The Blue Boompoler
Albert Balbastre Morte
Backend Software Developer +5 years | currently improving my understanding of devops practices
Welp, I said about writing every month or so, and I'm a little late. Anyhoo, hello to you all again. Let me resume where I left off.
I chose to move to Cardiff. It's a great place. It has things, and people. Yes, those, both, so it's OK -- You can find info about Cardiff elsewhere online, so I won't dwell into this aspect.
Cardiff in a pic.
Because this is hardly the place for this. This should be the place where I speak about media, cinema, TV, broadcast, gaming, sound and other things related to my professional ambitions. However, I feel I have to speak a bit more about plain me, so I'll get over with that in this post so I can move to the important stuff on the following ones.
And when I say speaking about me, I mean telling you about my biggest secret, in the privacy of the Internet. And that secret is: one of my favourite colours is blue. I know I know, that's nothing that differentiates me from 2 billion other people. The thing is that I've wanted to dye my hair blue for a while. Yup. Like Superman, which is my favourite superhero. Because he's bold. And absolute. And determined. And resilient. And he looks good with blue hair.
I photoshopped a side to side comparison of how I normally look like vs. how I'd look with the new hair colour.
As you can see, blue hair works much better.
The reason I haven't dyed my hair so far is because of the job market. Even if I've been mainly a freelancer, the hypothetical possibility of not being able to sustain myself solely on freelancing prevented me from going crazy, and kept my natural colour in order to be eligible for a side job, such as waiting, being a receptionist, that sort of thing.
And that impending possibility of needing a side job is still around, although decreasing every day, being chipped bit by bit, with determined resiliency (or resilient determination, if you wish). Freelancing is hard to take off to a point of feeling absolutely and unequivocally sure you'll never have to look for a backup plan. And getting a regular job in a competitive market takes a while. So I either up my freelance game, which I'm always slowly but steadily doing, or I get a more regular job in media or broadcast, which is something I'm also looking for.
I also give these silly things a strong symbolic meaning, like a badge of honour or a giant S in my chest. Something I have to earn. I have to *earn* blue hair, dammit.
Too long didn't read version: I will dye my hair blue the moment I can call media-slash-broadcast my one and only job. That way I won't have to talk about myself any longer, and you'll know if I'm still working on it or if I finally made it, absolutely and unequivocally made it. Made it but still working on it resiliently, as always.