Boards Online - making it happen
Are service issues affecting your reputation and your business? Maybe you are suffering from lack of communication, poor stock control and basically broken promises on service times?It's a common complaint we hear from companies that use providers that can't live up to the reputation they think they have.
At Boards Online we started to specialise in servicing the online market as early as 2009 - in those days under a different name, but our staff and infrastructure are still the same - and we know the pressures and demands you have, and more importantly we know how to achieve the service levels that you need. In such a competitive market the last thing you want is to be chasing boards and having upset vendors because their expectations have not been met, and with us that simply will not happen - our system is so advanced that we are following up on all jobs well before they are ever raised with you - and we communicate - seems an odd thing to say but we believe that by talking to your vendor, yourselves and us at Boards Online we can overcome any issues that might arise.
We know that boards are your company's image and we will never erect one that will let you down, and due to the flexibility of our print partner if you needed a board urgently we can print and ship within 24 hrs - we will always take time to care for your customers. Remember we are not tied in to using an operator who cannot perform,we have a choice and will only work with the best that there is - it is that piece of mind that our customers appreciate.
Perhaps this time of year could be a good opportunity to look at a better option - as your standards are our standards, and we will be as flexible as possible to help you move across.
My mobile is 07813 171118 or on the office number 01530 447011, I really hope we get the opportunity to talk as it could be the best move you ever made.
Best wishes from all the team at Boards Online
PS we never charge for recycling of your old boards! - don't accept anything else.