Blueprint to fight as an Underdog &?Win!
Prepping for a fight

Blueprint to fight as an Underdog &?Win!

This was a memorable personal #fight that I took on as a #Mom which eventually laid the foundation for me to be a #CEO

Aug 2018, I was dropping off my son at bus stop, one of my neighbors asked me if my son was doing ok? I said "of course, why?" she went on to tell me my son was getting bullied at school. My heart skipped a beat as Joshua was only 6 years old attending 1st grade. The bully (intentionally) hit Josh so hard with a metal lunch box that he had to go to the Nurse's office. Of course the school never informed me. But this was not the first time something like this happened at this Elementary school. 3 months earlier the Director of the Summer camp, had called me in for a private meeting; and told me Josh had been bullied throughout Kindergarten. Apparently Josh was getting thrown against the wall, (he was only 5 years old)

I should give the "#Public school system" the benefit of the doubt and I did. I penned a letter to the teacher asking for clarity on the incident (I figured at the bare minimum Parents should be informed if a 6 year old has to go to the nurse). She responded back letting me know she was aware of the incident but the kid had 0 ill intent, really? On her end this case was closed.

"I am aware of the situation you are referring to. This occurred last Thursday as the class was dismissing the cafeteria table. As I continued to help dismiss the table, the child began to swing a lunch box, which then accidentally hit Joshua in the forehead. The student that hit him was remorseful of her actions and proceeded to help Joshua by carrying his lunch things and assisting him in line out to recess. At no time did I view or see this situation as an act of one student intentionally being mean to him. The child that did bump into him and hit him was addressed for her actions as well as communication was sent home. I met Joshua’s needs by having the nurse check him out and she gave him an ice pack"

I escalated it further, but got stopped out with the assistant Principal. The Principal was just unreachable. They promised if my son had to go to the Nurse office again, I will be "informed". Apparently that was the only flaw they had to correct. The system had already planned on protecting the abuser. Clearly the #bully's parents were far more connected than me. A top ranked Elementary school built on the premise of providing education, giving kids a bright future, could care less about the safety of my kid that I had trusted them with. All I wanted was for him to be safe on school grounds.

Around this time, I noticed Josh was sad when he had to go to school. He is a little small for his age, geeky, sweet kid that has a dream of becoming a scientist. I love him so much. I would have gladly switched spots with him so he did not have to suffer. He is my world

Late September 2018, I was at an important meeting when I get another call from the school. The call was to tell me "Josh was kicked in the stomach by the same bully and has been sent to the nurse's office". The school counselor on the other end had 0 emotion in their tone, she was just doing her job - which was to "inform me". She did not feel bad about what happened. But on the other end of the phone, I had tears streaming down my face, mascara streaks and all. The tears would not stop. The President is coming out of the restaurant to check on me, I'm frantically trying to wipe off my tears, put on a pretense that everything is normal. #Sotaog is just taking off, I've been busy and unavailable for Josh. This added guilt was overwhelming. The additional fact that my son did not feel comfortable sharing this with me, hurt so much more

The inherent issue here is the school system underestimated how powerful the bond between a #Mom and a son is. Moms are unstoppable especially when its fueled by passion to protect their kids. 

At this time my husband was in Europe for work. We still joke about this, his 1st comment over the phone was "Please do not go crazy on them", "Just wait for me to get back to Houston". Did not have the patience to wait for my husband, decided to take on the fight by myself. The safety of my son was worth it.

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Figure out the weakness of you're opponent - (Frame the inputs of the equation - In engineering we focus with precision on the inputs to get the results (outputs) we want)

  • In this case, the Public school system had 0 consequences for protecting the abuser
  • What could be used to get the desired outcome? Recently the Superintendent of the school district was accused of bullying when he was in high school. Though the event took place 20 years ago, the video clip went viral and the community I lived in forced the resignation of the Superintendent.
  • Based on the event above, there was a high probability the school feared negative PR related to bullying. Even if they did not, I knew I would draw support from the same group that made the Superintendent resign. Plus, the audience just needs an average moral compass to take a stand with a Mom that wants to protect her 6 year old
  • I knew there had to be laws in place to protect kids, I just needed to educate myself. Then frame the facts within the confines of the laws.

Understand that you will incur short term losses and possibly lose the #fight. This part is the hardest, you will want to give up. Your close friends may not support you. For example - I was not a stay at home wife like some of my friends. They implied, it was my fault that I was not aware my son was mistreated. I was accused of not having a "special relationship" with the teacher. Guess if I showered her with gifts, volunteered more at school, built relationships with school management team, my kid would have be protected.

The other side is going to fight dirty and challenge you on every move. #Unethical institutions are accustomed to winning through intimidation and are not going to roll over and accept defeat. Anticipating tactics of the opponent puts you in a better position to plan. You'll need to deploy multiple strategies simultaneously - Strategy 1, Strategy 2, Strategy 3, Strategy 4, etc to combat and persevere

  • Strategy 1 - (Fails) Discussion with the school did not work. The teacher, assistant Principal pretended to conduct investigation on the 1st incident where Josh was hit with a metal lunch box. They intentionally ruled it as an "Accident"
  • Strategy 2 - Given my findings on the laws, I realized I could call the #Police since the school administration did not take action. This worked fairly well, the officer that took my phone call had compassion and setup a time immediately to meet me at the school. The incident was recorded and put on file. I had the teacher's email as evidence. The 2nd piece of evidence was the Nurse's voicemail on my phone that outlined the scenario of my son getting kicked in the stomach
  • Strategy 3 - Draw out the Principal's attention by posting on Social Media and referencing the Bullying policies that should be in place. I strategically place the post on social media where the local community could see it. The Principal that has ignored all my emails, reacts to my post. But the Principal promises nothing, just that his team will look into it

"My son got hurt again on your campus. This time he was kicked in the stomach by the same kid. Clearly the kid was not remorseful and your administration has not taken actions to prevent this from happening.

As a parent I am left to think that your team does not take this seriously or is important. On your campus Josh is just 1 of many students. It’s a little different on my side of the fence, My family is one of top priorities in my life, just about everything me and my husband do is to provide a better future for our kids. If your team is not capable of providing a safe non discriminatory zone for my son every day, it does not work well for me. Please be reminded the community here pays higher taxes for this 1 reason to fund schools so our kids can have a brighter future

I am pretty serious about escalating this through a different chain of command and I am already considering options to do so. As a parent of a 6 year old, I am not going to stand around and wait or hope something will change much longer, since I have not witnessed any change.

 I’m sure several other parents will be very interested in hearing my side of the story, and its very possible their kids might be suffering in silence on your campus and would like to know the truth. Again Josh might be 1 kid to you, but for every parent in the community our kids mean everything to us. I’m sure you are well aware of the story on superintendent who decided to resign amid pressure for bullying several years ago. That is very clear message that this community does not tolerate that, will definitely not support that in an Elementary School, where 6 YEAR old gets bullied your staff is unable to prevent that from happening"

  • Strategy 4 - Get advice and emotional support. This will be a long fight and will be mentally draining. In this case the Director of the summer camp, a family lawyer, my neighbors, select friends, etc. The lawyer helped me draft an email to the Principal that would invoke action. Support from Friends is invaluable - "I’m so sorry you’re going through this. But you’re doing an amazing job advocating for them! Hopefully we will see some change. - Attorney at Law


  • There was a pointless in-person meeting that the school setup to intimidate me. They took the opportunity to let me know that the situation could get far worse for my son if I did not back down (classic intimidation, its the only tool they had in their toolbox). Maybe I should just take my son to a different school, but they were not going to change. They reminded me how powerful they were and "did not appreciate threats", it was best I accept the situation for it was. 
  • Next the cops showed up to the school. This was where I started to gain ground on the fight. It just so happened there was a PTA event at the school the same day. The image of the #Police at the school spurred negative attention. Parents that were attending the event were getting uncomfortable. The assistant Principal had to "get the situation under the control".
  • The Cops apologize and let me know that since it was just 6 year old they did not have jurisdiction, they had already gone too far by recording an incident. (I was disappointed I almost thought I lost, but really the other side was losing steam, they were starting to fear me)
  • The lower level admin staff at school, teachers and the Parents were scared when they saw the cops. Principal's office was bombarded with calls from parents/staff - They all wanted to understand why Cops showed up to their Elementary school and were there for over 30 mins. Was there drugs? Child abuse? Did they break the law? The Principal realized this was a "ticking time bomb", as his corporate/political answers was not going to be "good enough". It was only a matter of time before this group of "concerned Parents" were going to contact me. He knew I had already "threatened" to do so on social media. I was not intimidated by him. He had the right intuition - If given the chance, I would capitalize on the opportunity to share my story. It would be well crafted to touch on the emotions of Parents and gain their support
  • On the flip side, I was not aware of the "feedback" from the mere presence of the Cops. I actually got home and was disappointed, I still had few tactical actions left to deploy: launching my crafted social media campaign and the formal lawsuit against the school. I was not backing down until I completely exhausted all my options
  • Right then I got a call from the Principal's office asking me to come meet him in person immediately. I rushed to school, I could tell he was trying to de-escalate the situation. I started to catch my breath, the school system was starting to crack, "behemoth Goliath" was hurt, I had a chance to get the knock out win!
  • This is the time to press on! Do not settle for draw! I had a folder full of information that outlined how this was not accident. When they lose steam they land weak punches, i.e. "how this really could have been accident", here is how he framed it
  • "What if the kid was just playing with lunch box and it happened to hit Josh"
  • "What if Josh was on the floor playing and the kid accidentally kicked him"
  •  (Except I had the email from the teacher and the Nurse voicemail that did not line up with his hypothesis)

My Advice - Be strategic and intelligent at this phase. You're the underdog, you inherently lack the training, plus you are limited on the chances you get to land a punch. So when you take that shot, needs to be powerful,you have to make it count

  • I went on to "educate" him how his callous attitude could have his school on the front page of the newspaper
  • Presented with facts, (potential) irreversible consequences of running a culture where they cover up facts and downplay the seriousness of violence
  • I had news articles of kids as young as 9 years old that have committed suicide due to bullying
  • I had a printed copy of a flowchart from the state of Texas that classified bullying acts. The details of Josh's incidents lined up perfectly with it
  • How losing his job would seem like the best thing that could happen to him
  • Painting a picture of the consequences turned out to be very powerful

Given below is the response from the same Principal where he commends me for being a great Mom and how lucky Josh is. He did it because he had no choice. He lost, I won!

Mrs. Tamilarasan,

I’m glad to see we are in total agreement. Your son's safety is the most important thing to us. 

I enjoyed our time yesterday. I look forward to working with you. The teachers will call you today to talk about next steps in communication. Thank you, again, for advocating for your son. He is a lucky guy. 

The teachers called later that day and discussed a plan on turning a new leaf for Josh. I needed Josh to get back to a normal life as a 6 year old (without having to worry about getting hurt). The teachers agreed how Josh loves learning and they wanted to get on board with helping Josh get back to his previous version - happy, fun, social, geeky stories about dinosaurs, math, etc.

Today Josh is about 8 years old, he is a very happy kid. The staff are little bit apprehensive and scared of Mrs. Tamilarasan. Its all worth it, if it means my son is safe and happy :)

While the fight was fueled by emotions, passion and an adrenaline rush, it had a much bigger impact on the future than I realized

  • Josh and I have become much closer since this incident. He wants me to move with him when he goes to college :) Pretty sure this decision will change in few years
  • Josh has a younger brother Jonathan (they are exactly 18 months apart) at the same school. By default Jonathan's teachers was notified and the school is ensuring he is kept safe.
  • This #win inspired other #Indian, #white and #black families to come forward and discuss their kids #discriminatory experiences at this school. I did not realize during the fight I was breaking ground for other families
  • The Principal has made a crew change, the assistant Principal has been replaced. They promoted a well respected teacher in the school to be the Assistant Principal. She is fantastic.
  • The sensitivity around bullying has increased at the school, more process have been implemented since then

"If you accept the expectations of others, especially negative ones, then you never will change the outcome" - Michael Jordan



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4 年

“A winning mindset can transform an underdog into a champion, conqueror, achiever. You’re a mindset away from winning your battles” - A Habtewold


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