Bonding with Parents:
Taraazi International wishes all new parents a Very Happy New Year 2024 with your bundle of joy! Perhaps one of the purest moment of joy is a newborn baby’s bonding and soothing with its parents – specially the mother. This happens from immediately after birth until a few days when the baby gets used to the smell and feel of its surroundings. A deep connection takes place between a baby and its parents during these days and along with the physical proximity and emotional bond grows between them. It is a proven fact that the baby gains confidence from its connection with the mother which remains with it for a lifetime! This is why pediatrics and neonatologists prescribe keeping a baby upon birth next to its mother within half an hour unless it has any life threating medical condition requiring intensive care. This is why many modern hospitals have done away with the typical nursery room in a maternity hospital. For a newborn, attachment to the mother helps in emotional growth, which also affects its development in other areas, such as physical and mental growth. In other words bonding is "falling in love" with your baby. Children gain confidence from having a parent or other adult in their life who love them and this contributes to their balanced emotional growth. You should begin bonding by cradling your baby and gently touching it in different soothing ways. Both you and your partner should take the opportunity to be "skin-to-skin," holding your newborn against your own skin while cradling or feeding. This would bring in a good start to bonding and helping the baby getting used to your smell and the surrounding environment. As for pre-mature babies or those with?certain medical conditions, would need certain types of infant massage which may enhance bonding and help with infant growth and development. For such a baby you must seek advice and guidance from your doctor or attending nurse. However one needs to be careful while massaging babies, as they are not as strong as grown ups. So one needs to be very gentle and soft while massaging. All babies generally love voices & sounds: talking, babbling, singing, and cooing unless it has any hearing impairment. Your baby will probably also love listening to music. You will find many options in the marketplace on soothing musical items for newborns which are other good ways to stimulate your infant's hearing. If your little one is very cranky or fussy, try out singing for it lullabies or nursery rhymes or even reading aloud as you rock your baby gently in its carriage or while cradling. Some babies can be very sensitive to light, touch or sound, and might start crying easily, sleep less than expected or turn their heads away when someone speaks or sings to them. In such case with the baby, you should reduce voice, sound and light levels low to medium.