Bombs sent to Democratic Leadership People May Morph Into a Trump Nightmare

When I try to understand President Donald Trump feeling free to exploit none truths in his daily demonetization of Democrats I conclude that he does not have an appreciation for the Ten Commandments. “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.”

What is bone chilling is many religious white people comprising the Trump base are ignoring God’s word in favor of blind loyalty to him. I now understand how many German people followed Adolph Hitler whilst he perpetrated the genocide of 6 million Jews. They morphed into a political base yearning to hear Hitler’s next beckon and call.

Trump finds himself in a real optics crisis as law enforcement now is in a front-page news effort trying to find the perpetrator or perpetrators who have fallen into his predicament of splitting the nation on colored versus non-colored citizens’ line. Trump has no problem spouting out rhetoric against Democrats and the news media who challenge his tomfoolery. He has attempted now to legalize alternative facts as real ones.

Trump’s biggest worry is that law enforcement loyal to the US Constitution will find Trump loyalists attempted to scare the Non-Trump base away from the 2018 Election Poles offensive. The poor optics by bombers that hoped to exploit scare tactics against Democratic leaders may cause Democrat and Independent electorate to double down against Trump attics and general voters come out in waves. It appears that Trump may find himself facing impeachment and out of office should Democrats win majorities in both the US House of Representatives and the US Senate.


