eric Turner), or if you believe in the philosophy “It’s my Life” (Shout out Talk Talk, Dr Alban & Bon Jovi), our life can be very unpredictable…
I personally believe in The Chaos Theory / Butterfly Effect, here is a Short Movie to explain this theory, if you have a spare 3 minutes and 33 seconds…
“But what happens if you, or a loved one, is struck by lightning?” my brain started, “Is there such Insurance that covers an Act of God?...” (Shout-out Jake Bugg)
My inquisitive nature compelled me to reach out to Mark Swann LLB (Hons), Chartered MCSI - Senior Partner - Holborn Assets LLC.
After consulting with Mark, I have only recently learned, that if you, or your loved one, were to die being stuck by lightning, THERE IS a Life Insurance Policy that covers such a situation....
Did you know that?
I am sure that Mark Swann may think I am “Bonkers” (Shout-out Dizzee Rascal & Armand Van Helden) but I want you to know Mark, I really appreciate the time you took to reply to my questions.
Thank you for your advice, and thank you for teaching me something new.
Wrapping up this bonkers brainstorm of a “Starry Night’s” walk with my dog on the beach (Shout-out Vincent van Gogh) …
...the need to learn more about the benefits of life insurance are calling, especially as time seems to be accelerating at the speed of light, the older I get!
The greatest lesson that I have learned in life... is that I have a lot to learn!