Patience. Wait for it. It will come to you at the right time. It’s not the right time. Let’s just wait it out. Hold on. Let Go. What’s yours is yours, be patient. Be patient. BE PATIENT!! I think you need to let go now. It would have happened if it was meant to happen. I think you should take a hint. It’s not meant for you. Don’t fight too hard. Leave it to time!! There are two contradictory sayings – What’s yours will come to you and If you want something go get it. Which one are we to follow? You always have the option of sitting on the fence and letting the wind take its course but if you really want something so bad, what stops you from putting your heart and soul into it? And who decides where to draw the line and surrender and accept the end? When do you know you have done enough and it’s time to let go and accept the inevitable new beginning yet again? Who decides where to draw the line?
There are a multitude of things we come across in life that we want to have right away. We are all pumped up to go for it, to go get it, all the excitement, all the adrenaline to accomplish something, to say something, to express something, to win something, making it to your dream college, vacations, getting a job, buying a house, being independent, finding a loving life partner, starting a family, building a beautiful life for all your loved ones and spreading love and laughter in the world. They say everything happens at its own time but given human tendency, while we do like to be spontaneous we cannot help but dream. It’s Monday morning, you are on your way to office and are already planning for the evening, its Friday evening and you are already going through the long weekends throughout the year to plan that pending vacation. We are reminded time and again to live in the moment, to live in the present, to not think far ahead, to not make too many plans. But it never stops us from still thinking, still wanting, still dreaming. Our dreams might change with time but we still continue building on another dream.
You think, like, plan, prepare, dream and then suddenly you are thrown a curve ball out of nowhere. All the planning, all the preparation, the entire thought process you had put into creating something new, dreaming of a new beginning, all of it disappears. There is a new beginning though, just not the one you looked forward to and definitely not the one you were prepared for. Nonetheless new beginnings do sound fun and exciting. They are mostly. Then there are those where there is some resistance, some conflicts, some adjustment, some rethinking and redesigning and the most important part here, letting go of what you thought would be.
Dreaming, letting go and acceptance, 3 constants in our life that come and go as they like. Sure Karma knocks our door and barges in without any warning, but these 3 experiences no matter how many times you experience them in different phases of your life, every time you need to do it, it feels like starting over. Not exactly the starting over you would like but more like the starting over that you need. It makes you want to give up, you get cautious, and the helpless feeling that comes along with the discomfort sometimes makes its way to your routine life. Your eating habits, sleeping pattern, behavior and actions,people come rushing to tell you to be cautious, to make you wary of the mistakes they did. To tell you, you still have time and they didn’t and dump all the possibilities they see right on your shoulder, but hush those voices out, not because they intend any harm, but because they haven’t been through what you have. Take a pause, breathe, pick yourself up, assess the damage if any, fix yourself and dream on. Give yourself the space and time to make your own decision. You have got to make your own choice, decide on your course of action – What’s yours will come to you or If you want something go get it? Pick a side before you get lost in the…