As the Laith Marouf scandal in Ottawa unfolds in all its depravity, Canadians would do well to review the results of a new poll on our attitudes toward matters of race and gender.

For those just back from the moon, Marouf was recently discovered dining out on federal Liberal "anti-racism" consulting contracts, only to be exposed by Quillette journalist Jonathan Kay as a vicious racist himself. The subsequent butt-covering and finger-pointing on Parliament Hill would be the stuff of satire were it not so disturbing. But that's another story.

At issue now is a poll conducted by "the Association for Canadian Studies" (ACS), and the subject of a National Post report August 27. A link to the article appears below. For what it's worth, please read the piece in its entirety for yourselves before returning to my two cents on the matter.

With that out of the way, where to start?

"Jack Jedwab, president and CEO of the ACS, said Canadians need more guidance from academics and policymakers about the language changes, including information on what these terms mean and why it is important to understand their use."

We do, do we? I think most reasonable Canadians of every background have about had it up to here with "guidance from academics and policymakers" when it comes to the tyrannical new protocols of political correctness handed down from on high (see Marouf, above).

"Sharing gender pronouns by identifying whether someone prefers, for example, she/her or they/them pronouns, is meant to help prevent stigmatization and mitigate tensions that could arise from misgendering."

Really? Explain how showily displaying your preferred pronouns "mitigates tensions", as opposed to bringing those very tensions out from the private realm, where they belong, and into the workplace. Especially in view of the very next sentence: "...others feel it may make some people uncomfortable, especially those that (sic) may be questioning what they identify as and are not ready to share."

"Canadians who do add their pronouns to emails and share in meetings think it should be required to do so: 58.8 per cent of those that share said it should be compulsory."

Well, that 58.8 per cent of those Canadians could urgently use a remedial course in the most basic principles of freedom of expression, as their views march them squarely into the realm of "compelled speech". This cudgel is alien to all but the most totalitarian, murderous political systems humanity has ever known.

"In Ontario, the Ontario Human Rights Commission recommended 'racialized person' or 'racialized group' as an alternative... to describe people collectively because these terms express 'race as a social construct rather than a description based on perceived biological traits.'

What do you mean, "perceived" biological traits? What could be more patronizing and condescending - to categorize people based on their supposed victim status as the result of some skin-tone process (the term "racialized" always reminds me of some patented dry-cleaning method) that has been forced on them - or to recognize each person for the biological reality, genuine diversity, beauty and talents they possess as the individual human beings they are? And oops - it seems a majority of members of the visible minority community agree:

"Canadians who identify as Black prefer ‘visible minorities’, with 44.3 per cent saying this term makes the most sense, while 11.3 per cent of Black-identifying respondents said ‘racialized groups’ is best. Similarly, 51.8 per cent who identify as Asian say ‘visible minorities’ is best. Only 3.5 per cent of Asian-identifying respondents say ‘racialized groups’ makes the most sense.”

This reminds me of a comparable struggle underway in the US, regarding the use of the term “Latinx” to describe citizens of Latin-American heritage in a way that (horrors!) doesn’t discriminate by gender. By all accounts this is a label that the community itself overwhelmingly rejects. Fabled Democratic political operative James Carville (“It’s the economy, stupid”) has decried this made-up term as the product of the white liberal faculty lounge, as opposed to any sensibilities held by actual Latino and Latina friends whom he has known his entire life, and who reject it with ridicule. Finally:

“(Polling firm CEO) Jedwab said if adding gender pronouns to email signatures and using ‘racialized group’ instead of ‘visible minorities’ is important, their use needs to be explained more thoroughly to the public.”

That's the answer! Even more hectoring! And important to whom? The ordinary Canadians of all backgrounds and cultures who have tried to make their views known through this poll, or the hopelessly woke, Ivory-Tower-on-the-Rideau elites who gave us Laith Marouf and his poisonous ilk?

?And don't tell me we need another poll.

Marvin Peck

The HeadHunter at retired

2 年

Compelling the use of the pronouns is too draconian for me.I won’t use them in a public setting I will simply use proper nouns like ass….!


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