Elizabeth Bardin
Earth school - Earth travel adventures, Online Creativity programs, Mayan & Astrology Updates, Online Plant programs, personal guidance sessions,
31 OCTOBER 2020 (2.49 am GMT)
In the sign of TAURUS (earth element)
This is a very well aspected Blue Full Moon. Dream big and ask. Even things you would never have dreamt of to ask, or thought you could possibly do. The veils are very thin and the Spirit world is so close and willing to help you.
We are living in a very different time. It is becoming so much easier to manifest. Perhaps you have already noticed this. And you need not know how it will show up. Just stay open to receive. And stay out of the fear and the control of trying to work it all out in your head.
We are in a Scorpio Sun and this is a time of death and rebirth. As the light of the Full moon falls on our planet, truths are being revealed. Stay in the question. Things may not be the way they appear, or the way you thought they were. And pay attention to your dreams! There may be many messages coming through that can help you to see what is really going on and to have complete clarity.
This is also a time to join forces with like-minded persons. Don’t waste your time by allowing old habits to stop you from creating healthy new boundaries and connections. Use discernment and choose for you. There could even be a radical release or shift in your life of something that has been stuck for a very long time.
The planet Uranus has a big influence on the Full Moon in Taurus and asks you to look at how you use material resources. Are you still in some way exploiting the Earth? What choices are you making that are - in fact - supporting the raping of the Earth? As a humanity, have we truly learnt the cost of “cheap” labour, buying “cheap” commodities, “cheap” farming practices that so costs the Earth because we never bother to ask questions and it suits us? Are you as a consumer still perpetuating a system that is egotistical, greedy and wholly unsustainable? What different choices are you willing to make?
Love and grace comes pouring in during this Full Moon in ways that we can hardly fathom. Lets consciously choose to usher in the new!
And take time to rest. To retreat into your own wholesomeness. We are gearing up for a phenomenal event on solstice December 2020. A game changer for our planet. Time to focus and prepare for that!
Some helpful questions to ask during this period:
1. How can I love myself more - to become aware of how I am still allowing the old world to use or control me?
2. What can I be and do different today to totally out-create the limitations of this old reality?
3. What new dreams can I NOW have for myself and my life?
4. What contribution can I with others be to our planet and our beautiful Earth to create changes that embrace a complete rebirth and infinite hope?
With Blue Moon love and grace!
(Photo: the magnificent Merlins Cave, Tintagel, Cornwall, UK)