On board with AI? Buy your ticket here...
Andy Gilbert
Director @ Connection2Channel | Channel Marketing, Channel Strategy, Channel Recruitment, New Business Development
B2B marketers have different reactions to Artificial Intelligence, robotics and the impact it will have on their sector. A few are in denial, either hiding behind the sofa and hoping the aliens go away, or blissfully unaware that they are already here. A few are racing ahead and benefiting from the early adopter benefits of AI. The vast majority are aware of AI, but ignorant (in the nicest sense) of exactly what it means to them, their brand and their sector - and why getting on board with AI now is so critical.
That's why Volume's Cognitive Solution Implementation Program (C-SIP for short) is so timely and important. A proven, focused workshop run over two half days for six of your team (any more than that and it'll run for much longer;-) C-SIP helps you and your team learn about, prepare for and fast-start your AI journey. The resulting customised report means that - assuming you are as serious about AI as we are - there's no way it will collect dust on a shelf. For a summary of the package, the process, deiverables and how you can get on board the AI bus, reply with your email and I'll send it across.
Whatever you do, don't miss the bus...