Bohm’s “Wholeness and the Implicate Order" and the Brain-Centric Many Blockworlds Interpretation of Reality
Martin Ciupa
AI Entrepreneur. Keynote Speaker, Interests in: AI/Cybernetics, Physics, Consciousness Studies/Neuroscience, Philosophy: Ethics/Ontology/Maths/Science. Poetry, Life and Love.
I’ve been looking today at Bohm’s work on “Wholeness and the Implicate Order”., and how some of these Quantum Theory concepts can be applied constructively to my Brain-Centric Many Blockworld Interpretation (BC-MBWI), which itself already has aspects of:
a) Wigner’s/von Neumann’s Consciousness Causes Collapse model (CCC), and
b) Everett’s Many Worlds Interpretation (MWI).
For more on BC-MBWI, see
For Bohm’s book, see…
1. All of the possible “worlds” emanating from a quantum observation are in fact, path “branches” in a Many Blockworlds (Relativistic Spacetime ensemble)
2. This is representable as a revised Everettian Many Worlds Interpretation (ie., MWI ~> MBWI).
3. It can be mathematically described as a Universal Wavefunction (UWF) in a Hilbert Spacetime model. (Work in progress is incorporating a Wheeler-Dewitt equation-based construct).
4 The mind’s Bohmian “piloting” of the UWF is likely a mental space process (a construct in part described by Ronald Cicurel) that brings the “Explicate order”, (i.e. a coherent personal path) from out of the “Implicate order” of reality.
5. Furthermore, in the first link provided above, I propose Neurophysical experiments designed to support/falsify the theory.
It sounds complicated, but I’m working on an exposition of diagrammatic and mathematical steps. Ultimately, I believe it’s theoretically viable, and reality is what reality does!
Simple! ?
*****Section 1: Theoretical Exposition
David Bohm’s concepts of the implicate and explicate orders, BC-MBWI can be expanded to explore the brain’s role in mediating the relationship between these two domains and the emergence of subjective reality. Below, I will discuss how Bohm’s ideas align with and enrich BC-MBWI.
1. The Brain as a Mediator of the Implicate and Explicate Orders
In BC-MBWI, the brain plays a central role in interpreting and collapsing quantum possibilities into a coherent, subjective experience. Bohm’s implicate order provides a conceptual foundation for understanding how this process occurs.
? Implicate Order and Brain Function: The brain could be viewed as a dynamic system that interacts with the implicate order, drawing on the enfolded information and unfolding it into the explicate order of conscious experience. Neural processes might bridge the hidden, nonlocal interconnectedness of the implicate order and the localized, structured patterns of thought and perception in the explicate order.
? Holomovement and Neural Dynamics: The holomovement aligns with the brain’s continuous, dynamic activity. Just as the holomovement underpins the flow of reality, the brain’s activity could reflect a similar process of enfolding and unfolding information, allowing for a coherent and adaptive experience of the world (I am researching “Bayesian Brain”-like processes as conceptualized by Karl Friston, particularly about the Brain-Centric Many-Worlds Interpretation (BC-MBWI). This involves exploring how the brain’s predictive coding framework, based on Bayesian inference, aligns with the idea of the brain as a generator of probabilistic models to navigate a multiverse of potential realities. By integrating Friston’s free energy principle with BC-MBWI, I aim to investigate how the brain minimizes uncertainty and entropy through hierarchical prediction, potentially offering new insights into perception, decision-making, and consciousness within this interpretative framework.).
2. Subjective Realities as Explicate Projections
BC-MBWI emphasizes the brain’s role in generating subjective realities, which can be seen as explicate projections of the deeper implicate order.
? Many-Worlds as Explicate Patterns: In BC-MBWI, the “many worlds” are not necessarily physically separate universes but subjective realities emerging from the brain’s interaction with quantum possibilities. Bohm’s theory supports this by suggesting that the explicate order (our perceived reality) manifests the implicate order. Each subjective reality uniquely unfolds the implicate order through the brain’s interpretive mechanisms.
? Nonlocality and Interconnected Subjective Worlds: Bohm’s notion of nonlocality resonates with BC-MBWI’s idea that subjective realities are interconnected at a deeper level. While individual brains create distinct experiences, these experiences may remain fundamentally linked through the implicate order, allowing for shared understanding and communication.
3. The Brain as a Quantum Hologram
Bohm’s holographic analogy aligns with BC-MBWI’s brain-centric focus, offering a way to conceptualize the brain as a quantum hologram.
? Holographic Encoding of Information: If the brain operates as a holographic system, it could encode and process information from the implicate order analogous to a hologram. This would allow the brain to access the “whole” of the implicate order while generating specific, localized experiences in the explicate order.
? Emergence of Consciousness: The brain's holographic nature might explain how consciousness arises as an emergent property of its interaction with the implicate order. This aligns with BC-MBWI’s emphasis on the brain as the central locus of subjective experience.
4. Implications for the Information Paradox
BC-MBWI challenges the information paradox by reframing the loss of information in terms of subjective realities and the brain’s interpretive role. Bohm’s framework provides additional support for this perspective:
Vision? Information Preservation in the Implicate Order: Bohm’s implicate order suggests that information is never truly lost but remains enfolded in the deeper structure of reality. In BC-MBWI, this could mean that the brain accesses and interprets this enfolded information, ensuring its continuity across subjective realities.
? Subjective Collapse and the Explicate Order: The brain’s act of collapsing quantum possibilities into subjective experiences can be seen as unfolding information from the implicate order into the explicate order. This process preserves the integrity of the data while allowing for the emergence of unique, brain-centred realities.
5. Ethical and Philosophical Dimensions
Both Bohm’s ideas and BC-MBWI have profound implications for ethics and philosophy, particularly in understanding consciousness, identity, and the nature of reality.
? Unity and Interconnectedness: Bohm’s emphasis on the unity of the implicate order resonates with BC-MBWI’s view of interconnected subjective realities. This suggests a shared foundation for all conscious beings, with implications for empathy, cooperation, and the ethical treatment of others.
? The Role of the Observer: BC-MBWI highlights the brain’s role as the central observer and interpreter of reality. Bohm’s work supports this by framing the observer as an integral part of the unfolding process, blurring the line between subject and object.
By integrating David Bohm’s implicate order into BC-MBWI, the framework gains a richer conceptual basis for understanding the brain’s role in shaping subjective realities and addressing the information paradox. The interplay between the implicate and explicate orders provides a holistic perspective on how the brain mediates the dynamic flow of reality, offering new insights into consciousness, quantum mechanics, and the interconnected nature of existence. This synthesis strengthens BC-MBWI’s theoretical foundation and expands its potential applications in science, philosophy, and beyond.
*****Section 2: Experimental Validation
One key area of a differentiator between Bohmian Mechanics and BC-MBWI approaches to understanding Quantum Mechanics is the nature of the “Pilot Wave”
Bohm considered the pilot wave a real physical feature of the universe, not merely a mathematical abstraction. He viewed it as a fundamental aspect of reality that governs the behavior of particles. In his theory:
1. Ontological Commitment: Bohm believed that the pilot wave and the particles it guides constitute a dual aspect of physical reality. The wave function evolves according to the Schr?dinger equation, while the particles follow trajectories determined by the wave’s “quantum potential.”
2. Observability of the Pilot Wave:
While Bohm thought the pilot wave was real, he acknowledged that it might not be directly observable in the same way as classical fields (like electromagnetic fields). This is because the pilot wave operates in a high-dimensional configuration space (not ordinary 3D), making direct observation challenging.
However, in BC-MBWI, the “pilot wave” is the Brain-Centric process that guides the observers' “piloting” to the coherence of a particular explicate block world from the MBWI implicate superposition.
Section 1, “Holomovement and Neural Dynamics,” mentions the proposed process, which is a neurophysical process open to empirical validation.
Such experiments are mentioned in the 2nd link at the top of this article. That the theory is open to validation/falsification is a significant point to be made in quantum foundations research (rendering it a viable physics proposal rather than a metaphysical one..
****Section 3: Annex ~ Holomovement
The holomovement is a concept introduced by physicist David Bohm as part of his broader philosophical framework to describe the fundamental nature of reality. It is central to his theory of the implicate order, which proposes that reality is a dynamic and interconnected whole, rather than a collection of discrete, independent parts.
Key Features of the Holomovement
1. Dynamic Wholeness:
?. The holomovement represents the undivided, flowing totality of existence. It is a dynamic process that underlies and unifies all phenomena in the universe, including matter, energy, and consciousness.
?. Everything in the universe is seen as an expression or manifestation of this underlying movement.
2. Implicate and Explicate Orders:
? The holomovement encompasses the implicate order (the hidden, enfolded aspects of reality) and the explicate order (the unfolded, manifest elements of reality that we perceive).
. The implicate order contains the potential for all forms and structures, which unfold into the explicate order through the holomovement.
3. Non-Static Nature:
?. Unlike classical notions of reality, which are composed of static objects or fixed entities, holomovement emphasizes constant change, flow, and transformation. It is not a “thing” but a process that gives rise to things.
4. Holographic Analogy:
?. Bohm used the analogy of a hologram to describe the holomovement. In a hologram, every part contains information about the whole. Similarly, in the holomovement, each part of the universe reflects and participates in the totality of the whole.
5. Philosophical Implications
?. Interconnectedness: The holomovement suggests that all parts of the universe are fundamentally interconnected and interdependent, challenging reductionist and mechanistic You’ve got them special views of reality.
?. Beyond Mechanism: It offers a way to reconcile quantum theory, relativity, and other scientific insights with a more holistic understanding of reality.
?. Creative Potential: The holomovement implies that the universe is inherently creative, with new forms and patterns continuously emerging from the implicate order.
6. Consciousness as Part of the Holomovement
Bohm argued that consciousness is not separate from the rest of the universe but is instead a manifestation of the holomovement. Key points include:
? Non-Locality: Just as quantum phenomena demonstrate non-local connections, Bohm suggested that consciousness might operate in a similar interconnected manner. This aligns with the implicate order, where all parts of the universe are enfolded into a unified whole.
? Dynamic Process: Consciousness is not a static entity but an ongoing process of enfolding and unfolding, mirroring the dynamics of the holomovement.
7. Insights into Spirituality
Bohm’s holomovement also offers a framework for understanding spirituality in a non-dualistic way:
? Unity of Existence: The holomovement implies that all things are fundamentally interconnected, resonating with spiritual traditions emphasising oneness, such as Advaita Vedanta, Taoism, and mysticism.
? Transcendence and Immanence: By situating the implicate order as the deeper reality, Bohm provides a way to think about transcendence (beyond the physical world) while maintaining immanence (the presence of the divine or universal consciousness within the world).
? Cosmic Intelligence: Bohm speculated that the holomovement might contain an inherent intelligence or order, which some interpret as a scientific basis for spirituality or divine presence.
8. Dialogue with Krishnamurti
Bohm’s conversations with the spiritual teacher Jiddu Krishnamurti significantly influenced his views on consciousness and spirituality. Through these dialogues, Bohm explored:
? Thought and Fragmentation: The idea that the mind’s tendency to fragment reality into separate parts (e.g., self vs. world) obscures the more profound unity of the holomovement.
? Meditative Awareness: Bohm and Krishnamurti discussed the possibility of direct perception of the implicate order through heightened awareness or meditation, bypassing the limitations of thought.
9. Implications for Consciousness Studies
Bohm’s holomovement suggests a holistic approach to consciousness, contrasting with reductionist models:
? Beyond Materialism: The holomovement challenges the materialist view that consciousness arises solely from brain activity, proposing that consciousness is an integral aspect of the universal process.
? Reconciliation of Science and Spirituality: By framing consciousness as part of the holomovement, Bohm sought to create a dialogue between scientific inquiry and spiritual understanding, suggesting they are complementary rather than contradictory.
10. Universality:
?. The holomovement is not limited to physical phenomena but applies to mental, social, and cosmic processes. Bohm believed it could provide a framework for understanding the interconnectedness of matter, life, and consciousness.
The holomovement is Bohm’s way of describing the ultimate, dynamic reality that underlies all existence. It emphasizes the universe as an indivisible process of unfolding and enfolding, connecting all phenomena in a unified whole.
This concept provides a foundation for his broader philosophical and scientific explorations, including his ideas about consciousness and the nature of quantum mechanics. Bohm’s holomovement provides a profound framework for linking consciousness and spirituality to the fundamental nature of reality. By positing that consciousness is an integral aspect of the universal process, he bridges the gap between scientific and spiritual worldviews.
Engineering Technologist | Manufacturing Domain Architect | Cognitive Computing | Edge Computing | Industrial Techie | Strategy Advisor
1 周Martin Ciupa took me a while to go through understanding of Holomovement for the first time and each of the features, especially bringing in the philosophical implications and then getting into the Consciousness and spirituality. Changing the way I think but also aligning and filling the gaps??. thank you for sharing!
New look 'n feel incoming.
1 个月Well am I ever glad I ran across your profile... ..well met, good sir.