A Blueprint for the Software Engineering Revolution: Taking Cues from Accounting and Law.
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A Blueprint for the Software Engineering Revolution: Taking Cues from Accounting and Law.

To the BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT President,

Dear Gillian Arnold FBCS ,

As a member of the British Computer Society community, I am writing to share an open letter titled "A Blueprint for the Software Engineering Revolution: Taking Cues from Accounting and Law". This letter I want to open the discussion on key practices in the development, promotion, and inclusiveness of the digital professions at large, and software engineering specifically, by drawing lessons from established fields such as accounting and law.

In essay highlights experiential assessment, to extending even to those from non-STEM backgrounds, and crafting novel graduate educational curriculums to encourage inclusion from non-STEM professionals. By citing examples of successful programs, we can learn from.

The essay also highlights the role of open source communities and innovation in this transformation, including welcoming applicants from diverse backgrounds, placing a stronger emphasis on prior experience and exposure, and incorporating community assessment and approval of professionals within a comprehensive experiential assessment system.

I believe these ideas could have a positive impact on the British Computer Society community and the software engineering profession as a whole. As BCS federates policymakers, engineering leaders, professional organizations, and business executives to consider adopting the proposals in this essay and driving this transformation forward.

I invite you, and the whole BCS community, to read the full essay now and join the discussion in the comments.


Ali Elouafiq CEng

Points to be discussed:

  • The need for a more accessible, competent, and effective software engineering workforce
  • The proposed transformation inspired by the successes of accounting and law professions
  • The role of open source communities and innovation in this transformation
  • Welcoming applicants from diverse backgrounds and incorporating community assessment and approval of professionals
  • The urgency of adopting these proposals for the long-term success of the software engineering profession.


As we delve further into the information age, society's dependence on the software engineering profession has reached unprecedented levels. Despite this growing demand, the field remains largely inaccessible, with high barriers to entry for those seeking professional reconversion.

The world of software engineering could stand to learn from the tried-and-true methodologies of more established fields, such as accounting and law. These professions have successfully navigated the challenges of professional standards and accessibility by implementing new examinations, peer assessments, and other measures to ensure quality and rigor.

The open-source community and the internet have already made significant strides in addressing some of these challenges, offering organic experiential exposure, peer assessment, and reduced barriers to entry for those interested in software engineering. However, relying solely on emerging dynamics is not enough.

For the sake of public trust and the long-term success of the software engineering profession, it is essential to embrace a more formalized approach to experiential assessment, extending even to those from non-STEM backgrounds. Such an approach would ensure accessibility, uphold professional standards, and safeguard the future of this crucial field, as has been the case in accounting and law.

In this open letter, I urge policymakers, engineering leaders, professional organizations, and business executives to adopt a sweeping transformation by implementing standardized experiential assessments, inspired by the successes of accounting and law professions.

By drawing lessons from these established fields and recognizing the value of open source communities and open innovation, we can create a more diverse, competent, and effective software engineering workforce.?

This includes welcoming applicants from diverse backgrounds, placing a stronger emphasis on prior experience and exposure, and incorporating community assessment and approval of professionals within a comprehensive experiential assessment system.?

In converging these approaches, we can ensure the sustainability and future success of this critical profession, while fostering innovation, inclusivity, and professional excellence in the ever-evolving digital world.

I. Addressing the Market Friction by Opening the Profession.

I.1. Shortening Programs and Opening to Non-STEM Degree Holders

The market is currently rife with confusion regarding the roles and qualifications of software engineers. To produce more skilled and prepared professionals in a shorter timeframe, programs need to be shortened and opened to non-STEM degree holders, like it is the case for Accounting, Law, and the Medical Profession.

Such programs would allow established professionals and managers to seek skill conversion, making them decision-makers, leaders, and flexible to their respective industries.

I.2. Balancing Classical Curriculums with New Programs

The software engineering profession faces a critical dilemma: despite high demand for skilled professionals, the supply falls short, and the profession remains largely inaccessible, with high barriers to entry for those seeking professional reconversion. As Steven Levy aptly mentioned in his book "Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution", when drawing the DNA that made the digital age come to light, "software is a tool that unlocks the power of the digital age." Opening the door of new possibillites does not come from only training new practioners, but also elevating professions to the software and hacker mindset, by making it accessible to them. This is why this barrier of entry to graduate engineering education must be lowered.

Paradoxically, while the high barrier to entry limits the supply of skilled professionals, the scrutiny of professional standards may not be as rigorous as required. In response to growing demand, educational institutions may increase the number of graduates, potentially leading to lower rigor in terms of experiential requirements.

Learning from the historical transformations in accounting and law, we must create new standards in software engineering education that are better suited to the needs of the 21st-century workforce. This includes promoting shorter, 3-4 year graduate programs, similar to the law profession's Juris Doctor (JD) degree, that welcome applicants from diverse backgrounds.

This new approach would allow classical computer science curricula to focus more on research and development, analogous to the relationship between undergraduate biology and medicine or undergraduate political science and law school. Just as doctors are more than just biologists and lawmakers are more than just political gurus, software engineers must extend beyond the confines of computer science to address the growing impact of their profession on every aspect of our lives.

This is why the programs must be open, which brings us to the next point.

II. Reducing the Number of Years of Education and Encouraging Inclusive Programs

The current landscape of software engineering education has witnessed the emergence of innovative and inclusive graduate programs that cater to non-STEM students. These programs are vital in bridging the gap between traditional computer science education and the diverse skill sets required in the software engineering profession. Leading examples of such programs include the Master of Computer and Information Technology (MCIT) program at the 美国宾夕法尼亚大学 and 美国东北大学 ALIGN program.

The MCIT program at UPenn offers a comprehensive curriculum designed for students with little or no background in computer science. The program emphasizes a practical, hands-on approach to software engineering, equipping graduates with the skills necessary to succeed in the industry. Similarly, Northeastern's ALIGN program offers a unique pathway for students from non-STEM backgrounds to earn a Master's degree in Computer Science, fostering a diverse and inclusive learning environment.

Other notable programs that accept non-STEM students and cater to their needs include the Master of Science in Software Engineering at the University of Texas at Dallas, the Master of Science in Information Systems at the University of San Francisco, and the Master of Science in Information Technology at Carnegie Mellon University. Some institutions even offer dual degree programs that combine software engineering with disciplines such as business, healthcare, or design, further emphasizing the interdisciplinary nature of the field.

Despite the existence of these groundbreaking programs, accreditation and professional standards have not yet caught up in encouraging their widespread adoption or steering them in the right direction. As a result, the market has been slow to recognize and embrace these programs, leaving recruiters and policymakers hesitant to fully endorse such educational pathways.

It is crucial that we push for the recognition and elevation of these innovative programs, as they offer valuable opportunities to create a more diverse and competent software engineering workforce. By advocating for the adoption of these curriculums and encouraging the establishment of professional standards that support them, we can ensure that the software engineering profession remains accessible, adaptable, and prepared for the challenges of the digital age.

III. Review of Experiential Assessments and the Need for a Standardized Entry-Level Experience Assessment

Elevating the software engineering profession to align with the high standards set by the accounting and legal fields necessitates the adoption of experiential assessments, professional examinations, and apprenticeship requirements. These measures have been implemented in various jurisdictions, such as the US, UK, and Morocco, to ensure professionals possess the necessary domain knowledge, practical skills, and ethical standards.

In accounting, aspiring professionals must pass rigorous examinations like the Uniform CPA (Certified Public Accountant) Examination in the US or the ACA (Associate Chartered Accountant) and ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) in the UK. Similarly, in law, graduates must pass professional examinations, such as the US Bar Examination or the UK's Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE), to enter the profession. Moreover, both fields often require a period of supervised practical training or apprenticeship under the guidance of experienced professionals.

Similarly, the United Kingdom introduced the Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE) in 2021 as a standardized assessment for aspiring solicitors, regardless of their educational background. The SQE aims to ensure that all solicitors meet the same high standards of knowledge and competence, while also providing a more flexible and accessible route into the profession. The SQE is just one example of how legal professions around the world have sought to modernize and standardize their qualification processes.

While these practices have only been formalized relatively recently in these long-standing professions, they have become essential in ensuring the highest standards of knowledge, mentorship, and trustworthiness. In contrast, the software engineering profession has yet to establish a widely-adopted, standardized entry-level experiential assessment.

Although there are existing professional peer assessments within the software engineering field, such as those provided by the BCS (British Computer Society) and the Open Group, they often require a high level of education and experience, making them unattainable for many. Furthermore, policymakers, business leaders, and communities have not fully embraced standardized experiential assessments, as they remain exclusive to the upper echelons of the industry.

Introducing a standardized entry-level experiential assessment for software engineering is essential, especially when considering the diverse backgrounds of professionals entering the field. By ensuring that professionals possess the necessary technical knowledge, practical skills, and ethical standards to excel in their careers, we can foster a more inclusive and dynamic software engineering workforce.

However, the question arises: how can we practically implement such an assessment, and what can we learn from open-source communities and the web, who have successfully maintained the experiential passing and sharing of the profession?

Open-source communities and web platforms have demonstrated their ability to lower barriers to entry, facilitate peer assessment, and organically expose individuals to the practical aspects of software engineering. By studying these communities and their methods of knowledge sharing and assessment, we can gain valuable insights into how to design and implement standardized entry-level experiential assessments that are both rigorous and accessible.

IV. The Synergy of Open Source Communities, Open Innovation, and Traditional Professions

IV.1. Parallels Between Software Engineering and Accounting and Law

The open source communities and open innovation dynamics in software engineering share similarities with the experiential learning and mentorship aspects of the accounting and law professions. Both accounting and law emphasize practical experience, typically gained through internships or apprenticeships, as a vital component of professional development. Similarly, open source communities provide software engineers with hands-on experience and opportunities to collaborate with seasoned professionals. However, to ensure consistent standards and promote growth, the software engineering profession should not rely solely on these organic learning experiences but integrate them with a formal, standardized approach to experiential assessment.

IV.2. Standardizing Bodies and the Role of Open Source Communities

Standardizing bodies can play a critical role in elevating and rewarding the contributions of open source communities and open innovation efforts. By recognizing the value of these communities, standardizing bodies can incorporate their practices into formal experiential assessment frameworks, much like accounting and law have done with their apprenticeships and mentorship programs. Formalizing the experiential learning process ensures that software engineers develop the necessary skills and knowledge required for professional excellence while maintaining the collaborative and innovative spirit of open source communities.

IV.3. Leveraging the SFIA Framework to Reward Open Source Contributions

To further integrate open source communities and open innovation into the software engineering profession, standardizing bodies can utilize existing competency frameworks, such as the Skills Framework for the Information Age (SFIA). The SFIA framework provides a structure to define, measure, and develop skills and competencies within the information technology sector. By aligning open source contributions and collaborative learning experiences with the SFIA framework, standardizing bodies can reward software engineers for their involvement in these communities and ensure that their skills and competencies meet industry standards.

IV.4. Embracing a Holistic Approach to Experiential Learning in Software Engineering

The success of open source communities and web platforms in fostering experiential learning offers valuable insights for the future of software engineering education. By adopting a more open, collaborative approach to teaching and learning, and integrating it with the structured experiential assessment processes seen in accounting and law, the software engineering profession can create a holistic and effective learning environment. This approach not only helps to bridge the gap between formal education and real-world demands but also ensures that the software engineering profession remains accessible, innovative, and responsive to the needs of an ever-changing world.

IV.5. Nurturing a Convergence of Formal Education and Open Innovation

The challenge for the software engineering profession lies in striking a balance between the structured, formalized learning experiences found in accounting and law and the collaborative, open nature of open source communities. By converging these two approaches, standardizing bodies can create a comprehensive experiential assessment system that nurtures innovation, inclusivity, and professional excellence. The result would be a software engineering workforce equipped to tackle the complex challenges of the 21st century and adapt to the evolving needs of the digital world.

Invitation and Call to Action

In conclusion, the aim of this open letter is to elevate the software engineering profession and create a more accessible, competent, and effective workforce. This why in this essay I suggest to draw these key takeways lessons from established fields such as accounting and law, which have a long history of experiential assessment and accepting professionals from diverse backgrounds, with lighter but denser educational curriculums. To address the skill shortage.

By an emphasis on extending standardized experiential assessments, welcoming diverse backgrounds, and emphasizing practical experience, we can create a brighter future for this critical field.

By also elevating the existing dynamics, in the open source communities and open innovation is also crucial in this transformation, as they offer valuable experiential exposure, peer assessment, and reduced barriers to entry for those interested in software engineering.

By federating higher educational efforts for inclusive education, to adapt their practices and efforts and research to make it applicable across otheer institutions, to enable lighter yet denser curriclums for professionals from non-stem background.

Again, this diversity is vital to the challenges faced by the profession, as professionals from their respective industries come with insight and practical rigor that can drive digital tranformation to further miles.

This is why I would like to invite you to continue the extend the discussion within across the BCS communities and invite further input and ideas.

  1. How can we incorporate standardized experiential assessments in a way that is accessible and effective for professionals from diverse backgrounds?
  2. How can we enable accessible graduate curriculms, and encourage higher education to adopt it?
  3. How can engage the open source community to elevate experiential assessmemnent, while encouraging open source contribution?

These are important questions that require our collective effort and input. I would like to continue this conversation across the BCS to pave the highway for the software engineering profession and the world it serves.

In summary, the software engineering profession needs to learn from established fields such as accounting and law to create a more accessible, competent, and effective workforce. This includes standardized experiential assessments, welcoming diverse backgrounds, and emphasizing practical experience. Open source communities and innovation also play a crucial role in this transformation. Let's continue the discussion and work together to drive this transformation forward.

Marcellee Fullwood, PMP

Former Healthcare Consultant | Finance & Accounting Expert | VBC Payor Contracting | PMP Certified | Driving Strategic Solutions for Value-Based Healthcare

2 年

Ali, this is very informative and important! When I was looking at graduate programs I found the barriers to entry for data science programs to be overwhelming as someone coming from a non-STEM background. I was thankful for the University of Illinois’ iMSA program, which allows me to bridge my accounting background and interest in data analytics. Thank you professors Ronald Guymon and Linden Lu for your great lectures and assignments that have made data analytics and coding much more accessible and enjoyable!


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