Boiling Frog Story - Come on in, the Water's Fine!
- “Regardless of how much we would like to see a hate group removed, they have rights too and unless they are committing crimes I don’t see how they could legally forced to leave.”
- “Good info Herb but what can be done legally. It appears the law gives them the right to exist”
- What can we do, specifically?
- Don't spread hate
- Appreciate your efforts regarding this issue, but I don't understand what the "offer they can't refuse" is. How do we make them leave or disband?
- Courtney Garland A common sense definition would be a group that inflicts violence on a targeted ethnic group.
- Jim Fram Glad you are taking this on Herb! Most effective way to change this impression of Harrison yet.
- John Michael Hudson Herb Lair not just Harrison but other communities, towns, and cities across the country who have been cursed by similar hate groups. Your work is a textbook of what to do.
- Lot of thumbs up.
- I’m not just baffled by the lack of local response and concern.... I’m SHOCKED!!!!!! And I mean literally “shocked”!!!
- You’ve done “ALL” of the work for the City of Harrison, Boone County, and the State of Arkansas. What am I missing that everyone seems to be OK with 1 hate group growing to 11..... a 1,000% increase?
- What’s OK about the KKK starting off as a hate-group and now being labeled as a “TERRORIST” organization by President Trump and others at the Federal level?
Range of thoughts on white supremacist rights!
Effect when you allow hate groups to define your business and community.
Let's see what rights the Klan have, and how the Federal, state, county, and city leaders are handling those rights(?)! Must be easier to give them a blanket pass on rights, and actions than question them? Locals and media have taken a "hands off", and "don't involve me"; leaving it to other less favorable options to do their job for them - Pass the buck to Black Lives Matter, Hate Trackers, SPLC, Springfield News Leader, etc.
- What about right to claim nonprofit status for online KKK related sales? Right to report state sales tax or not? Might want to check money order (no credit cards to track),and cash tracking of in-store sales. See Addendum #4 American Heritage Committee (online sales of Confederate,Dixie, and KKK items) is accounted for under Knights Party Committee (softer, gentler name for KKK), a nonprofit corporation completely controlled by Tom Robb family. Same items for sale as Branson Dixie Outfitter store? Doubt Dixie Outfitter stores are nonprofit?Also what about Ozark Craft, LLC revoked status under Addendum #6 - also listed under 6. on hate groups - run by Tom Robb son-in-law, Scott Pendergraft. Most likely Knights Party Committee, nonprofit and Branson Dixie Outfitter, LLC have same supplier, and different tax classifications??
- What about the right as a not-for-profit soliciting donations in AR without being registered as a charitable organization under AR state law?OK with that right?
- What about the right to use VK, a Russian clone of Facebook, to post and communicate no matter how racially offensive or provocative your information is, after not being accepted by US companies. Recent action by President Trump recognizing a white supremacist group as a terrorist group shows that the white supremacist community can and will be targeted by law enforcement, particularly if connected with foreign adversaries (China or Russia). Use of Russian platform along with KKK past and current white supremacy activities (Harrison record area hate groups generated by Robb causing city to be named "most racists) will put the Knights Party Committee sooner than later on terrorists list. "A few quick searches on VK reveal groups dedicated to preserving the Aryan race and honoring the legacy of Hitler". “People online are talking about the same kinds of things that use to happen at their rallies, but now they’re doing it completely through the web.” Accepting that right, even implicitly, is not a good reflection on community.
- What about Tom Robb's right to set up an unlimited number of hate groups in Harrison area, as defined by SPLC? "Once they get a toehold people follow them in there,” said Heidi Beirich, director of the Intelligence Project at the Southern Poverty Law Center, referring to the remote, wooded area in Boone County. Something AP news accepted hook,line and sinker.
- Right to put up racists' billboards.The SPLC is regarded as the world expert on monitoring racism, extremism, and hate groups. See Addendum #6
- From that right, what about the ability (right) to create $100 of millions of damages without any recourse? Also put Harrison community and surrounding area high on the list for terrorist stronghold - even when fabricated by one family.
- What about right to use 220 West Stephenson Harrison address as the principal address (and dateline for news releases) for Knights Party Committee (Ku Klux Klan) Addendum #4 Who let than happen? Must be some zoning and hate group laws being passed to avoid their continued presence in cities and counties. Somebody's asleep! Might check Little Rock's new hate crime law and Governor's plan for Statewide law. Immediate action required!
- What about right to promote white supremacy, either until Arkansas passes a hate crime law they have rights even though at the federal level, a crime motivated by bias against race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or disability is considered a hate crime. "When the Negro was under the natural discipline of white authority, white people were safe from the abuse and violence of the Negro, but the Negro was also safe from himself." – Tom Robb Editorial in The Torch, April 1990
- What about Robb's right to condemn others, even to the point of creating hate crimes? According to the Thomas Robb Ministries website, “We believe that the Anglo Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian, and kindred people are THE people of the Bible – God’s separated and anointed Israel.” The statement goes on to declare, “Our people must … resist the call of Satan, which the Bible says will come disguised as light and love … brotherly – interracial love.” Right to condemn and resist has been taken to violence nationally with local Klan support- see VK Facebook for details on lynching and other crimes. Teaching a hatred similar to Hitler and Germany to the Jews.
- What about rights such as freedom of speech, use of US Post Office, and FCC (Internet). "Freedom of speech does not prevent punishing conduct that intimidates, harasses, bullies, or threatens another person, even if words are used. Threatening phone calls, for example, are not constitutionally protected."Check my article on public shaming and consequences.
More in-depth background information and conclusions to follow -- What does it matter? Why now? Harrison's facing another awkward situation when Klan and BLM face off on August 2nd, and again that confrontation will publicize local leadership lack of action. Time to brush up on Klan and BLM rights, so you can pass the buck, again.
Again continued inaction allows the community to be defined by Klan, BLM, AP, SPLC, Wikipedia, YouTube, NPR, and Google! Better known today as opportunities to pass the buck!
Don't let others define you, your business, or your community, define it yourself!
When I began looking at Google search and Wikipedia last August 2019 - searches got following.
The Google search above (not available now, best that I can determine) along with Wikipedia with a similar description has been cleaned up - Now Wikipedia -- "The predominantly white community is noted for its history of racism, which includes two race riots in the early 20th century and an influx of white supremacist activity in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.[7]"
Got some significant changes since August 2019 - removal included - drove out black residents, sundown town, center of white supremacy activity, including national headquarters of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.
May seem subtle, but a great start.
Still work to be done! Impact of Walmart's second store is a bigger story than race riot based on railroad bankruptcy. See Addendum #2 and #3
Addendum #4 Knights Party 220 West Stephenson Harrison, Arkansas address issue must be addressed immediately to avoid losing a year of work!
Same Addendum #4 American Heritage Committee (fictitious name) filing handles all the Klan inventory including Dixie Outfitter clothes and Confederate flags. Same inventory source for Branson store? Profit and sales tax on the surface appear problematic.Profit or nonprofit?
Other questions about not-for-profit soliciting donations in AR without being registered as a charitable organization under AR state law are being raised.
If you see Tom Robb in a TV interview or read his post you get the kinder, gentler version: Facebook Thomas Robb Rising Star
"Regarding the protest and demonstration targeting our church - The Christian Revival Center on August 2nd. I don't have any trouble with people who disagree with me. But I do have issues with people who hate America, hate our history and hate our heroes. I do have trouble with those who topple our monuments, who hate our flag, hate our free market economy and hate our culture which has made America the greatest nation in history. Some how I just don't feel like inviting those people over for a Bar-B-Q. Keep mind - I didn't say I hated those people, but I just can't be friends with someone who wants to tear down this dear republic. I can offer up prayers that God will touch the heart of the wayward and soften the heart of those who want to destroy America."
See Addendum #7 - Again Robb making an appeal to community for help, after throwing the community under the bus numerous times -- Robb: "Many people in Zinc and surrounding area are terrified of what might happen on August 2nd and it is certainly something that should be of concern for all of us. We have no idea what they will do next Sunday. We have had many offers from people stating they are willing to come here and help secure the Center from these invaders. Others have stated they will be on guard throughout Zinc to protect the city. Quinn Foster stated they intend to bring buses of protestors from Little Rock, Ft. Smith, Fayetteville, Kansas City, Springfield, St Louis and even from as far away as Tulsa and Oklahoma City."
OK - If you check several highly reliable sources including the Anti-Defamation League, and VOA - Voice of America - you get a completely different story - Robb working with Russian Facebook clone company is about as anti-American as you can get. Robb "I do have issues with people who hate America, hate our history and hate our heroes."
OK I never noticed the boiling water getting hotter?
ADL is a leading anti-hate organization. Founded in 1913 in response to an escalating climate of anti-Semitism and bigotry, its timeless mission is to protect the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment for all.
For those concerned about KKK rights and spreading hate, click on link above:
Warning- content is offensive!! Portable "N word" Lyncher
VK, which is short for VKontakte, or “in contact,” launched in 2006, and had more than 500 million active registered accounts worldwide by August 2018. The majority of white supremacist profiles found on VK self-identify being from Europe, Russia, or the United States, and the international connections are easy to spot. In just one example, Dominic Bastil, a VK user from the Czech Republic, wishes the Klan a “happy birthday.” Billy Roper, leader of the Arkansas-based white supremacist group Shield Wall Network and frequent Robb and Klan collaborator, responds with his thanks.
See Addendum #1 for continuing relationship between Tom Robb and Billy Roper
VK profiles for American white supremacist leaders
VK’s robust international user-ship has allowed American white supremacists to network with white supremacists abroad. Leaders and members of some of this country’s best-known white supremacist groups are active on the site.
Prominent users include Burt Colucci, leader of the National Socialist Movement, Billy Roper of Shield Wall Network, Michael Hill of League of the South and Thomas Robb of the Knights Party of the Ku Klux Klan.
"This action marks the first time a white supremacist group has been named a “Specially Designated Global Terrorist.” Sales emphasized the significance of this action in a statement: “This is the first time the United States has ever designated white supremacist terrorists, illustrating how seriously this administration takes the threat. We are taking actions no previous administration has taken to counter this threat.”
Indeed, this move is significant as it will make it easier for national security prosecutors at the Department of Justice (DOJ) to bring terrorism-related charges against anyone engaging in financial transactions to people associated with RIM.
It also allows the U.S. to use a powerful counterterrorism tool – international intelligence sharing – to effectively go after the group and its supporters. Now, to gain information, the U.S can, “reach out to foreign partners and trace financial flows, find incriminating statements, and otherwise disrupt plots and move toward prosecution. It can also prevent white supremacist groups from working in coordination across national borders, making them far less effective as a result.”
Furthermore, recognizing a white supremacist group as a terrorist group shows the white supremacist community that it can be targeted by law enforcement if it does not reject violence."
July 8, 2020 update LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — Little Rock became the first city in Arkansas to pass a measure with increased penalties specifically for hate crimes that target people based on their race, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability.
The city’s Board of Directors on Tuesday approved the ordinance that would enforce up to $1,000 in fines for a first offense, depending on the violation. In addition, the penalty includes a sentence of 30 days, 90 days or a year in jail or a combination of fine and imprisonment.
State is currently working on a hate crime law. Probably be passed in their next session. Harrison needs to get ahead of the law, and pass a city measure similar to Little Rock.
Harrison was branded America's most racist town by an UK tabloid, and was accepted by social and mainstream media. Most locals didn't realize the significance and impact on property value. Great for Klan Dixie and Confederate inventory sales. No doubt VK and other foreign platforms were used to promote it.
Excerpt from article above: "Jason Robb, general counsel of the KKK, said that while he personally has not been barred from Facebook or Twitter, he began using VK in the last year or two "as I started seeing others switch over to VK and decided to give it a try." "
"VK is not restrictive at this point and hopefully, it doesn't change," Robb said in an email to VOA.
Note: Russia's free-for-all Facebook clone is the only major social media platform that still welcomes people like him to post pretty much anything they want — no matter how racially offensive or provocative — with relative impunity.
The Russian services, no doubt have a covert backdoor entry for their software developers.There are hackers, such as hate trackers and other hackers who will have access to the Law Firm's data. Russian connection and upcoming election will draw more attention than ever!
Water hits boiling point - never noticed!
Recap - KKK chief counsel, Jason Robb, occupies prime office space in Harrison, owned an auto repair franchise with community assistance, principal in Robb Holdings,LLC , and set up his office as the principal address of the Knights Party (aka KKK) ; while using a Russian Facebook clone platform. Son (and next in line) of Thom Robb, national director of The Knights Party, also known as the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, brother of Nathan Robb, co-owner of Branson Dixie Outfitters. There's a private KKK support network waiting to be identified and eliminated too!
So as a client of Robb Law,or supporter of Tom Robb, how comfortable are you knowing that? What you thought was private is available to hackers.
Addendum #5. Not clear what's included in Robb Holdings other than an unsuccessful Meineke franchise investment. The Branson Dixie Outfitters startup ongoing funding and inventory would be of interests; including seed money and banking relationship for inventory. Biggest concern is the appearance of a cover-up that could affect local community leaders. Really?
Knights Party Application states checks are to be made payable to American Heritage Committee? So important to track how deposits are reported. What bank account? How funds are used?Sales tax collection? Non-profit?
Knights Party Committee Nonprofit? Includes American Heritage Committee - inventory and sales - same items as Branson Dixie Outfitters?
Would be interesting to place an order and track shipping as well as collection of sales tax - should be an ongoing sales tax audit from Arkansas and Missouri?
Note: may be difficult for KKK doing business with credit card companies to hide taxable revenue, and customer names?"We currently are not accepting Credit Cards at this time. We will accept Checks or Money Orders. 1. Place Your order. 2. We will process and package your order. 3. Your order will be ready for shipment and will ship the day we receive your check or money order. God bless."
Is Harrison Post Office used? Doubt it! Other than memberships,etc.
Also IRS tracking profit in a nonprofit company as well?
VKontakte vs. Facebook: From Open White Supremacy To Stealth
February 13, 2020
In March of 2019, Facebook banned white nationalist and white separatist statements from its platform. White supremacism had been forbidden for some time, but last year’s Christchurch massacre seems to have convinced the social network that a more aggresively anti-racist approach was necessary. This ban is not comprehensive, and there are numerous holes in enforcement. This article is about one such hole: the vibrant community of American racists who “hide their power level” just enough to avoid being banned, while subtly pushing their views on friends and family.
These white supremacists are not particularly coy about their tactics. They plot out in the open, on VKontakte (commonly abbreviated as VK), a Facebook-like popular Russian social medial platform that has much looser moderation.
Here’s Kevin Beair, Exalted Cyclops for the Keystone States chapter of the Ku Klux Klan, explaining how “public outreach” for the racist cause can be done on Facebook:
Strategy - how following compares to Robb's Facebook plan
“…get on facebook and post links on small tv stations to soft-right stuff to pull people in our direction…the cool thing about facebook is you can reach people nationwide… nothing stops you from posting on a small town local tv stations facebook page 3,000 miles away… i think i’m the only one who does this… just don’t get carried away and let yourself get banned by calling blacks monkeys like ive done several times.”
My research began well in advance of the coronavirus and Black Lives Matter protests.
I'm very sensitive to discrimination, since I have a daughter with disabilities. Note: "For the first time ever, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission claims of disability discrimination topped race discrimination claims in 2019. And U.S. companies are doing a poor job of addressing disability inclusion, according to a group of human resources professionals."
I'm also sensitive to local leaders who fail to be transparent, and fail to take action.
My interests are strictly as a business owner and a property owner - simply stated a capitalist - as well as representing other private entities. I'm not a government body! I'm not working for any public entities.
My conclusions are critical of all the handling of Harrison on both sides that affects private investments.
Over the past 12 months I've done extensive research on the financial impact of Harrison & its racist image. It's major!!
My research approach was not to assume anything, and question everything; including how the experts arrived at their conclusions.
AP news “Once they get a toehold people follow them in there,” said Heidi Beirich, director of the Intelligence Project at the Southern Poverty Law Center, referring to the remote, wooded area. The group tracked 14 hate groups in Arkansas last year."
That research is dated - now white supremacists like access to fast Internet - many are in large city suburbs - might track activities that Klan once did at Zinc, now being handled at Jason Robb's Law Office - Windstream is the provider of high speed Internet.
Press releases - "The Knights Party, a national pro white rights organization, based out of Harrison, Arkansas.
Take a look at press releases and daily TV show with family - most likely produced in Law office or another location in Harrison. Based on better production quality,it's no longer a Zinc patched together piecework video.
Previous points I made in an article -- fall of 2019
- AP and SPLC came up with a profile that worked 50 years ago. I guess it’s time to enter the digital age? Of course, if they spent 5 minutes researching their subjects, we wouldn’t be having this conversation again, and again, and again,
- Check out the Internet service in Zinc and all those remote, wooded areas. I was in downtown Zinc recently and lost cell service. You get poor Internet service at best. Just a little research would be appreciated!
- Can you really imagine anyone joining Robb’s version of the Klan to wear suits, and attend church, to spew out hatred? Most can do that in their current church. They want to go where the action is – drugs, guns, sex, and race riots.
- Those people have absolutely no interests in "hanging" around Zinc
I was motivated by AP News, Wikipedia, Google, YouTube, and other media's negative racial slant on Harrison. How much is self-inflicted, and how much is created by the media with an intentional bias?
1. The Shield Wall Network (SWN) is a white supremacist group
Led by Billy Roper, whose goal is to build a white ethno-state. They are based in Mountain View, Arkansas.
Formed in early 2017, the racist and anti-Semitic SWN includes several dozen members scattered around Arkansas, and a handful of members in Tennessee and West Virginia. Roper and his followers organize white supremacist rallies and conferences, and attend events organized by other white supremacist groups.
To date, the group’s events have been relatively small, attracting just a dozen or so attendees. Occasionally, SWN members collude with other white supremacist groups, such as the National Socialist Movement, the League of the South, and/or the Knights Party, a Harrison, Arkansas-based Klan group, and these collaborative events can attract several dozen participants.
June 2, 2018, Harrison, Arkansas: Billy Roper participated in anti-LGBT event alongside a dozen or so members and associates of the SWN and Knights Party.
April 28, 2018, Harrison, Arkansas: Approximately six members of the SWN attended the Knights Party’s annual Faith and Freedom Conference.
Harrison, Arkansas, June 24, 2017: Approximately 34 members of the Knights Party and Billy Roper’s Shield Wall network protested the second annual Pride Fest in Harrison, Arkansas.
Harrison, Arkansas, May 27, 2017: Members of the SWN joined by members of the Knights Party and the League of the South, rallied against antifa.
2. AP:"Harrison’s population of 12,949 is less than 1% black, according to the U.S. Census Bureau."
(AP might note there is a small percentage of blacks in all northern Arkansas and southern Missouri cities - diversity primarily comes from Latinos, who have been successful in businesses and professional services - restaurants, medical, therapy, landscaping, roofing,etc.). Following chart provides percentage of blacks and population. AP ignores those facts, no balance.
3. AP: "In the early 1900s, riots drove out most residents who were black."
Riots were just as common in other northern Arkansas and Southern Missouri cites (as well as all cities throughout the South), and resulted in many more deaths elsewhere. I have found no documentation or pictures showing Harrison was a sundown city (my family operated a service station, from the 40's til the 80's, south of Harrison, and provided equal services to all customers), while there's proof for Rogers, Springdale,AR and Monett, Pierce City, MO,etc.. Might look at Tulsa for race riot massacres or East St. Louis. Wikipedia gives it less attention on their profile pages than Harrison's riots, while there's no comparison. Blacks were part of the black Wall Street in Tulsa, with oil money. In Harrison they were unemployed or out of business. Boone County had a hardscrabble reputation, so many blacks and whites (to Missouri) left after railroad's financial failure.
1900's black population in Harrison came from transplanted plantation slave owners bringing low cost servants, or from railroad job opportunities. "And while other industries preferred to purchase slaves, railroad companies preferred to ‘rent’ them from owners. This allowed the railroads to move their resources easily around large geographic areas."
Similar strategy continued after the Emancipation. The impact of the 1905 railroad bankruptcy was the most likely reason there was only one associated death. There were never farms large enough to require slaves, and the ranchers with money and ambition headed West (Fancher - Baker wagon train, Mountain Meadow Massacre, etc.)
Arkansas Gazette in autumn 1905 "Has left many Negroes out of work" Re: M&NA's bankruptcy.
4. Knights Party Committee
5. Robb Holdings
6. 2015 HATE GROUPS -- HARRISON - Reminder of the Robb connections
1. CHRISTIAN REVIVAL CENTER -- CHRISTIAN IDENTITY – HARRISON -- Church -- Robb is pastor of the Christian Revival Center in Bergman, Arkansas, a Christian Identity center. Church has organization to report contributions and expenses - should be reported. If they are doing hate videos to increase membership, generate sponsorships, and sell material there are laws to be observed. shut them down. Note: if you check YouTube viewings they are minimal and abysmal - ranging from 12 to 40 views - they are on SPLC life support. Time for SPLC to stop creating self fulfilling prophecies! Not a different hate group when same person is the registration agent, and officers are the same on Knights Party Committee (duplicate remove).
2. HERITAGE CONNECTION -- HATE MUSIC – HARRISON – In 2009, Robb's daughter Rachel Pendergraft and his granddaughters, Charity (born 1985) and Shelby (born 1987) Pendergraft, formed a "white nationalist" band called Heritage Connection -- Heritage Connection at Sunday services. at Christian Revival Center. If you check they are selling CD's, autographed pictures, T-Shirts - They're in Robb's organization - how's it reported? Are they paying sales tax? How about state income and IRS? How is it separate from Robb's nonprofits? Might note Rachel Pendegraft and Shelby (Pendergraft)Wickey are officers on Knights Party Committee (duplicate remove).
3. INTERNATIONAL KEYSTONE KNIGHTS OF THE KKK --2 chapters -KU KLUX KLAN –HARRISON CNN comedian met Imperial Wizard of the International Keystone Knights of the Ku Klux Klan dressed in full KKK regalia - around Zinc Wizard had disguised voice - Tom Robb associate? - all I can find is Vanndale Arkansas near Wynne not close to Harrison? The CNN publicity was an infomercial - sales and marketing. SPLC accusing group of setting up a group in Harrison with no reports on memberships and revenues?
Places it under Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (Harrison, Arkansas) Knights Party Committee (duplicate remove).
4. KKKRADIO --KU KLUX KLAN – web-based “” by the Knights Party of Zinc, formerly the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, and comes just a year after another billboard carrying a racist message was taken down....HARRISON Again Tom Robb - Internet radio - something anyone can have ? Not a new hate group - supported by Robb - separate record keeping for membership, revenue, and expenses. Selling ads and paying for content. Keeping logs. Not having content licensing approval for music can be very expensive. Knights Party Committee (duplicate remove).
5. KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN -- KU KLUX KLAN –HARRISON not current Knights Group current Tom Robb (See 2019 for update) Local tax and investment company - Check with Stone investments since they are nonprofit. All but this are duplicates Knights Party Committee (duplicate remove reference to KKK). "Understand that The Knights Party is legal and law abiding and that I will never be asked to commit an unlawful act." "I understand I will be expected to be honest, ethical, sacrificing, dedicated, disciplined, and loyal. I understand I can resign at any time." Remaining issue - Knights Party Application states checks are to be made payable to American Heritage Committee? So important to track how deposits are reported. What bank account? How funds are used?
6. KNIGHTS PARTY VETERANS LEAGUE -- KU KLUX KLAN –HARRISON no filing (should be a Knights only no KKK). Contact National Headquarters for more information on the Knights Party Veterans League and to submit articles of interest, or personal accounts from your military service that would be of interest to us and other white Christian veterans. Knights Party Veterans League PO Box 2222 Harrison, Arkansas 72601 1 (870)-427-3414
The National Office: E-mail us at: [email protected] Phone us: 870-427-3414 Write us at: The Knights PO Box 2222 Harrison, Arkansas 72601
Again if you do a reverse phone number - Knights of The Ku Klux Klan -6400 Leadhill Rd -Harrison, AR 72602 - Contact: Thomas Robb Title: Director Phone:(870) 427-3414 At Robb location - separate record keeping for membership, revenue, and expenses. If SPLC has information on a group not registered time to report to law enforcement. SPLC accusing group of setting up a group, with no state filing, to not report membership entities. Knights Party Committee (duplicate remove).
7. LEAGUE OF THE SOUTH -- (see 2019 for update, appears Robb generated) NEO-CONFEDERATE – HARRISON Need record of revenue, expenses, memberships, for state sales tax, IRS, and FBI. Show proof it's different than Knights. Current state leader is located in Lead Hill(near Robb) and Camden. Circa 2016 The modern day white Southern secessionist movement in Arkansas had annual meeting at the Conway Public Library. No similar event held in Harrison. It wasn't just the thousands of publicly supported books and assorted educational materials that drew in the Southern nationalists, it was the first state conference of the Arkansas League of the South. accusing group of setting up a group, with no state filing, to not report membership entities. Knights Party Committee (duplicate remove). No activity in Harrison
8. OZARK CRAFT LC --- GENERAL HATE – Revoked - Robb son-in-law on state filing HARRISON revoked (See 2019 for update) separate record keeping for membership, revenue, and expenses. Reason it was revoked? Knights Party Committee (duplicate remove). No activity in Harrison
9. SOLDIERS OF THE CROSS TRAINING INSTITUTE --- KU KLUX KLAN – HARRISON For More Information CALL 870-427-3414 PO Box 602 / Harrison / Arkansas / 72601 Reverse phone number you get Tom Robb number again separate record keeping for membership, revenue, and expenses. If SPLC has information on a group not registered, it's time to report to law enforcement. SPLC accusing group of setting up a group to avoid reporting membership entities and revenues from training. Knights Party Committee (duplicate remove).
10. THOMAS ROBB MINISTRIES -- CHRISTIAN IDENTITY – BERGMAN Robb's "Thomas Robb Ministries" website declares that "the Anglo Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian, and kindred people are THE people of the Bible."[2] separate record keeping for membership, revenue, and expenses. If SPLC has information on a group not registered time to report to law enforcement. SPLC accusing group of setting up a group to not report membership entities or revenues from training. Knights Party Committee (duplicate remove).
11. WHITE PRIDE HOME SCHOOL RESOURCE CENTER -- GENERAL HATE - BERGMAN this website is a joint effort of the Christian Revival Center (Thomas Robb Ministries) and The Knights Party. separate record keeping for membership, revenue, and expenses. If SPLC has information on a group not registered time to report to law enforcement. SPLC accusing group of setting up a group to not report membership entities or revenues from training. Knights Party Committee (duplicate remove).
7. Thomas Robb
Rising Star · n
Many people in Zinc and surrounding area are terrified of what might happen on August 2nd and it is certainly something that should be of concern for all of us. We have no idea what they will do next Sunday. We have had many offers from people stating they are willing to come here and help secure the Center from these invaders. Others have stated they will be on guard throughout Zinc to protect the city. Quinn Foster stated they intend to bring buses of protestors from Little Rock, Ft. Smith, Fayetteville, Kansas City, Springfield, St Louis and even from as far away as Tulsa and Oklahoma City.
As most of you know, Black Lives Matter advocates have threaten to come to Zinc to protest against “White Supremacy.” I have no control over the number of people that Quinn Foster and the others are threatening us with. If what they say happens - it is not going to be a pretty sight. And the people in this community will suffer because of the ranting hatred of Black Lives Matter.
With that being said I want the good people of Boone County and especially those in and around Zinc to do something that perhaps some of you haven’t done in years.
I want you to pray!
It doesn’t have to be a long prayer. It doesn’t have to be a fancy prayer with fancy words. It only has to be simple and sincere.
While I want you to pray for the safety of Zinc and the surrounding community. I especially want you to pray that God will bring division and confusion in the hearts and in the heads of these people that are planning to descend on this community on August 2nd. I want you to pray that the hundred and even thousands that Quinn Foster says will be here to protest what he calls white supremacy (what ever that is) will be reduced - the thousand will become hundreds and the hundreds will become tens.
God can work miracles! God can hear our prayers and while they plan to bring upon us a multitude God can put fear in their hearts and reduce the multitude to only a few.
This is the prayer that we here at the Christian Revival Center are praying and I ask you all to join us in this prayer also.
On August 2nd when there are only a few and not a multitude we will know that God heard the prayers of his people once again.
I am going to have a lot more to say about this in my Sunday sermon for July 26. I hope to post a video of this sermon in the Harrison Daily Gossip Column by Monday afternoon and I invite you all to take time to listen.