Blue Economy: An ocean of opportunities
Dear Readers,
By the time you receive my note next week, all of us will have a fair idea about whether the government has delivered a populous, pessimistic or balanced Budget. The halwa has been made and what we need is sweetness in the economy. While the Budget papers have already gone for print, what I want to see in the finance minister's red?bahi khata?is a focus on Blue Economy along with Green Economy. Allow me to explain.
A few years back, Cabinet Minister Nitin Gadkari announced a plan to launch a water bus, which was supposed to be driven on the water as well as road. To counter the heavy traffic and pollution in the island city it would have been an innovative mode of transport. But unfortunately, the bus never took off unlike many of Gadkari’s other projects. After a few years when I asked somebody from the ministry about this project, he said, the question is who will regulate it? Road ministry or water ministry? So it's stuck.
Given the fact that Mumbai borders the Arabian Sea, water transport can be a cheaper option. But except for small services it was never considered as an alternative mode of transport. While sea travel is quite local and common in many other countries, India did not explore waterways significantly. A thrust on using the sea as a transport mode could aid the growth of the Blue Economy, which is an economy based on the ocean and surrounding surface.
The modern or developed world believed in the red economy based on fossil fuels, which is part of our life today. But with climate change concerns rising, the Green Economy became a natural choice. But we need to sharpen our focus on the Blue Economy, which was actually the origin of connecting geographies, from war to commerce and medication to agriculture.
Worship of Water
The younger generation may be thrilled about marine life after watching the recent James Cameron movie Avatar: The Way of Water but they need not explore a fictional faraway planet in a film for it. Ocean, or water, has been an inherent part of humanity and the tales from various civilisations have spelt out its importance. Tales about Poseidon (Greek god of the sea), Anuket, (Egyptian god of the sea) Fontus, (Roman god of water), Father Thames (god of Thames,?in the UK) and various chapters of Indian mythology speak about the importance of water. Rivers like Ganga are worshipped, and Brahmaputra is known to have taken birth from Lord Brahma.
The fact is currently 40 per cent of people in the world live near coastal areas and 72 per cent of the surface of the world is covered by oceans. The Blue Economy should get more focus in nations with a sea coast.
Structure of Blue Economy
The UN came up with the term Blue Economy in 2012. It underlined sustainable management, based on the argument that marine ecosystems are more productive when they are healthy. The term involves exploitation and conservation of the maritime environment and is used as a tool for a “sustainable ocean-based economy”.
Blue Economy, according to the UN, can cover a range of economic activities related to oceans and sea and coastal areas such as fishing, ocean health and wildlife, which can further strengthen and develop global cooperation across borders and sectors.
Blue Economy needs less capital compared to others because there is no need for massive infrastructure. The specific businesses include fisheries and aquaculture, seaports and shipping, tourism, maritime, renewable ocean energy, marine biotechnology and much more. Of course, more research is needed on seabed minerals and oceans.
Indian Ocean and Business
On the coast filled with red sand at Kanyakumari, the last point of India from the southern side begins the Indian Ocean. It’s the junction of the Arabian Sea, the Bay of Bengal and the Indian Ocean that showcases a breathtaking panorama of the wide expanse of water.
According to the Science and Earth Ministry, India has a coastline of nearly 7,500 kilometres. Nine of its 29 states have coasts and the nation’s geography includes 1,382 islands. There are nearly 199 ports, including 12 major ones which handle approximately 1,400 million tonne of cargo each year. Moreover, India’s Exclusive Economic Zone of over two million square km has a bounty of living and non-living resources with significant recoverable resources such as crude oil and natural gas. Also, the coastal economy sustains over 4 million fisher folk and coastal communities. With these vast maritime interests, Blue Economy occupies a vital potential position in India’s economic growth. It could well be the next multiplier of GDP and well-being, provided sustainability and socio-economic welfare are kept centre-stage.
Union Budget should focus on Blue Economy
My strong belief is that the government, which is targeting net-zero emissions, will announce certain measures related to climate change for Green Economy. Also, the industry associations and federations have offered many suggestions related to it but I feel the government should take forward the national policy on the Blue Economy, a draft of which has already been released by the Ministry of Earth and Science.
The government’s Vision of New India by 2030 enunciated in February 2019 highlighted Blue Economy as one of the ten core dimensions of economic growth. Blue Economy was mentioned as the sixth dimension of this Vision stressing the need for a coherent policy. This policy framework has been built upon several ideas incorporated in that policy paper. Blue economy: An ocean of opportunities.
The policy document mentions that world over different national and global initiatives are being undertaken to harness the Blue Economy. Countries like Australia, Brazil, the UK, the US, Russia and Norway have developed dedicated national ocean policies with measurable outcomes and budgetary provisions. Countries like Canada and Australia have enacted legislation and established hierarchal institutions at federal and state levels to ensure progress and monitoring of their Blue Economy targets.
Currently, India and Norway are also exploring collaborations over Blue Economy. Norway is one of the leading countries which have implemented a strategy for a Blue Economy. Like Norway, even Denmark has announced the “Towards Zero” strategy. It aims to make shipping climate neutral by 2050.
India currently needs a crucial framework towards unlocking the country's potential for economic growth and welfare.
In her Republic Day eve speech, President Draupadi Murmu also highlighted the need for climate change agenda. The government should not exclude Blue Economy from its climate change fight. To begin with, we should take bold decisions to stop dumping tonnes of garbage into the seas and the ocean. An immeasurable size of oceans' wealth has already been destroyed globally. China, in fact, is venturing into other countries' sea territories to fill its hunger for seafood.
Well, this week we?interviewed Thomas Jensen, CEO of Copenhagen FinTech Association?for FinTech Diary. He said the funding winter in FinTechs and consolidation is real.
Also, in our Budget 2023 live series, we unwrapped the expectations from bankers.?Click here to watch the full series on Budget expectations.?Apart from this, I am adding here the top five stories of the week that you shouldn't miss. If you have any thoughts or feedback, please feel free to share them with me at?[email protected].
Happy Reading
Amol Dethe