The only process that allows dashboards and Status Tracking in Bluebeam Studio '22
Bluebeam statuses and filters in Bluebeam 2022. This is the ONLY process that allows you to make changes and track the completeness of those changes in a Bluebeam Studio Session!?
Studio sessions are great for managing LIVE markups sessions. Care must be takes as the entire team can be in a project session actively laying down and picking up markups together, in real time. Each markup should be accompanied by a comment. Comments are created by double clicking the markup or the markup reference inside the markup pane and adding text to clarify what the issue is:
Double Clicking a new markup has the same effect, but adds a note box (Image right). These are OK, but generally should be closed as they can quickly cover a sheet and all work should be managed from the, markup list. Note once you update or reopen the Bluebeam session - you may not be able to add notes to the markup, so add as you go!
Bluebeam compare takes two files and looks for differences creating "Diff" files. These create auto-clouded areas where the compared pdfs don't match. in Studio(1) the uploaded (2)"Diff" file and the (3)original source file are uploaded to a Bluebeam Studio session (5)(6) and displayed.
Using (4) to set the side by side view and (7) to sync views, sheet sets from the original(6) and the difference(5) file can be viewed side by side, zoom-for-zoom for each sheets in the respective sets. Drag the tabs to the 'other' side of the split prior to setting the sync.
Note that it is critical the sheet sets be print using the same "set" from revit and the same print settings to PDF to minimize false 'difference' results!
In lieu of the out of the box statuses, custom statuses should be used. (I'll explain why later below!)
As teammates address a markup, they set the "Change_Underway" Which turns the statuses dark-red. If there is a question a [Reply] Is used and the status is set to question and a magenta color.
Hold & Reject Rescind (grey) primarily used by PMs or clients to overrule markups. Markup_Comment in Blue used for general notes/comments in the markups, No-Visual_Difference (grey) used in case the Bluebeam compare got a little out of hand and there is not real change.
Filter list (1) allows us to use the colors from the custom statuses (2) as a quick way to select only Markups and Markups in progress(3). This changes the items that do not pass the filter to the "DIM" set in the options (Transparent a a very light grey) making the targeted markups stand out.
Creating Custom Statuses
In the markup tab creating custom statuses VIA "Manage Status" allows us to set colors and statuses for tracking. Using colors is the fastest way to sort and filter. These should be saved with profiles in a read-only location for your entire company to access. Statuses can be bound into PDFs by default, changed in a studio session BUT the status list cannot be changed once uploaded to a studio session. They must be taken down, reset and re-uploaded to change the status sets. Studio session use the full status sets for this reason. (See (4) below)
Defining each step
(1) add a custom status and name it (2) select the status (3) Add a status or (4) select and modify a status, (5) Set a short meaningful name to display (6) Leave text Blank so it doesn't override comments! (7) Set the color to visually ID the markups. Analogous to a stoplight the basic Red=typical markup (Specified by the "Default" Markup under (3) above.) Yellow= typical picked up (unverified) and Green=Verified in print by QAQC.
Saving the profile and setting default
(1) Specifies the default status("Markup") and color. All markups start this way and custom palettes should NOT set colors unless they work with your statuses! (2) Specifies the default statuses to use (3) Saves it to the current active profile. You can setup multiple statuses to carry in each Bluebeam profile. Profiles are managed VIA Revue Menu> Profiles>Manage profiles. "Limited" profiles can be created with "Markup", "Change saved", and "Change Questions" and as few as3 toolbar items for a very clean and basic interface. Save-as on the profile and edit-down what you don't want for your more basic profile versions!
Limited profiles - Just the basics!
This is all you really need.
This is the most basic limited profiles I can come up with that has everything you need to markup drawings. There is a cloud tool with comments, a annotate and point tool, and a grab tool for image grabbing and pasting. Each new markup comes in as a markup, then changes can be saved o questions asked. This profile was created form the more complex profile above and uses the same naming and colors for consistency. The markups list comes in with preset filtering so in as few as 5-6 steps teams or clients new to bluebeam can be up and running with minimal distractions.
A note on color markups and color blindness
Filtered markups are massively greyed out and scaled back visually allowing the markups that pass the filter to stand out in darker colors, so the red/green primary issue becomes moot with the preset filters in place!
Dashboards can be created using the color statuses or the statuses themselves By comparing the number of Red VS Yellow VS Green markups - it is very easy to (1) export to (2)CSV and get a % complete either VIA Power BI or excel in a quick couple of pivot tables!