The blueprint for building a home of trust

The blueprint for building a home of trust

Trust is the cornerstone of wealth management. To build trust, wealth managers must live by the principles of honesty, integrity, and loyalty. Because it’s only through open and honest relationships that we can fully understand our clients’ needs and inspire confidence in how we are managing their wealth.

But earning trust begins at home. We created our home of trust by design, with independence, flexibility, loyalty, and transparency as our building blocks. It’s our blueprint for success.

Earning trust begins at home.


Our founders were entrepreneurs. They believed in a better way to serve clients and started an independent wealth management company that reflected those convictions. Being independent means that we are not tied to any one bank – leaving us free to focus all our efforts on what’s best for our clients.

More importantly, the principle of independence applies to how we work. We see ourselves as a team of entrepreneurs rather than employees, pooling our resources to provide solutions and practical advice while respecting each other’s client relationships. This culture allows us to take ownership of our clients and share in their success.

We aim to offer a professional home for entire careers. We look for highly talented, self-driven, and passionate professionals and provide the platform they need to succeed. Our?results speak for themselves.


If we’ve learned anything over the past two years, it’s that we need to be ready for anything. Agility is vital in the?post-pandemic workplace. We weathered the recent crisis because our organization is solid yet flexible.

Our business hinges on understanding our clients’ needs and being there when they need us. That certainly doesn’t require strapping ourselves to a desk for 40+ hours a week. In fact, we’ve found that a flexible workplace can?open up new opportunities. The secret to our success is not the number of hours we work but the level of trust and loyalty we build.

Many of our relationship managers live and work close to their clients. Many of them work from home. Many keep part-time hours. Our model gives our relationship managers (RMs) the freedom to choose what’s best for them.

We purposefully structured our organization to support remote working and part-time relationship managers. Since our RMs are backed by a team of client advisors and assistants, their clients are always in good hands. In addition, our collaborative atmosphere is reinforced by our flat organizational structure, which means less admin and more time for client care and life outside of work.

It’s not the number of hours we work but the level of trust and loyalty we build.


At Marcuard Heritage, your clients are yours. Period. You are their point of contact. You are their personal advisor.

Why? Because that is the best way to build trust. Our relationship managers gain an intimate understanding of their clients’ situations and long-term objectives. This demands direct dialogue and extraordinary dedication – a crucial dynamic that can’t develop with a revolving door of RMs. For example, we don’t hand off clients to other RMs even temporarily. Instead, one of our client advisors provides interim support.

This “One advisor. One point of contact” approach creates continuity across the entire organization. Our RMs remain loyal to their clients, and we remain faithful to our RMs. It’s a mutually reinforcing structure that fortifies our organization and gives our people a sense of stability.


Our home of trust may be as strong as a fortress, but we’ve built it to be as open as a courtyard. We offer our clients full transparency about how we manage their wealth and how much they are paying for our services. If we could name this ‘architecture’, we would call it: integrity.

Integrity is a principle by which we live and an added value for our clients. While we develop and deepen our understanding of our clients’ needs and objectives, it’s our clients who hold the blueprints to our business.

Our relationship managers know just how much they’re earning, too. We don’t hide our revenue sharing model behind lock and key. It’s based on assets under management, so on full display. There’s no pressure to meet sales targets or bank bureaucracy to bounce through. Our earnings grow in tandem with our client’s capital.

Make yourself at home

When we founded Marcuard Heritage, our vision was to build a wealth management company entirely focused on our clients’ best interests. We gathered the finest materials and created a place for open, honest, and mutually beneficial relationships – a place for protecting wealth and safeguarding legacies. A home of trust.

If you’re looking for a new professional home – one you can rely on for your entire career – have a look at our?job openings?and stop by for a visit. Our door is always open.



