Vicky Quinn Fraser
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It’s Christmas!! So it’s time for some festive positivity…
Things that make me smile number 4,397: small children who write letters to Radio 4 and Radio 4 editors who write back.
(Here’s how to “do marketing” on an individual level)
Phoebe Hanson, aged 8, was devastated to hear Big Ben would not be BONGING while he was undergoing a life-saving operation – so she wrote to Radio 4 and offered to shout “BONG” while he recovers.
(Aside for non-UK denizens: Big Ben is a mahoosive clock in London that’s been around for quite a while now. He BONGS on the hour, every hour. And his live BONGING is played to announce the news on Radio 4. Cool fact for fact fans: sometimes the news presenters talk over the BONGS because the timing varies depending on atmospheric conditions. Cool, huh?)
Radio 4 PM editor Roger Sawyer wrote this magnificent letter back to her: