Boniteta za uporabo slu?benega vozila
Zakon o dohodnini definira boniteto kot ?vsako ugodnost v obliki proizvoda, storitve ali druge ugodnosti v naravi, ki jo delojemalcu ali njegovemu dru?inskemu ?lanu zagotovi delodajalec ali druga oseba v zvezi z zaposlitvijo.?
Najpogosteje pa se sre?ujemo z boniteto za uporabo slu?benega vozila za privatne namene.
Kaj to pomeni za zaposlenega?
Boniteta se zaposlenemu obra?unava samo, ?e uporablja slu?beno vozilo tudi v zasebne namene. Vi?ina bonitete, ki se upo?teva za uporabo slu?benega vozila, zna?a 1,5% nabavne vrednosti vozila, oziroma 1,875% nabavne vrednosti v kolikor podjetje pla?a gorivo za zasebno uporabo vozila. Znesek bonitete se zaposlenemu pri?teje k njegovi dav?ni osnovi.
Prevoz na delo in domov
Ker podjetje s slu?benim vozilom na ta na?in zagotavlja prevoz na delo in domov, posledi?no zaposlenemu ne pripada povra?ilo stro?kov prevoza na in iz dela – a pozor, to velja samo v primeru, ko podjetje pla?uje gorivo za zasebno uporabo vozila. V kolikor goriva ne zagotavlja, zaposlenemu pripada povra?ilo stro?kov prevoza na delo in domov, saj se prevoz smatra kot privatna uporaba.
Koliko kilometrov lahko naredimo v zasebne namene?
Meja pri ?tevilu prevo?enih kilometrov v privatne namene, ki vpliva na vi?ino bonitete, je 500 kilometrov mese?no. V kolikor zaposleni prevozi manj kot 500 kilometrov v zasebne namene, se nabavna vrednost vozila zmanj?a za 50%.
Benefit for using a company car
The Income Tax Act defines a bonus as "any benefit in the form of a product, service or other benefit provided to an employee or a member of the employee's family by an employer or other person in connection with employment."
However, the most commonly benefit is for the use of a company car for private purposes.
What does this mean for the employee?
The bonus only applies if the employee also uses the company car for private purposes. The amount of the bonus taken into account for the use of a company car is 1.5% of the cost of the vehicle, or 1.875% of the cost of the vehicle if the company pays for the fuel for the private use of the vehicle. The amount of the bonus is added to the employee's taxable salary.
As the company provides commuting to and from work, the employee is not entitled to reimbursement of the cost of transport to and from work - but note that this applies only if the company pays for the fuel for the private use of the vehicle. If it does not pay for the fuel, the employee is entitled to reimbursement of the cost of the commute, as the transport is considered as private use.
How many kilometres can be driven for private purposes?
The limit on the number of private kilometres that affects the amount of the bonus is 500 kilometres per month. If the employee drives less than 500 kilometres for private purposes, the purchase value of the vehicle is reduced by 50%.