Bohr, Heisenberg, Schr?dinger, idea of complementarity
Lubomir Vlcek
Mgr. ve spole?nosti Physics, Astronomy, Nuclear Physics, Elementary particles, High energy physics
Bohr, Heisenberg, Schr?dinger, idea of complementarity
Bohr says, "I think it is reasonable to say that no one who is called a philosopher really understands what is meant by complementary descriptions."
He compared his complementary system to the discovery that the Earth rotates and turns around the Sun.
For Bohr, however, the basis for wave and particle behavior was equally indispensable for the complex interpretation of quantum theory, and Heisenberg and Schr?dinger's views were considered to be one-sided (Schr?dinger was also contemplating material waves).
Bohr: idea of complementarity1926
Heisenberg: An article on the expressive content of quantum-theoretical kinematics and mechanics in which it comes with uncertainty principles .
The principle of complementarity: high speed and small radius of force range - strong interaction, atoms, nuclei
Neutron: Electron in the neutron, Proton in the neutron
Small velocity, high radius range - Gravity - Planets
30. Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle and our theory are in absolute agreement: "The bigger the impulse (i. e. the higher speed, too) the shorter force range radius."
"The smaller the impulse (the slower speed) the longer force range radius."
High speed is accompanied by the short radius of force range. Slow speed is accompanied by the long radius of force range.
A particle moving in a transmission medium.
Kinetic energy of a particle ( charge) moving at the velocity of v has two different values:
Kinetic energy of a particle ( charge)
Tkin id =mc^2 [ln |1-v/c|+ (v/c) / (1-v/c) ] in direction of motion of a particle ( charge)
It is realy as Newton′s kinetic energy,
where v is velocity of a particle ( charge) .
Kinetic energy of a particle ( charge) Tkin ad = mc^2 [ln |1+v/c|- (v/c) / (1+v/c) ] against direction of motion of a particle ( charge)
It is realy as Maxwell′s electromagnetic wave energy,
Wave - Particle Duality as Kinetic Energy Against and In Direction of Motion.
bOHR, FOR HIS sUIT OF aRMS FOR THE 1947 (48?) nOBEL (?) PRIZE, CHOSE THE tAI jI/yIN-yANG SYMBOL. Online there's a Physics? paper on Yin-Yang Bi-polar Gravity
Reader in maths at MCC(1987-2008) at Madras Christian College(1971-2008)
6 年They have made great impacts in the development of Mathematical physics and they will never be forgotten.
Mgr. ve spole?nosti Physics, Astronomy, Nuclear Physics, Elementary particles, High energy physics
6 年Bohr′s idea of complementarity1926 = Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle= =High speed is accompanied by the short radius of force range and Slow speed is accompanied by the long radius of force range. Proof: in neutron: Speed of electron 0.999994c, Radius of electron orbits 1fm Speed of proton in neutron: 0,023337c in atom H: Speed of electron afnucleum: v/c = 0.0027212435663 perinucleum: v/c = 0.0027270653746 Radius of electron orbits 0.05nm for Spectral line Hα 656.281 + - 1.4 nm Speed of proton in atom : 0.0000636c proton orbits around the center-of-mass with speed 0,023337c, and radiates γ ray. In the "stable" neutron, electron orbits around the center-of-mass with speed greater than 0,999994c. Small velocity, high radius range - Gravity - Planets Earth speed 0.00009934539c ...0.0001c , R Earth orbit = 1 AU v Sun = 377.6 m/s .....0.00000126 c, RSun orbit = 0.2789 AU v Jupiter = 13 050 m/s ....0.0000435c, R Jupiter orbit = 5.2 AU?
Mgr. ve spole?nosti Physics, Astronomy, Nuclear Physics, Elementary particles, High energy physics
6 年Cont... The principle of complementarity: high speed and small radius of force range - strong interaction, atoms, nuclei Neutron: Electron in the neutron, Proton in the neutron Small velocity, high radius range - Gravity - Planets Speed of electron in neutron: 0,999994c Speed of electron in atom H: afnucleum: v/c = 0.0027212435663 perinucleum: v/c = 0.0027270653746 for Spectral line Hα 656.281 + - 1.4 nm Speed of proton in neutron: 0,023337c Speed of proton in atom : 0.0000636c proton orbits around the center-of-mass with speed 0,023337c, and radiates γ ray. In the "stable" neutron, electron orbits around the center-of-mass with speed greater than 0,999994c. Small velocity, high radius range - Gravity - Planets Earth speed 0.00009934539c ...0.0001c , R Earth orbit = 1 AU v Sun = 377.6 m/s .....0.00000126 c, RSun orbit = 0.2789 AU v Jupiter = 13 050 m/s ....0.0000435c, R Jupiter orbit = 5.2 AU
PhD Utrecht University
6 年In my humble physical model (I'm not a physisist), particles and gravity are complementary (complex) properties by sharing their structural material density and material field volume, and chemical material conversion rate and material conservation time.