Bold Marketing Strategies To Increase Your Customer Base
You don’t have to launch a pepperoni-inspired perfume like Domino’s to get people talking about your business, but you can’t afford to play it safe either. Marketing today is about making an impact. Bold strategies spark conversations and create a lasting impression. If your brand just blends into the background, customers will overlook you in favor of those that aren’t afraid to stand out. Taking bold marketing steps also increases awareness, builds brand loyalty, and, most importantly, attracts new customers. The question is, how bold is your brand? Let’s find out.
Set the Stage Before You Go Bold
Before launching any campaign, it’s important to make sure your brand is recognizable, cohesive, and ready for the spotlight. A scattered or inconsistent brand identity won’t stick, no matter how bold your marketing is.
You can always start with a logo and visual identity. That includes your colors, fonts, and style. Once decided upon, a clear brand message that defines what you do in one powerful sentence can act as the central point for all of your assets. Keep your tone and voice consistent throughout. Finally, we always recommend optimizing your website and social presence, because when people look you up, you want them to stay. Now, time to see if you’re bold!
How Bold Is Your Brand? (Self-Assessment)
Think your marketing is bold enough to stand out? Take this quick self-assessment to see where your brand ranks. Give yourself one point for each “yes.”
0-3 points – Playing it safe. It’s time to take some smart risks to stand out!
4-6 points – Growing, but still room to push boundaries and get noticed.
7-9 points – Bold and fearless. Your brand is making waves and getting attention!
If you scored on the lower end, don’t worry. Here are a few ways other brands have thought outside the box to start being bolder. You can do it too.
3 Ways to Start Thinking Outside the Box
If you want to grab attention and get customers talking, it’s time to step outside of the marketing comfort zone. Here’s how.
1. Remember that nothing is set in stone. Marketing trends, customer behavior, and social media algorithms all change. What worked yesterday might not work now, and brands that cling too tightly to “the way things have always been done” end up falling behind.
Example: Remember when Wendy’s flipped the script on social media by getting into roast culture? They went all-in on witty comebacks, engaging directly with customers in a way no other fast-food chain dared to do. The result? A viral Twitter presence that redefined how food (and all) brands should/would/could interact with their customers. Here’s more on the “Wendy’s Twitter Guy.”
Takeaway: Be willing to pivot. If something isn’t working, tweak it. If you see an opportunity to innovate, go for it.
2. Take advantage of fresh perspectives from your colleagues. Your marketing ideas don’t have to come from the same old book. Fresh perspectives lead to the biggest, boldest breakthroughs.
Example: Netflix wasn’t always a streaming giant. Back in the DVD rental era, they had a company-wide innovation culture that encouraged bold ideas from all departments, not just leadership. That’s how they pivoted from mail-in rentals to on-demand streaming before Blockbuster even saw the disruption coming. Check out this 2009 powerpoint from the co-founder. It’s got bold written all over it.
Takeaway: Brainstorm with people outside your marketing department. Ask customer service teams what people are talking about. Bring in new employees for fresh takes. The best ideas come from unexpected places.
3. Don’t be scared to take a risk. This is the definition of bold. Fear is what holds brands back. Being bold means being willing to take a leap, even if there’s a chance it might not work out perfectly.
Example: When IHOP temporarily rebranded as “IHOB” (International House of Burgers), people lost their minds. Was it a gimmick? Yes. Did it work? Absolutely. The stunt created a ton of online buzz, got people talking, and ultimately drove burger sales up (four times more after the campaign). Even though they went back to being IHOP, the impact lasted.
Takeaway: Not every bold move will be a long-term change, but it will get attention. And attention is the first step to gaining new customers.
Bold Marketing Plans For Business
Your brand doesn’t have to create perfume that smells like pizza, but if you want to grow your audience and increase your customer base, you do need to embrace bold, creative marketing strategies that help you stand out.
If you’re ready to take your marketing from forgettable to fearlessly bold, we’ve got your back. Just contact us and our team will get back to you soon! Let’s make your brand one to remember.