Bloom where you're planted: The Law of Abundance.

Bloom where you're planted: The Law of Abundance.

In this photo, I stand next to a special plant called Wachuma.

It has been revered in the Andes for over 3,000 years, maybe even longer. It has visionary qualities when ingested in the ceremonial space; it opens the heart and cleanses the soul.

It blooms only once a year with beautiful white flowers that smell like jasmine.

I have several Wachuma cacti living on my front patio, and yesterday, they all bloomed.

It ignited a contemplation in me on the magic of blooming.

Sometimes, we go through chapters in life where it seems as if nothing is happening. We do our inner work; we practice our spiritual and mental disciplines.

We learn how to cultivate patience, hold the vision, and be grateful for our life exactly as it is.

Then, a day comes when our life blooms. All the seeds we've planted over time turn into a rich harvest. Our life becomes a blooming garden; more and more of our talents and gifts unfold. New ways of being of service to Life open up to us. Invitations arrive, allies show up, and our work becomes increasingly in demand.

What is happening is a Law of Nature in action.

When we bloom on the inside, we bloom on the outside. When our hearts open and learn to stay open to Life, available, willing, and trusting, we unlock the true essence of abundance. We begin to live as instruments of Spirit, intuitively guided moment by moment, cultivating the spirit of gratitude and celebration.

A new kind of magnetism and radiance begin to emanate from our bio-field.

A human being living fully connected and supported by the Web of Life.

A human being cultivating a balanced relationship between receptivity and dynamic action.

Knowing when to act and when to surrender.

Living in knowing that all of our needs will always be met and Life will continue to invite us to EXPAND.

In new ways, in creative ways, and in the ways of unconditional love.

Any of us can access the Spiritual Rainmaker Archetype. The key is alignment.

The key is to ask, "Do I REALLY do what I deeply LOVE in life? And do I do it with all of my HEART? Do I bring all my devotion, delight, and a willing attitude to creating my life as an art form?"

Do I believe it is possible for my life to bloom? Even more than it is already doing so?

Do I feel RICH inside? Do I have a wealthy spirit? Do I know how to receive as generously as I know how to give? Do I trust that my potential is limitless and I will continue to unfold it for the rest of my life? Do I live with the knowledge that my creativity is a true gold and will always be in demand? Do I appreciate and cherish everything I've already created in my life? Do I feel enough as I am?

Am I ready to welcome a blooming season in my life? Am I willing to open to the bounty of life?

Am I ready to come into a joyful relationship with money? Not clinging to it and not fearing to let it go...knowing that money loves to circulate and flow. If it does not flow, it stagnates.

Spiritual Rainmaker knows that the rain always comes. And when it rains, it often pours.

Spiritual Rainmaker practices grounding and relaxation daily.

Attunement to the environment to recognize the signs and omens, opportunities, and hidden blessings.

And more than anything, Spiritual Rainmaker has learned the magic of joy.

With joy, anything is possible.

With joy, our soul is nourished.

With joy, we are unstoppable.

When we live, give, and create guided by what brings us the deepest joy, people gather around us, join our movements, and want to be around us.

Joy is so wildly magnetic. It is irresistible.

It is the key to living in flow. To be in the zone. To dance with existence. To become a magnet for all abundance.

Remember that JOY is your natural state when you are in alignment, grounded, and connected to the Web of Life.

- Katerina Satori

this is a chapter from one of my Abundance Codes courses, called Spiritual Rainmaker; if you'd like access to it, here is the link:


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