Blue Moon Full in Taurus - Samhain
Davina MacKail
Helping you achieve exceptional results through ancient Wisdom that Works. Co-founder; HayHouse Author; Feng Shui Maestra, Mentor; Gene Key Coach & Guide; Shamanic Training, Retreats and Pilgrimages
October blue moon in Taurus casting its earthy aura over the rituals honouring our bloodlines. Ancestors under our feet and in the heavens above. By any astrological markers it’s a biggy! Taurus enjoys grounding in beauty and earthly delights, but this moon is allowing little space for such soul solace. With Sun in Scorpio, Mars and Mercury in the endgame of their retro period squaring up to Saturn in Capricorn we can find ourselves emotionally raw, tetchy, and rebellious, yet stuck in the mud of astrological standstill. The wheels are spinning furiously but there’s no traction to propel us forward – yet! By mid to late November the game changes. Best advice for now, let go, surrender, focus on the long-term transformations not the short-term gains. Our ancestors used ceremony and ritual to connect them with the sacred in life, to honour the relationship with all that is. Let us follow in their wise, loving footsteps.
Create an altar or light a candle in remembrance of your loved ones passed, your ancestors and bloodlines. Without a deep honouring of death, we do not allow the deep honouring of life. Their essence, our essence, is eternal. We are not separate, we did not arrive here on our own, we stand on the shoulders of many. They dreamed us into being, they foresaw these times and they are watching and praying for us too right now. Praying we listen to our hearts, praying we find the courage to awaken, to find the light in the dark, praying we re-member who we are and what we came here for. Open your ears, your eyes, your hearts the Ancestors are speaking, it is time to listen.