4. Blue Van Woman
Carrie Bower - Visible Later Lives
Domestic abuse in later life education, through training and consultancy services.
Now I’m a lists sort of person.? I’ve had an ongoing shopping list all my adult life.? You know the idea – finish one, take one out of the cupboard and then write it on the list.? Then I walk carefully round the supermarket and gather what is necessary (pretending not to impulse buy anything) and cross it off the list.?
So a list of what I might need in the van was right up my street.? However, when I got to the big ‘everything you could possibly need for any sort of camping’ store I saw things that I had never even thought of!? I got the very functional gas bottle and a hook up lead (I always think that sounds risqué – but actually its just an electric cable to go from the campsite electric supply to my van).?
I bought a variety of torches – battery operated and rechargeable and a wonderful array of mugs and matching cutlery.? I bought saucepans with handles that come off and cooking implements.? I got a plug in cool box – I did have a sharp intake of breath at the price of that – but I tried to remember that it will be warm outside one day and I will be very glad of it. I topped all this up with stuff I found at home and a bit of a binge on a well known on line store!?
I don’t usually spend money like this – I found myself in a bit of a ‘devil may care mode’ and thought that if I was going to do this I would do it well.?
And of course, friends wanted to see my van.? I say ‘friends’ with a certain amount of pride.? Pride because they are part of my new life and I’ve worked hard to find them and chat to them.?
So I took the van to the gym (I normally walk) and demonstrated all its features.? Its my latest chat up line ‘would you like to see my van?’? (Its called living in hope).
Of course they loved it and said they were jealous.? And they held their collective breath as I ventured off on my first weekend away.
This, of course, required numerous lists.?
What to take, what stays in the van, what goes in the cool box.? You will be thrilled to know that these have been refined and are now in a folder.
I booked the campsite, filled up with petrol and set off.? Destination – Spurn Point.?
To hear more from Blue Van Woman visit Let's Get Visible Series 2 Episode 1
Writer. Educator. Thinker. Queer. Artist. Rude.
11 个月i officially LOVE this - another wild woman!