The Blue,White &Red way of life! Absolute Nonviolence Ahimsa Nirvana blue way of life !to all violent terrorist Behave or I.W & drones will Kill you
Sir Mehernosh Pirojsha Sassan Shroff
sooner rather than later we shall all follow a higher civilization way of living that of total and absolute peace and non violence by thoughts words and deeds I call this way This path "The absolute Blue path '
The Blue path is diametrically opposite to what we started off as in tribes living in tribal zones constantly combating each other or wild animals first by stones then by arrows & stones thrown from catapults then by non intelligent dumb weapons like bullets . or ammunition shells
what is the Blue path ?
The Blue path The path of the sky which joins us all ,(the BLUE way of living with total absolute socially responsible way of living total and absolute non violence by thoughts words and deeds , living in harmony with Nature The Earth and every thing on Earth every thing in the sky and every thing in the oceans and Most importantly with Each each other
the blue path ranges from 1- 100 , and each citizen has to know where there are in total and absolute non violence by thoughts words and deeds or in between , so each one of us must know our selves and path we are following to achieve absolute innermost peace harmony
The White path or neutral path neither peaceful nor war like that of total detachment total reflection being a total observer, just Observing without judging in life is most of us cease to judge world will be a happier place
for security reasons white is the reflection and analysis by state of every ones status,
Red way of life! any one who for what ever reason even picks up a stone to throw at a persons falls in red path you have allowed the red of anger to touch you and red path is dangerous path you can kill any one if you live with this anger so best get rif of this anger resentment most people start with small anger on the terrible path to terror and then join camps of like minded angry people who wish to cause harm then The red path tagged the state will without feeling annihilate or kill any one who poses a threat to life and living for any one in Blue or white path
now with induction of intelligent weapons the use of a standing Army, navy or air force is as Obsolete as the Thundering English cavalry with knights in full suit of armor on a powerful charger Holding a with a lance
we must Teach all playschool children 2- 6 Power of
- Good non violent thoughts
- Good non violent words
- Good Non violent actions
- a basic training in the way of living The way of a a sensible thinking humane being the old way of thinking in training a child to read and write and recite nursery rhymes like "baba black sheep do you have any wool are passe the kid must be hearing that from whats app and you tube
- we must gently urge advise all students and every one world wide be totally socially responsible adopt full and total Absolute Nonviolence Ahimsa Nirvana The absolute blue range 1- 1000 way of life !, none of us live in the jungle or in feudal fortress zones & times any more
To all sponsors of Terror & who make their nations & territories a heaven for terrorist Beware If pick up any arms without state authority then you will be treated The Emperor Asoka way Behave or Intelligent Weapons & Drones will Kill you wherever you are
God is love and Love must be loved , Each of us have God spark in us & the "God "within every one must be respected with highest love and respect
No Great God has asked or permitted any one to bear arms and kill any one for what ever religious reason
om shanti shanti shanti peace peace peace
Mehernosh Shroff