Boat Trip Essentials

Boat Trip Essentials

Whether at the cottage, on a lake, or the ocean, boating is a great way to enjoy the outdoors. However, it can be hard to keep up with all your gear and supplies while boating. That’s where the boat bag comes in handy! A boat bag ensures that you have everything you need for your time on the water. A boat bag can be just as important as packing for any other type of vacation. The perfect boat bag should be large enough to carry everything you need. Boatcation Tipp: Don′t use hard luggage as your boat bag. A soft-sided bag is much easier to store on board.

What should be in your boat bag:?

  1. Passport & Boating Documents
  2. A small extra bag where you put your wallet, keys, and other essential Items
  3. Protection from the sun: Sunscreen, chapstick, and sunglasses
  4. A hat that keeps the sun off your face
  5. Your snorkel and mask
  6. A Ziplock Bag for saving money and electronics dry during day trips to beaches.?
  7. Prescriptions & Seasickness Pills
  8. First Aid Kit?
  9. Spare clothes
  10. Rainy Weather Gear

If you are chartering a boat without crew, make sure to not forget about the following Items:?

  1. Food?
  2. Gloves (If you rent a sailing vessel)
  3. Personal Locator Beacon
  4. Hand GPS-Unit
  5. Personal Flotation Devices for everyone on board
  6. Knife?


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