Boker meuleh, chaverim! (Heb. A super morning to you all, friends!

Before we look at the continuation of this week's "vision," I would like to share with you some additional ideas and thoughts about the upcoming segment in which global peace may be achieved via dialogue, debate, and disquisition among gobal theologians.First, the notion that only one G-d is the sole creator of this world and all creation before any universe even existed, in the present as the universe and this world is still in the midst of creation, and in the future when further creation(s) will continue to occur due to His intervention. The main point to take away from this acknowledgement concerning creation is that the one G-d is the sole Creator and there is no other creator besides Him. Secondly, any vision of global peace is contingent upon the absolute and total acceptance of the one G-d. His names--seventy-two in all--express His Divine Presence and His Kingship as infinite in space, neither contained in nor limited to the cooncept of time, omniscient, omnipotent, and absolute. We human beings are mortals; whereas He is immortal, infinite, eternal and ineffable in every way: not even human imagination is capable of His being in any way whatsoever. Four of His names have great meaning in regard to global peace: The Name or Hashem (the attribute of "mercy"), The Place or HaMakom (the attribute of life-death as a continuum, that is eschatology), Judgment or Elohim (He being the ultimate Judge), and Our L-rd. or Adonai. Thirdly, all of humanity is interconnected: we are all dependent upon one another virtural as one organism in a symbiotic fashion; accordingly, any peace among us must be fashioned with all of us in mind; there cannot be true world peace when only parts of the whole of humankind are involved. Fourthly, You and I--every human being and all of humanity--are kith and kin in addition to part and parcel of His masterplan, which is beyond the ken of any and every human being. Lastly, I--or any other human being--mortals that we are, have been created and continue to be created only and solely for His sake. Truly, we exist for Him and because of Him: we live every moment with His consent alone; moreover, His very existence is solely on account of my--and each and every other human being's--attestation, witness, belief and faith.

So today, Adonai, let us carve out a dialogue of new dimensions and proportions on the dearest of all subjects: peace! Give us strength, wisdom, and guidance for the development of this new path in the form of light illuminating our dialogues based on new insights and perspicaciousness to forge a radically new beginning--a creation in thought, a noologism in concept, a spark of originality beginning at the present--in the now, for life is but a mere aggregation of solitary inspired quasi-whilom. moments.

Week Sixteen:

This week's theological participants hail from Cyprus, New Zealand, The People's Republic of China, Taiwan, Colombia, Panama, Venezuela, Sierra Leone, and South Africa. The topic: How to resolve disputes between religious factions in your country. The focus may be on the role the one G-d plays in your society. If the majority of the residents do not believe in one G-d, how do you plan to being unity and harmony to your society as well as to your dealing with other countries and socieities whose main religion and religious framework is based on monotheism?

Weel Seventeen:

This week's theological participants originate from Bolivia, Paraguay, India, the Congo, Costa Rica, Cambodia, the People's Republic of China, Hungary, Iceland, and Surinam. The main premise: key obstacles to peace in this world are as follows: indifferenced, cynicism, agnosticism, atheism, belief in false idols, and polytheism. How do the people in your country plan on joining a world community whose foundation stone is the proving ground of the three monotheistic religions? If your society does not plan on joining this way of life--this modus vivendi--how do the constituents of your society conceive of a worldunified amongst a diversity of nationalities, cultures, creeds,and religions?

Week Eighteen:

People theologians from South Korea, Ireland, Vietnam, Germany, France, Ukraine, and South Africa would partake in this week's dialogue, debate, and disquisition. How can religion replace politics as the framework and matrix for dealing with highly confrontation disputes in great need of alleviation, remediation, and alleviation in a meaningful resolution of differences among people whose sole mode of confrontation with issues of a national nature is through their own biased, slanted political agenda.

----This segment of the vision will be completed next Monday, February 19, with a daunting peripeteia oppugning the underpinnings of the belief systems differing in kind and approach to life's issues from the three monotheistic religions: Judiasm, Christiany, and Islam.


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