Boiling us gently with AI
Yen Siang Leong
Marketing Strategy & Analytics Lead, Devices & Services and GPay at Google
A few friends have asked me about an appropriate (Gen)AI strategy for their companies. The discussion always circles back to building a business enabled by AI, instead of building a business so AI can be used. While the difference might sound trivial, it can lead on to very different approaches - AI strategy tends to be interpreted as ‘We need to use AI. What can AI do for us?‘; whereas business strategy informed by AI means ‘We need to achieve x business goals. How can AI help?’
Hence, I'm recapping my observations here around why having a business strategy informed by AI is more likely to generate commercial value for businesses and the key elements to unlocking that. It's also a timely discussion as 2024 is hyped up to be the make-or-break year for Gen AI, primarily due to the high cost of integration, especially in the current funding environment, hence the urgency to quickly realize value and prove profitability.
These are some salient questions to ponder over:
I am writing this for people who are not deep in the technical side of AI, but more for those interested in building a business in this field or responsible for improving their operations with AI. Even if you are not building a business in the GenAI field, I hope this can still provide a structure for asking the right questions when evaluating a potential AI partner or investment opportunity.?
tl;dr - GenAI will be another breakthrough technology when we look back 5/10 years from now, but 1 year into the launch, the hype has gotten over actual value. That said, the potential is not maximized yet, and this is actually in line with our previous technological breakthroughs.
Data is still the oil, so your best shot would likely be?
Why fuss over ‘AI’ strategy??
To widen your options, unless your business is based on AI!
Anyone still remember the hype around data strategy, blockchain strategy, cloud strategy… a few years back??
Strategies of different flavors will ebb and flow over time, but the priority is still to drive business growth, with these in support of that overarching objective. The search volume of ‘Business Strategy’ are still ~3x higher than the next one ‘Data Strategy’ and more stable than other strategies (other than the cyclical downs).
While the underlying technology has gained usage, those tend to happen because of bottoms-up needs, not because the management mandated a grand ‘Y strategy’. I have seen a couple of these fizzled out, because of the mismatch in problem and solutions. Solution-based approaches tend to limit the problem space, or worse, fall into ‘confirmation bias’, where it diverts attention to non-critical areas just to integrate the latest Y technology. If these are truly critical, teams are constantly on the lookout for the appropriate solution and so these cases would have organically happened without any strategy mandated.
Take CoVid vaccines as an example (This is a rudimentary one, but something which everyone can understand. I’m involved with something less extreme and feel free to reach out to discuss more).?
Is the current GenAI technology taking over everything we do??
Not quite
While ChatGPT is the fastest app to gain mass adoption, its growth trends have slowed recently and user engagement (hence value gained) has not caught up to the hype. Until recently, there is no compelling/highly valuable commercial use cases yet.?
Here, I’m benchmarking OpenAI to selected workplace use cases, as this is closer to how ChatGPT is actually used. Users’ engagement with ChatGPT is lower than other use cases, even when measured more liberally.
Yes, ChatGPT is new to the game and definitely still has lots of room to grow. Yet, the fastest-growing app in history tend to mask the fact that most people still do not use it often enough, possibly because the value has not come through yet.
Is this all GenAI can do for us?
Is this not-soon-enough value creation expected?
This excitement of getting ahead of actual applications is actually common across previous technology evolution (AI, Internet, Blockchain…) - People are looking for problems to solve with new technology, instead of the other way round. In fact, innovation progresses slowly (outside popular perception and in niche areas where there is a close alignment of product-market fit) then exponentially which may then seem magical to observers.
Human visionaries are great at projecting the eventuality (IF) of an outcome, based on the trajectory of development. But humans are also quite poor at projecting the timing (WHEN) of that outcome. This is true across industries, but in tech, a primary reason is the difference between academic feasibility and large-scale usage. These 2 require very different skills and being expert in one has no bearing on expertise in the other.
There are a lot of examples out there, but just sharing these 2 would surprise a lot of people?
As early as 2011, from the highly-respected MIT technology review, “Now that every technology company in America seems to be selling cloud computing, we decided to find out where it all began.”
This shows that adoption and more importantly, actual value creation of any ground-breaking technology come in fits and starts. The destination is usually clear enough, but not the projected time to get there.
What is unique about Gen AI is that its usage is more accessible than the previous breakthroughs. Make no mistake, the underlying algorithms and building of new models still require massive investment & expertise. But, when it comes to using it and understanding what it can/not do, the opportunity is a lot wider, and the ability required lower than before. Hence, as different people from different backgrounds experiment with this, the possible permutations will grow exponentially. The breadth, depth and velocity of the ecosystem sprouting up around Gen AI will be unprecedented.
Similar to the previous cycles, most will likely fail or fizzle out because the problem is not meaningful enough, the market is not large enough or the technology is not quite there yet. But it's also important to note that it's through these experiments that the models become better over time, learn from how humans interact with the models, and find creative amalgamations.
Do we need to build our own model? Is this the only source of value??
While the development enabling Large Language Models (LLM) is foundational & breakthrough, the access to LLM will likely be a commodity and building LLMs are just inhibitive that only a few players might remain when the dust settles. For example, Open AI costs >$700k daily to operate and the costs scale with usage.
Looking back, most of the commercial value accrue to creative uses & combinations of different technologies, not necessarily to the underlying technology.?
There are countless examples in digital applications too:
As LLMs are inherently general and not built for any specific industry, it will most likely morph into a general platform-like enabler, allowing amazing use cases to be built on top.
The other key takeaway from history is that timing is almost everything. Some of them waited a long time for their moment; some would be derided ‘the deluded team who thought they could bend the world’ if launched a few years earlier. Hence, an important thread in this view is patience and understanding your area thoroughly to be able to build something fit for the problems/use cases and available technology.
What do we need to be able to build on top of LLMs, now or in the future?
The key gaps currently are
An useful example might be eCommerce - we are investing tremendously, and seeing good progress in the infrastructure (warehousing, sorting/picking, medium & long haul shipping) but the gaps are now primarily in the input & output stages.
The path forward for people interested in this will be identifying problems/pain points within your domain, thinking about the ideal state then tinkering with Gen AI to map out the features needed to get there. Then, when the stars align, one will be ready to jump onboard and test things out
Lack of data
Drill for the right data, because data is still the oil - finding & being able to access industry-specific data in the right language is critical, because?
Inaccurate output
Give it time – While the models will improve over time, even with the best data, no model will ever get to 100% accuracy & completeness. Hence, requiring a mindset shift in how we make sense of the world & use information.
While not yet suitable for high stakes environment, e.g. client- or user- facing, existing model results are still hugely valuable to internal use cases, as the stakeholders have a lot more context to interpret the results better and much shorter & personalized feedback loop with the right knowledge holders, hence reducing the consequences of hallucination.
For example, when summarizing my previous article on the market size in SEA, the model made some factually-wrong conclusions and attempted at paraphrasing my hypotheses with the wrong data.
Unfamiliar with uncertainties/ambiguities
Understanding stakeholders & business process - are people ready to embrace uncertainties?
How do we prepare for that?
As usual, feel free to reach out if you would like to talk about anything.
Closing off with an AI-generated adaptation of "Killing him softly with his song"
Processing data with cold ease
Coding the future with no pause
Boiling us gently with AI (x2)
Changing employment with each byte
Boiling us gently with AI
I felt the heat of disruption, fear and doubt in our eyes
I sensed our roles shifted wide, machines marching side by side
I prayed for respite, but the code just pressed on...
Marketing Strategy & Analytics Lead, Devices & Services and GPay at Google
1 年Added quick thoughts on whether Human & AI will be in a cycle of symbiosis: Looking forward to comments!
Marketing Strategy & Analytics Lead, Devices & Services and GPay at Google
1 年Updated the second part on how we can prepare ourselves better, here: