Blurred Lines: How 'Conservative' and 'Progressive' Are Losing Their Meaning in Today's Politics

Blurred Lines: How 'Conservative' and 'Progressive' Are Losing Their Meaning in Today's Politics

I was surprised and taken by Vice Presidential Candidate Walz’s introductory speech, as I do not remember a candidate of any party (I’m a lifelong independent) getting to the real heart of an issue, instead of spouting meaningless (and often misleading) talking points.

Many years ago, I was a disciple of Dr. Morris Massey—the professor who wrote What You Are Is Where You Were When. He promoted the idea that people maintain the attitudes and interests that they acquired WHEN they were born and brought up. I always add WHERE to that theory.

I was born and grew up in NYC. While people, who don’t know better (and don’t seem interested in learning) characterize all New Yorkers as crazy, left-wing progressives. But Baby Boomer New Yorkers are, actually, pretty conservative. I still maintain some NY-minded “principles,” such as:

o Driving cars is just a necessary evil: if you are lucky or rich, you have access to alternative public transportation or can afford Uber

o There are many NYC “rules” about eating: Never put mustard on a hamburger, catchup on a hot dog, or mayo on anything! And don’t ever get a New Yorker talking about pizza!

o New Yorkers are insanely loyal to good service providers. They will go to the same bar or restaurant (like the Bostonians in Cheers: “where they know your name”) every week. When people ask me why there are so many great restaurants in NYC, I say because New Yorkers are outspoken complainers, and a bad restaurant will be driven out of business very quickly.

Regarding some of the major issues of our time, many Americans may be mistaken about a New Yorkers’ attitude. To understand New Yorkers you need to know that New Yorkers LOVE to argue. So, one may have a heated debate with a friend about a candidate…just before the two go out and enjoy happy hour! Having different opinions does not make one an enemy; ability to have civilized arguments can make one a best friend.

Then New Yorkers do not like anyone (individual, groups or government) telling them what they can or cannot do. So, a New Yorker can be pro-life personally, but not ever support forcing someone ELSE to carry a child. Women and their own doctors should be the only ones in the discussion.

New Yorkers are very literate and very pro-education. My family grew up getting three different newspapers a day and I spent innumerable hours in libraries and bookstores. Sometimes, my mother had to write a note to allow me to enter the adult book section; but the point is that I still had access. I remember that a biography I wanted to read about President Jefferson was only in the adult section. This was long before anyone spoke about him siring Black children, which I guess is why some want to restrict such books now. Most New York natives do not want someone else trying to tell them what they cannot/should not read, buy or stock in a library. If YOU don’t want to read a book…don’t! Leave the rest of us alone.

Finally, they certainly are not going to tolerate someone else (individual, groups or, especially government) ”in their bedroom,” trying to tell them whom they can sleep with, marry, dance with at a prom, do business with, or in any other way associate with. New Yorkers take independent liberty very seriously.

New Yorkers can also be very profane. So, when that rural Minnesota governor yelled “Mind your own damn business!” I could sense millions (not just New Yorkers) of Baby Boomer true “conservatives” throughout the country jump to their feet and say, “Right on!”

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