Bold Leadership is personal.

Bold Leadership is personal.

BOLD leadership is about leading transformation. And transformation is about creating something new, something that doesn't yet exist. But to create something new, you need to be able to see new possibilities.

The problem is that each of us have a series of filters, you can imagine them like layers of glad wrap around you, that you are probably totally unaware of. Each layer is a set of beliefs that you have acquired over your lifetime about what's true for you and therefore what’s possible. Without you even knowing it, these layers filters out any possibility that doesn't meet or align with your current set of beliefs about what possible. 

So it's so damn difficult to lead transformation without first exploring these layers of beliefs or what is referred to as your mindset. And since its your mind, it is personal. No way around it.

Leadership is about creating something new, otherwise it’s just management. 

Managers manage the status quo and make more of the same happen.

BOLD leadership create something new. 

As a leader, what you see as possible, determines what decisions you make which in turn determines what actions you take. The only thing that limits what you see as possible is your set of beliefs about what's possible. 

If I believe that we live in a world of limited opportunities and that it is someone else's responsibility to create these opportunities for me, then I’m likely to decide that the only way for me to get an opportunity, is to take it from someone else who currently has it or wait for someone to create it for me. 

If the person who has this belief is responsible for setting targets and making the rules about how to grow our economy, its likely the outcome would be pretty similar to what we currently see in South Africa. 

Or if I was a businesswoman and I had this belief, then I would probably conclude that the only way for me to have a business is to take it from someone else who has already created one. I wouldn't see all the other really infinite possibilities there are for me to go out and serve some need. To create something new.

On the other hand, if I believed that I am responsible for creating my own opportunities, then I’m more likely to make the decision to go out and find people who have a need that is not currently being served and create a service or a product to meet their needs. And with this belief the only limit to how many opportunities I can create is how many needs I can discover. 

If this person is responsible for setting targets and making the rules for how to grow our economy, the result would be likely be very different. Our goals and rules for growing our economy would be completely different. 

So our personal and collective beliefs or mindsets about what’s true and therefore what’s possible, massively influences our foundation for setting targets, selecting strategies, making rules and leading processes that ultimately create our world- our economy, our education, our health systems, our urban development ...all of it. Nothing escapes it. 

Without first examining your mindset or set of beliefs, it much more likely to feel like a constant struggle to create the outcome you'd love to see happen. From the same mindset, you'll likely just more of the same, business as usual outcomes. 

We talk about economic transformation, but it is all in vain unless we deeply examine the beliefs that give rise to the current economy and inequality. 

And this is why BOLD leadership is personal. Until you’ve peeled away the layers of your own beliefs and filters, it’s pretty impossible to create something new. Transformation is about creating something new, something that doesn't already exist. But if you lead change with the same mindset that created the thing you’re trying to change, the end result can only ever be more of the same, no matter how hard you try. A recipe for frustration and anxiety? 

So if you ever wondered why my emails are so personal, it's because I am constantly examining my own mindset, peeling away layer by layer that has me see infinite ways of creating new yes, it is personal! And I encourage you to do the same. 

If you'd love to grow your BOLD leadership because you're also committed to seeing Africa thrive then I would love for you to join me on the journey of BOLD leadership

I currently have 4 spaces available. If you’d like to end this decade and start your new one peeling away the layers that keep you trapped in business as usual, then please go over to BOLD leadership and sign up.


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