Be Bold. Be Different. Stand Out.

Josh Kilby is an entrepreneur, salesperson, and now business coach who's helped out anyone and everyone from real estate agents to business owners. He grew up in a small town in Tennessee.

“I moved to Nashville and got a job as a bank teller and that's where I really started to fall in love with sales,” he said. “Sales is just problem-solving.”?

Once he started mastering sales, he started searching for industries outside banking where he could make more money in sales. That’s when he landed on real estate investing. In the first three months in the business, he didn’t make any sales because he didn’t know anyone.?

But not long after, he had a fortuitous meeting in a coffee shop.

“I'll never forget the guy that I met at the coffee shop,” said Josh. “At first he was very standoffish.” But Josh kept talking to him.?

“I just kept on adding value – of not really knowledge, but just showing him the persistence and the work ethic that I was willing to put in. He even said, ‘you know, I see something in you.’ So he started coaching me up, training me, being my mentor. And he's the reason why I flipped my first house.”

“From then on, I've always preached, ‘Be bold, be persistent, be confident, and get around people that are doing much better than you.’ And so that's kind of been my motto,” said Josh.?

As a business coach, he encourages people to be bold, take action, and fail fast. By focusing on the foundational things and moving forward incrementally, Josh believes you can have success.?

“The recipe for cooking up an amazing life in business: the recipe is more. That's it. You need that ingredient of that desire to want more,” said Josh.

“You have to stop looking at it as a job, and I think real estate agents, some aren't, but many are bad about this, they look at it as a job,” he said. “Why just sell real estate so I can get that commission check? So I can pay my bills?”

“I think anything I've ever done, I've looked at it as an art,” said Josh. “So when it's an art, it doesn't feel like work. And I can do it over and over and over and over and over again. Obsession leads to consistency and consistency leads to confidence. And once you're confident you can do anything you set your mind to.”

He also believes that taking your career to the next level happens when you have a clear purpose and when you master the psychology of the business – including mastering the mind.?

Josh says that when you have a clear purpose, you don’t just do what everyone else is doing. Instead, do what you’re passionate and obsessed about. That makes you different. Embrace it. By being different, you’ll stand out. That’s how you create a strong brand.

Josh recommends people “find something that works, double down on it, and do it in a great market and a bad market and a normal market.”

“If you master something, you got to become great,” he said. “You become great at something, you're gonna win no matter what market there is. I don't really put attention on marketing. I put attention on the fact of mastering your craft.”

“The real leveling up comes when you master the psychology of this business,” said Josh. “When you master the mind, that's when your business starts to level up in more ways than money. When you master the mind, you can actually start accomplishing things. That's when you start finding purpose.”?

“I've worked with people that are in their 50s and they find purpose just now,” he said. “And it's because they become a deeper thinker. And so you got to think deeply about your life and your business.”?

“Many entrepreneurs overthink,” said Josh. “When you overthink, you train yourself to talk yourself out of something. Deep thinking goes straight to the root,” said Josh. “Entrepreneurs have to become great decision makers. And when you overthink, what happens is you burn time. You need to shrink time from idea to execution.”

HyperFast Agent

To listen or watch Dan Lesniak’s full conversation with Josh Kilby, check out Episode 407 of the HyperFast Agent podcast.

Click here to listen to the podcast now!


