The Bobby Henline Foundation dba Forging Forward announces Off-Road Outreach as Program Partner
October 28, 2019
Myrtle Beach, SC – Local 501(c)3 non-profit Bobby Henline Foundation dba Forging Forward announced today that it has joined with NC-based military veteran services organization Off-Road Outreach as a Program Partner effective October 28, 2019.
Forging Forward expects the Program Partnership to increase outreach and services to unhoused veterans as well as provide ancillary services to active duty military. The partnership will permit Off-Road Outreach to increase service delivery to unhoused veterans, increase the number of services provided, expand the delivery service area, provide further opportunities to work with local officials for service expansion and delivery, and expand their donor base. Both organizations’ activities are driven to decrease suicides in the veteran and active duty military populations. More information may be found at
About Forging Forward
The Foundation believes it is in everyone’s best interest to honor and empower military veterans and first responders and their families, and Gold Star Families. By joining like-minded individuals and organizations together, we can fulfill the vision of creating everyday lives filled with quality, friendship, motivation, flexibility, and individual pride. This is accomplished through sharing to inspire learning, advance knowledge, and strengthen our local and global communities.
Within this duty is the underlying social responsibility of assisting the target populations to re-secure their humanity through the provision of and funding for opportunities to increase social connectivity, to gain new skills, increase knowledge of physical and mental health conditions related to stress and trauma, and provide supports that allow an individual and collective fulfilling and dignified life.
Services include Retreats, Remembrance Tags, Motivational Speakers, Allies, and Partnerships. Learn more about Forging Forward at
About Off-Road Outreach
Off-Road Outreach is based in Fayetteville, NC. The focus of the organization is to provide dignity and respect to unhoused veterans in a threefold manner: a) provide mobile showers, b) provide food and clothing, and c) provide continuous 3-day outdoor group therapies for such as camping, fishing, hiking, hunting, gun range, community service, etc. Active duty military are included in the outdoor group therapies as an ancillary service. Learn more about Off-Road Outreach at
To learn more about this Program Partnership, please contact:
Jamie Burton, President, Forging Forward
455 Sunnehanna Drive Unit 431, Myrtle Beach, SC 29588
Office: 843.900.6782
Email: [email protected]