Bondarchuk for fast bowlers

Bondarchuk for fast bowlers


There is no magic pill or magic exercise to increase bowling performance. It's that simple. However there are some exercises that give you the potential to bowl quicker whilst others develop you as an athlete which indirectly helps you bowl faster, but is in effect simply papering over athletic deficiency or inadequacies. There is only one true exercise that guarantees a positive transfer of training- wait for it, are you ready, yep, bowling itself!! When asked to choose between a barbell, medicine ball or bowling there is only ever one answer. The skill itself. Where and when high volume of bowling occurs is key. Too much bowling will develop a speed barrier and there needs to be a careful intervention process to guarantee this doesn't happen. If it was about repetition of skill then every young bowler in India would bowl 100mph. The work ethic in the subcontinent is incredible. Unfortunately its NOT just about repeating a skill.

There are exercises that will increase the potential to bowl faster, more effective and efficient and they are individual to each bowler. GROUPING THESE EXERCISES BASED ON THEIR POTENTIAL TO TRANSFER is key. The Pacelab Training System and the underlying principle is based on the Bondarchuk classification system. Each group of exercise has a purpose and where they sit in the programme is determined by what the bowler is trying to achieve. Its the best way to organise your training.

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'Anatoliy Pavlovych Bondarchuk? is a retired?Soviet?hammer thrower, who is argubaly regarded as the most accomplished?hammer throw?coach?of all time. He is also a noted as the author of the two-volume book?Transfer of Training, which was translated from Russian to English by?Michael Yessis'


So what does the Pacelab system look like?

Exercise classification

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There are 4 categories (Classification)


‘Exercises that have different movement patterns and different systems [muscular and energy] to fast bowling’. Generally speaking, these exercises are very all-purpose and used whatever sport you would play. The aim is simply to make you a better athlete. I also use it to potentiate more specific exercises due to its maximum activation of the high-threshold motor unit. I seperate into various planes. Saggital, transverse, frontal. Fill in the exercises accordingly. Back extensions , extensive repetitive jumping and mb throws, glut/hip machine abductions and hanging leg raises would sit in this tier


These exercises use the same systems [energy + muscular] to fast bowling but through a different movement pattern. They stimulate the same major groups and physiological systems used in fast bowling. They would include all relevant exercises that are EXPLOSIVE (mainly Strength- speed. Medium weight explosive exercises-40-60% RM) in nature. This tier would include: Push press, Skill-stability- Static/dynamic stage, MB throws, Shock jumps and various intensive jumping methods , TBDL and Incline Bench Press


SDE use the same systems are fast bowling but not identical. They duplicate part of the movement but not the whole movement. The speed and the joint angles are the same as a key part of fast bowling. For example, ‘approach, back foot contact, front foot contact, delivery stride, follow through etc. Exercises in this category would include: Sprinting, Long toss, Skill-stability. Ballistic stage

4. The final exercise classification is the COMPETITIVE EXERCISES (CE)

“Purpose of every resistance programme is to encourage a permanent + positive change to performance. The only true transfer of training exercise is BOWLING itself.

In this classification exercises I separate bowling into;

  • EXERTION (tempo)
  • ACCURACY (Vflex)
  • INTENT (assisted bowl run/gun)
  • LOAD (weighted ball bowling)

Only focus on 2 per Microcycle to avoid neural confusion

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Achieving peak form

How they are all integrated together into the PDSF [Periods of developing sport form]is they key to the success of the system.

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There are 16 different methods of constructing the PDSF. Each with the ultimate aim of reaching PEAK FORM [PF]. What is PF? The term “Sport Form” refers to the best condition of physical, technical, psychological and tactical preparedness of the athlete. This condition occurs at the end of the PDSF. If the PDSF is composed of stages or blocks, peak condition will be realized at the end of the stage or block. The term “Sport Form” was initially used over 50 years ago in Soviet sport theory and practice. In other countries this condition is referred to as “top form”, “best shape”, “best performance” or “peak condition”- @eveltrak

There are certain methods that are used more often than others. Block, stage and complex. These can be seen as the mesocycle in ‘western traditional terminology’. The other methods are variation from these and in modern sport preparation involving sport and power they are heavily used. My ‘GO TO’ as it works perfectly for the 20 weeks off season is the ‘STAGE-VARIATION-COMBINATION’ method.

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When designing shorter phased programmes, I always use a complex approach as it get the bowler into peak conditioning quicker. Less variation, the quicker peak condition is achieved. The key to the whole system is you choose exercises that will help you bowl faster. The general preparation tier can be made up of basic exercise to provide a foundation for structural integrity and support. However ultimately every other tier is aimed at improving bowling performance. Ultimately the competitive and specific developmental exercise are chosen due to the high coefficient correlation. They transfer to performance. The specific and general preparation exercise are inserted to build athleticism and injury prevention. They are there to build athletic robustness.

How do you know it transfers, you have to test everything? I test every session with a speed gun. If the ball velocity isn’t going up, I know the exercises aren’t working.

Layering skill and exercises

The amount of mind-numbing repetitions performed over a session, game, week, season, career leads to a dumbing down of the senses. The CNS is bored of doing the same thing. It's like driving for days on the motorway (freeway) with no other cars. Your mind becomes lazy and bored This is why variability is key to motor learning and creating movement change. Developing a different motor engram.?

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The most effective way of avoiding sensorial adaptation is to keep the CNS guessing by contrasting special strength/grooving, general work or remapping drill with the full skill itself. Contrasting with a GPE would be seen as a potentiating superset to utilise the PAP effect not CNS stimulation.?

??Skill stability stage 3 complex training (Pacelab system)?

??Skill transfer superset?

??Contrast training/ Bulgarian complex / 2nd generation contrast ( Joel Smith)?

??Blending (baseball world)

??Technical layering

??PARTS set up [Dr Bondarchuk]

What method you use as a contrast is based on individual needs. Are they muscle dominant and tend to "muscle" the ball? Are they tendon driven and due to the speed of movement" cheat technique"? All these questions would dictate what "grooving/blending" exercise to use The key is to create chaos, confusion, variability and feel when the full sequence is performed. The shorter the TRANSFER WINDOW the more chance to create a positive transfer. This is why standard "drilling" and repeating a skill and expecting change through REPETITIVE PRACTICE is an archaic, outdated and incorrect method of skill acquisition. Identifying what method and what routine works for each bowler is essential. What works for a hip dominant /tendon drive bowler will not necessarily work for a knee/muscle driven bowler or thrower. It’s also essential that you understand the value of neurotyping. Complex sessions work brilliantly for?type 2 athletes but will fatigue type 1 athletes who would do better with a lesser volume but more intense contrast method. Just another example of knowing your athletes.

Transfer of training

Does your exercise choice transfer to on-field performance? That's the ultimate question. There are two main transfer . Direct or Indirect

A. TRANSFER OF TRAINING. Using exercises that will make a difference to performance. Less of the time fillers. Exercises that other sports/athletes use that maybe specific to them but ultimately have no business being in yours. Because they don't help you, they simply fatigue you!

All training produces potential ability. Most training programmes out there focus on MINIMISING DEFICIENCIES as opposed to MAXIMISING TRANSFER. To achieve greatness and reach your gene ceiling all exercise need to produce DIRECT ABILITY. This can be achieved by either direct or indirect transfer?

The table shows data for a javelin thrower based on Dr B's data. Javelin is 800g remember

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It's important to understand relationship between correlation coefficients and transfer of training?

Bare in mind Cricket ball is 156g so it's less about strength. F=MxA (less mass more acceleration needed). It does demonstrate how the further the throw, higher level/success (faster the delivery/higher proficiency) the less impact, in fact more negative impact heavy strength training has?

Understanding Correlation

The range of values for the correlation coefficient is -1.0 to 1.0. In other words, the values cannot exceed 1.0 or be less than -1.0 whereby a correlation of -1.0 indicates a perfect negative correlation, and a correlation of 1.0 indicates a perfect positive correlation. Anytime the correlation coefficient, denoted as r, is greater than zero, it's a positive relationship. Conversely, anytime the value is less than zero, it's a negative relationship. A value of zero indicates that there is no relationship between the two variables.

Correlation coefficients are used to measure the strength of the relationship between two variables.

Positive correlation is a relationship between two variables in which both variables move in tandem—that is, in the same direction. Negative correlation or inverse correlation is a relationship between two variables whereby they move in opposite directions.

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What exercise in your toll box actually helps your sport skill?

This is ultimately the main question. It’s the question you should start out with.?

Indirect transfer is for example using?@pacelablimited?skill stability paradigm Iso holds on FFC to directly transfer to bracing the front leg on?@1080motion?overload bowl. Most bowlers are unable to block due to a poor management of the F=MA formula. By overloading you can manipulate momentum. This then indirectly transfers to ball velocity due to more effective attractor sites and achieving a specific descriptor. We know having a braced front leg helps you bowl faster

Direct transfer is improving running speed and changing the numbers on?@1080motion?approach speed.?YOU RUN IN FASTER YOU BOWL FASTER. It’s that simple and that’s a direct transfer?


Hopefully this small article has given you and insight into how I design programmes to guarantee a positive transfer of training. It's a programme that's very much system driven where guesswork is negated and bowlers have a starting point based on profiling and then a continued assessment of what's needed to hit peak form when the time is right. No bowler deserves anything less than guaranteed results. There is nothing better than bowling quickly. As coaches lets give them the tools to go out and perform to the best of their natural ability. Ability is nature, coach intervention is nurture and should never be a limiting factor in the development of your bowler. Thats on us as coaches.

Dare to be different.



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