The Boggling incompetence of the National Childrens Hospital
Aidan Curley (CIMA-Fellow)
Experienced Finance Director seeking next role
My mind is boggled. Not just a little boggled but fully and truly boggled. How can a hospital project that started out at a little under a Billion Euros now be approaching 2 Billion Euros and we haven't even completed the foundations yet. What is it going to cost when finished, 3 Billion ? maybe 4 ????
Are we completely and utterly so used to this level of incompetence in Ireland that we are just going to go on with a shrug of the shoulders and say "Ah sure isn't that how it goes"
WE, the Irish taxpayers are paying this extra Billions .. Why the hell are heads not rolling? Not the Minister as I firmly believe that any Minister for Health only knows what he is being told by the Department and the HSE but surely some of those nameless bureaucrats in the DOH and HSE who have been so called “planning” this project from the start. If this was the private sector they would not only lose their jobs they would probably find it quite hard to get another one .
I am reading the stuff in the media and listening to the reports on the radio but I am none the wiser about how we got here. Tenders were submitted and winners picked and then the tender price rose after the fact by as much as 65%!. Forgive me if I'm mistaken but when you submit a tender is it not the case that you undertake to do the stated work for the stated price ? So what changed to make the tender price increase.
Was the scope of work provided to those submitting tenders in the first place so bloody poor that the revisions subsequently made increased the cost by 65%. If so then the tender process was flawed and farcical. If so who signed off of on the changes to the design that resulted in 65% cost increase. If the scope of work remains the same as the original tender then the work should be done by those successful in the tender process for the original price.
I am so sick of our public representatives and public service letting us the taxpayers down . It is our money, we are paying hefty taxes and the least I expect is oversight and value for money. This hospital is costing more per bed than any other hospital in the world if I believe what we hear. We need to take a long good hard look at ourselves and say enough is enough ! I look forward with great interest to the publication of the report being prepared to explain all of this. That report needs to allow us as a nation to learn lessons and it is high time that people in our public service were held accountable. We smile quietly about the mess that the UK are making of Brexit but that is only in the minor leagues compared to a country of less than 5 million people who are now building the most expensive hospital per bed in the world !
Experienced Finance Director seeking next role
6 年Wow I wrote this three days ago and already we have gone to it will probably be over 2 Billion ! Now that’s what I call inflation!!!!!