Body Camera Grant- Apply by April 4 2023

Body Camera Grant- Apply by April 4 2023


The purpose of the FY 2023 Body-worn Camera Policy and Implementation

Program to Support Law Enforcement Agencies (BWCPIP-LEA) is to fund

the purchase of body-worn cameras (BWCs) that are implemented as part

of comprehensive BWC programs implemented in publicly funded law

enforcement agencies (LEAs) or correctional agencies that perform law

enforcement functions. In addition, the BWCPIP-LEA Program supports the

refinement of existing BWC implementation operating in publicly funded

operation through demonstration programs in which BWC implementation

practice and operation have exhibited a demonstrable improvement in

agency operations and that have a high likelihood of being replicated in

other locations.

? Anticipate about 51 awards, with an estimated total of $24 million

? Category 1: 40 awards of up to $2 million for site-based awards

to Law Enforcement Agencies (including self-initiated partnership


? Category 2: 5 awards of up to $2 million for site-based awards to

State Correctional Agencies

? Category 3: 2 awards of up to $1 million for Digital Evidence

Management and Integration Demonstration Projects

? Category 4: 2 awards of up to $1 million for Optimizing Body-worn

Camera (BWC) Footage in Prosecutors’ Offices Demonstration


? Category 5: 2 awards of up to $1 million for Using BWC Footage for

Training and Constitutional Policing Demonstration Projects

? First part of applications due in by April 4, 2023, 8:59 p.m.

ET; Completed applications due in JustGrants Justice Grants System by

April 11, 2023, 8:59 p.m. ET.

? 50% in-kind or cash match required for Categories 1 and 2

? Period of performance is 36 months, starting October 1, 2023


? Eligible agencies include law enforcement agencies, correctional

agencies that perform law enforcement functions, prosecutors’ offices,

and state or regional consortia that support such agencies, including

state administering agencies (SAAs). Eligibility is restricted to agencies

that are publicly funded. State and regional consortia are eligible

to apply, provided they are considered a public agency. Private law

enforcement agencies and private correctional agencies are not eligible

for funding. Applicants may apply on their own behalf or in partnership

with one or more agencies that meet the eligibility criteria.

? Category 1 applicants must be publicly funded law enforcement

agencies that operate under governmental authorities or special

jurisdiction. Eligible agencies include state, local, tribal, public

university or college, park, and transportation authority police.

Prosecutors’ offices operating at a municipal, county, or state level

are eligible to apply.

? Category 2 applicants must be publicly funded state or territory

correctional agencies, provided they perform law enforcement

functions as part of regular duties that are supported by

public funding.

? Category 3 applicants must meet the same provisions described for

Category 1.

? Category 4 applicants must be publicly funded prosecutors’ offices

operating at a municipal, county, or state level.

? Category 5 applicants must meet the same provisions described for

Category 1.


The goals for Categories 1 and 2 are to support the purchase or lease of

BWCs by law enforcement agencies or correctional agencies, as well as

to ensure that they are deployed as part of a comprehensive body-worn

camera program that embodies evidence-based and problem-solving

approaches. To achieve this comprehensive program, agencies should

allow broad stakeholder input into its development, develop plans to

integrate BWC technology within the agency’s operational framework,

enhance mutual trust between officers and the community, and promote

organizational efficiency.

The goals for Categories 3, 4, and 5 are to promote the documentation,

development, and sharing of best practices by law enforcement agencies

and prosecutors’ offices that have already deployed BWC programs.

Successful applicants will be able to assess, document, and share

promising practices and lessons learned, all in a manner that allows

replication by other interested agencies.

Program objectives are to:

1. Establish a working relationship with the training and technical

assistance provider to assure that comprehensive and deliberate BWC

policies are implemented (Categories 1 & 2).

2. Purchase or lease and deploy BWCs in a planned and deliberate

manner (Categories 1 & 2).

3. Establish training protocols for officers, supervisors, and administrators

on BWC use and policy (Categories 1 & 2).

4. Ensure all BWC program policies and practices are consistent with

applicable state and local laws.

5. Develop a planned and phased approach to implementation that

achieves broad support.

6. Address access to and sharing of BWC footage.

7. Demonstrate a commitment to incorporating the evidentiary value

of BWCs and digital evidence into daily administrative and field


Priority consideration will be given to proposals that address the following


1. Participation in the collection and reporting to DOJ of data on law

enforcement use of force and deaths in custody.

2. Participation in the collection and reporting to DOJ of data on officer

suicides and officers killed and assaulted.

3. Restrictions on unannounced entries and neck/carotid restraints.

4. Restrictions on the possession and use of militarized equipment.


There is a funding cap of $2,000 per BWC under Categories 1 and 2

which represents the cap on the federal award and does not mean that

applicants should expect to spend $2,000 on each BWC. This is a cap on

the full program implementation, which may include funding for related

equipment, digital data storage/management, officer training, or BWCPIP

administrative personnel. Applicants may request less than the $2,000

per BWC funding cap maximum consistent with project scope and as an

illustration of cost efficiencies.

The purchase of BWCs and related equipment are allowable under

Categories 3, 4 and 5 if instrumental to the broader program goals,

but these categories are not intended primarily for the purchase of

such equipment. Purchase or lease of additional BWC equipment

under these categories should be no more than 15 percent of the federal

budget amount.



? Body-Worn Cameras: Motorola Solutions provides flexible body-

worn camera solutions for law enforcement to approximately one-third 

of all law enforcement agencies in the United States and Canada.

? CommandCentral Evidence: A cloud-based digital evidence

management application designed for CJIS compliance. CommandCentral

Evidence centralizes your digital evidence and provides advanced content

management capabilities to help you maintain agency policies. Agency

workflows become more efficient with automated uploads, tagging,

content grouping, and native video redaction and audio transcription.

Quickly and securely share files with flexible sharing options within your

agency, with the community and judicial partners.


Completing an application under this program is a two-step process.

Applicants are first required to submit an SF-424 and SF-LLL in by April 4, 2023, 8:59 p.m. ET. Applicants are encouraged

to submit these forms at least 72 hours prior to the deadline. Once

these forms have been submitted via, the second part of

the application, including Proposal and Budget Narratives, must be

submitted through the JustGrants Justice Grants System by

April 11, 2023, 8:59 p.m. ET.

The information that must be addressed as part of the Proposal Narrative

is described on pp. 22-25 of the BWCPIP-LEA Grant Solicitation.


The grant application process can be challenging to navigate. To

help you, Motorola Solutions has partnered with the grant experts at Their team of funding experts can help your

agency identify which areas you are eligible for, answer questions and

offer insights on how to write an effective application. Also, additional

information and resources can be found on our website:


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