Bloody Procrastination - The Art of Faffing

Bloody Procrastination - The Art of Faffing

I am a classic faffer and have to really keep my focus to complete tasks. I will often start two or three small tasks at the same time and not really make progress with any. This is a diversion away from starting the critical thing I need to complete.

A little bit like writing this news letter, I am late because I lacked the metal focus to just put my head down and get it done.

How I best manage this is actually get as much as I can of my social and exercise activities complete in the morning. It helps I am an early riser so I can get most tasks complete before 10am. An example would be this morning.

  • Feed cat
  • 5k run
  • Take my wife coffee in bed
  • Play squash with friend
  • Paint sealant on my garage floor, 2 coats
  • Clean hot tub

This all actually took me to 11am by the time I was cleaned up and ready for the rest of my day, but my point being I put aside a chunk of my day for these tasks. Then I know I have 3 hours to effort my online business.

I can then completely focus on income generating activities with minimal distractions.

Another tip is celebrate complete tasks, generate a list and take great pride in crossing them off as it will make you want to complete more.

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Eat at the right times and keep hydrated as it will maintain energy levels, saying that there is nothing wrong with a cheeky afternoon power nap to re charge .

I love these and can nap for 10 minutes to 2 hours, waking up feeling a new person.

Find your routine and schedule chunks of time to complete different tasks.

It will re organise your life.


